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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. aussiestig


    It doesn't really matter that much mate. Currency does not mean shit when it comes to technology in Australia. In most cases we pay 50% to 100% more what Americans pay for their tech. But when it comes to PC gear, we almost pay the same. A $500 american PC would cost us about $520-$550. Nothing to bother calculating currencies over.
  2. aussiestig


    I had a friend that built a budget PC recently, and what he did was actually pretty smart. He went with an i5 3570k, a very decent CPU, and a amd 7770, a pretty low down budget card for $100. He's been saving up now for a few months, and is just about ready to buy either a 7970 or a 670. He purchased the original PC with all the parts for $650 I think. So yeah. My advice would be to get a nice CPU, and a very average GPU and save up for a few months so you have a really nice PC.
  3. aussiestig

    Tell Me The Dream Rig.

    I'd personally never afford that, and rationally likely never be able to bring myself to press "purchase", but if I could.... Sounds to me like your friends are either lying, or they don't know what they are doing. SLI is as easy as plugging the second card in.
  4. aussiestig

    Tell Me The Dream Rig.

    Absolutely best rig I could possibly want? That's a lot of money, but okay, you asked. i7 3970k - $1029.99 ASUS Rampage Z79 Mobo - $369.99 2x EVGA GTX Titan 6gb - $999.99 each Noctua NH-D14 CPU Cooler - $89.99 Corsair 1200w PSU - $279.99 16GB 2133mhz Corsair Dominator Memory - $249.99 2TB Western Digital Caviar Black - $159.99 2x 512gb OCZ SSD - $549.99 each Corsair 900D Case - $359.99 Total: $5640 Monitors if you need them: 2x Benq XL2420t - $389.99 each Total: $6420 I'll attempt my reasoning behind each part. CPU: Best of the best of the best. There is nothing that comes close to the 3970k, if you want the best, this is it. There isn't a 'huge' improvement over the 3770k when it comes to gaming, but in terms of editing, it absolutely destroys everything. Mobo: Supports everything, including your ram speed, cooler, cpu, and gpu's. It's top of the line, a very good quality mobo with everything you'll ever need. GPU: The fastest single GPU in the world, 2 of them are unstoppable. Cooler: This is probably in the top 3 best CPU coolers out there, it's better than most liquid coolers it's that good. PSU: You're going to need a good PSU with all of these top of the line parts. Corsair makes great PSU's. Memory: High speed, low latency. Very good ram. HDD: The Black series HDD by WD are their high performance range. You won't find many faster HDD's than this for such a decent price. SSD: OCZ used to have a few reliability problems back when SSD's were new tech, but they have that ironed out now, and they sell some of the fastest SSD's on the market. Case: Personal favourite. It's a very large case. You could pick another if you so desire. Monitor: Still the best gaming monitor out there. Used by almost all pro CS players because it has such a quick response time. If you plan on editing and such, 2 is recommended. Although, you could go with one of these monitors, and another cheaper one if you felt like it Just a quick personal preference. I'd go with 2x2TB HDD, and only 1 SSD. The reasoning behind that, is that 1tb of SSD is a lot, I cannot think how many games you'd need to take all of that up. There's quite a high chance you've just looked at this and gone "well, I actually don't have that much money, whoops". Which is okay, because everything there is top of the line, it's not exactly needed. If you decide this is too much, this is not enough, or you would like to tweak something and you want to make sure it works, just send me a PM, or reply on here again. *All parts are from an American site, if you live elsewhere, I can help you find the right stores.
  5. aussiestig


    I think he's trying to advertise his website as some kind of DayZ social network, not a dayz facebook page :P
  6. aussiestig

    Best Dayz PC £100-£250

    Why does it need to be significantly better? Budget PC's are all about eeking out the performance in every single part you purchase, and stretching your wallet as far as it can go. For one the ram is crap. In this day and age, you don't build a PC with ram slower than 1600mhz. It's so cheap, there's no point not doing it. If you spend about $4 more, you can upgrade from that Intel i3 3220 to an AMD FX-6300, easily the best budget CPU on the market. Highest overclockable CPU out there, and it's 6 cores.
  7. aussiestig

    Best Dayz PC £100-£250

    http://www.logicalincrements.com/ Just a quick guess for each of the pc's listed on the site. Modest - 30fps low settings Fair - 30-35 medium settings Good - 35-40 fps medium Very good - 40-45fps medium Great - 40-45fps high Excellent - 40-50 high/ultra That's just a rough guess. Others things to consider are that there are people with i7's, and 680's that get 20-30fps for no apparent reason in DayZ, and others with really low tier computers that get great FPS. You'll get good frames on some servers, and bad on others. It's just about finding the right balance.
  8. aussiestig

    Hitmarkers, yay or nay?

    Nope. You shouldn't be told when you hit someone, it's a stupid feature in my opinion.
  9. aussiestig

    DayZ Memes

    Meme's are allowed, there is just already a topic for them: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/850-dayz-memes/ I'm not quite sure I understand this one at all, but post it there anyway.
  10. aussiestig

    Will the standalone have more gore?

