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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. aussiestig

    Favourite Subforum?

    I'd browse the graveyard more often, but every time I go there, I always want to reply to the stupid people, and I can't, so I get sad :(
  2. aussiestig

    is there anybody?

    Don't be too terrified. It's like expensive lego. You can't put something in the wrong place. Just skip through these video's whenever you get a chance, and you'll get an idea on how to build a PC, then refer back to the video's the day you build. Don't forget to read the motherboard manual if you get stuck, it'll help.
  3. aussiestig

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    Because there's nothing stopping me. Shooting someone doesn't have any negative affects towards me. I kill them and get free loot, nothing bad happens on my end for shooting them.
  4. aussiestig

    We need a completely different loot system

    Rocket addressed this awhile ago in one of the video's. Loot will be randomized by the database. There won't be "residential" loot piles, or "farm" loot piles, or "hunting" loot piles, it will be all random. I think there will some kind of restrictions to that though, just so you don't find an AS50 underneath a table, or a car tyre in a sink.
  5. aussiestig

    Day Z SA Mods?

    There won't be any initially, but from what I remember, later down the road, they will start to integrate modding later down the road so that the game can continue on even when Rocket has finished with this version.
  6. aussiestig

    Programms for boosting FPS in Dayz

    There isn't such a thing as a program that can boost performance, just a few programs that allow you to shut down things you don't need while playing games. Be very careful with what you download. There are programs out there that claim to boost DayZ performance, but they just steal your key.
  7. aussiestig

    What Graphics Card To Get?

    I wish some people would do just a little bit of research before they opened their mouths.
  8. When was the last time a game was released as an Alpha and people didn't cry themselves to sleep about how terrible the problems were? Just waiting a few more months will be a lot better than releasing a buggy broken game.
  9. aussiestig

    Makes so much sense...

    I'm fine with that. I can't deal with a show that's hinging off another's success and isn't even doing it right. Almost nothing that happens in his videos actually happens in DayZ.
  10. aussiestig

    Makes so much sense...

    Am I the only one that finds these "Super fun adventures" to be cringe-worthy? I can't stand them.
  11. It's the bare minimum. I'd suggest maybe a CPU upgrade to an i3 of some sort, maybe even a low range i5. You'll guarantee decent frames with that.
  12. Oh yeah, that's a coincidence, because my mate (Barack Obama from the United States of America) got me into DayZ actually.
  13. aussiestig


    I pretty much don't play DayZ anymore, I'm waiting for the standalone. Feel free to give gear to the next person who comments if they want it.
  14. aussiestig


    Are you referring Zoidberg?
  15. aussiestig

    Banned FOR getting teleported.

    This wouldn't happen to be you would it? No of course not. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJtYlTuVAs4 Wow, and I just realised this sad guy also created a thread yesterday claiming that "He's never hacked". Maybe you should delete the youtube video's of you hacking in them next time.
  16. aussiestig

    Is Alienware worth it?

    Is there such a thing as an Alienware computer for $500? I just had a look at the Alienware site. The lowest of all desktops they have, the X51 goes for $700. I re-created the X51 on newegg.com and built the exact same PC, including case and operating system, for $480. That's a saving of $220, which you could use to get a nice screen, and a few games if you wanted. Not to mention, the more you spend with Alienware, the more they are ripping you off. I wouldn't recommend that however, because it's a pretty crap computer. Very slow GPU, and average CPU Check out this site: http://www.logicalincrements.com/ It does it all for you. Make sure you've got your country selected up the top, then pick the amount you want to spend, and tada you have a computer to purchase and build yourself.
  17. aussiestig

    Banned FOR getting teleported.

    Contact the people who run the server you were playing on. If they can confirm that this "Painless" guy was hacking, they might unban you. Other than that, there isn't much you can do. Server admins will ban at even a sniff of hacking evidence, this kind of thing can happen unfortunately.
  18. aussiestig

    DayZ Standalone - crosshair

    Anyone else notice the new font? It look a bit shit to be honest :P Lets hope that's a place holder as well.
  19. aussiestig


    Grenade, bullets, guns, hatchets all won't be let through, I can guarantee that, even if they are all fake. Customs are a joke.
  20. aussiestig

    Yet another 'Is this pc good' topic

    Sounds like a sweet PC, enjoy it!
  21. aussiestig

    Stupid brother...

    I must be the only little brother in the world that didn't install hacks on his big brothers computer.
  22. I bet 99% of the people who kill in DayZ wouldn't have the balls to murder an innocent person in real life. Soldiers in real life often find it hard to kill people. I don't think most people would be able to kill someone without an extreme reason, without going through severe PTSD and probably going completely insane. The fact is, you would not see mindless killing in real life from people, there would be killing, but it would mostly be justified. Such as family being raped, mass amounts of supplies being stolen, friends/family being kidnapped etc. You would most certainly not see someone sitting on a roof, munching on his beans, mindlessly killing everyone he see's. Maybe you should see a doctor, OP.
  23. aussiestig

    DayZ/ArmA Physics

    It was somewhat addressed in Arma 3 as far as I'm aware, but whether it's still in DayZ, I guess we'll find out soon enough. It's not really a game breaker for me. It just means you need to be slightly more careful around ledges and stairs.
  24. The reason it's possible is because it's allowed. The game is made to have on the fly scripting. 'scripting' in Arma 3 would have been possible from the second the game was released. DayZ is not like this though. Correction, DayZ SA is not like this.