    After recently getting into The Walking Dead, I'd like to see a bit more gore. It doesn't have to be extreme, but I'd like to see some zombies walking around with missing arms and legs, and a bit more blood come out when you hit them with melee weapons.
  11. aussiestig

    Is using teamspeak 'cheating'?

    I don't even know why I bothered with you actually. You won't listen anyway. I look forward to the day where you start hosting a group that requires a 200 player skype call :), after all, it is such a useful program, surely it will work?
  12. aussiestig

    Is using teamspeak 'cheating'?

    Either you've only used Teamspeak for 10 minutes, or you're just extremely insistent on using skype. I used be like you, where it was Skype or nothing, but I opened my eyes and realised that Teamspeak is some much more practical and useful for gaming.
  13. Teamspeak is never ever going to be banned from any game, including DayZ. To be honest, I don't know why this thread exists, I feel like OP is just searching for someone to argue with.
  14. Back in the days where enfields were the greatest thing ever and you never wanted to lose it, and going north seemed like it took days to do. I miss it.
  15. aussiestig

    Is using teamspeak 'cheating'?

    99% of the time, TS servers are up, and when they are up, they are perfect, and don't start to lag when you have more than 4 people in the call like skype. Are you serious? There's no sense of privacy? How about the fact that anyone can sneak into your skype call and you'll have no idea about it at all, as long as someone invited them. When someone joins your channel some man with a sexy voice yells "USER JOINED YOUR CHANNEL". You cannot miss it. Not to mention the fact that you can just sit in a teamspeak any time you want without having to start a call. So if your friends want to talk, all they have to do is join your channel. In skype, someone has to call someone though, and that other person often isn't there, or often doesn't want to talk to you. Teamspeak is a vital program for any team, or group. Skype is useless for groups. The fact that no group ever uses skype over teamspeak shows that* *when i say group, i don't mean a small squad.
  16. aussiestig

    Is using teamspeak 'cheating'?

    It may be 'fine', but it still isn't as good as Teamspeak 3. Even more so when the voice codec is at 10 on TS3 Where is it? There is a 'push to mute' which is utterly useless, but I've never been able to find a 'push to talk'. If you've ever played with more than about 8 players in one chat, it starts to get hectic, and everyone is trying to get a word in. Some people split groups up if they are in different areas. Some people, like my group, or Balota Buddies say, have a heap of small groups of people talking to each other because they are playing different games, or they are different groups. It allows everyone to be in touch without everyone having to start up a skype call every time they want a quick word with another. Teamspeak is for teams, not a group of 2 or 3 players, which is obviously what you're referring to.
  17. That logic is totally flawless. I can imagine the hackers just giving up as soon as they see an apache, and leaving the server because they are afraid they'll be killed. Oh wait...
  18. aussiestig

    Is using teamspeak 'cheating'?

    Are you kidding me? Skype is useless if you're talking with more than 3 people. Not only is skype hosted off someone's computer and internet, instead of a dedicated server, the voice quality is crap. There is also no push to talk, no cool addons like ACRE, and worst of all, you're effectively all in the same channel. In TS, you can have hundreds of channels going all with different people in different places, and it only takes a double click to switch to their channel. Skype is the kind of program I'd use to talk to my grandma once a month, anything else is for TS3.
  19. Because that hardware is old, and you could build that machine for under $1600 considering how cheap 580's are now
  20. The longer we wait, more content will be added, and the game will be better. I'm fine with it not coming out for another year if it does mean we get a much better game. Right now there are huge fundamental flaws, such as the fact that the game is about killing other players, not surviving from zombies and working with other survivors. That is something that not a single one of these mods has fixed. DayZ mod is completely broken, and it will take a whole new game to fix that, not another rehash mod that claims to do it all differently.
  21. aussiestig

    Dayz SA to be a failure

    This. I mean, most game companies are out giving day 1 DLC for $30 to add something into the game that should have been there before, and BIS is selling Arma 3 for half price on day 1, and you get to play alpha and beta while you wait for the full thing to arrive.
  22. aussiestig

    All alone yet I here gunshots

    The singleplayer version of DayZ has NPC's that like to shoot at zombies, and you
  23. inb4 b& There's a time and a place for porn. This isn't it.
  24. aussiestig

    DayZ Birth

    I've seen so many of these features in previous mods. You need to bring something totally new and awesome to the table instead of a few ported weapons, a few new buildings and a few ported vehicles. I mean, if that's what you're going for, then go for it, but I can't see it being a hit to be honest. I've had a lot of fun recently with DayZ Breaking Point because of the new sounds, the hundreds of new weapons (and I mean totally new, not just ported from Arma 2), the day-night cycle, the fog at night, a shiteload of new clothing, the smk animations, and there is a lot more coming like ACRE integration and some other zombies. The sounds complied with the new weapons really do bring new life into DayZ for me and my friends.