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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. aussiestig

    Trading mountain dew

    You'll be lucky to get anything more than a few other cans of soda. I've got 3 left currently, after I drank 2. They are worthless. They do nothing, and there is no point in having them.
  2. aussiestig


    Congratulations. I'd like to see your murder count though. I bet it's above 3, you just count them as "self defense"
  3. aussiestig


    Your loadout is pretty much standard among bandits these days. Not to much to be proud of really.
  4. aussiestig

    New Dayz Developer

    I've played 2 out of the 4 AC games. The reason I haven't played the other 2 is that the 2 I played weren't that great at all, so don't jump on my case about 'saying things i know nothing about'.
  5. aussiestig

    New Dayz Developer

    Every one of you U.B.C.S boys seem to share their opinion on everything. Don't act like you don't.
  6. aussiestig

    New Dayz Developer

    But opinions do matter. We're here to test a game because we want it to turn out good, not because we want it to sell really well. Playing anything other than Street Sweeper Simulator is just a waste of time to be honest.
  7. aussiestig

    Done with this shit

    You died 3 times because of hackers? Try losing 3 helicopters in 3 days because of hackers and a glitch.
  8. aussiestig

    New Dayz Developer

    Yes they are, but about a year ago they made the decision to become a 'racing game developer' because all of their other games were terrible and lost CM money. To be fair, even their racing games are shit now.
  9. aussiestig

    New Dayz Developer

    Mediocre at best.
  10. aussiestig

    New Dayz Developer

    Which happen to be the shit ones. Off the top of my head, not one of them has produced a good game in the past 5 years.
  11. aussiestig

    New Dayz Developer

    You picked pretty much every shit developer out there. Good job, son.
  12. aussiestig

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    Right now I'm even more decked out than OP, and guess how many zombie kills I have? 1. That's right, 1. Did I hack any of it, or take any of it from a hacker? The hell I didn't. It's called having a group of friends and a vehicle to put weapons on. Say all you want about us 'cheating' or 'exploiting' but it's all gear that we FOUND and collected ourselves, and decided to put it in a truck so we can get it when we die. And no, no duping was used to get our gear. I refuse to let my team mates dupe gear, even if it's pitch black and I need NVG's, I go without.
  13. aussiestig

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    I'm glad to see you guys didn't go all "These guys a fuckin' noobs and shit and they're the fuckin' worst clan ever" about what happened. This is the type of clan war that makes this game properly awesome.
  14. aussiestig

    Graphics card

    Unless you're running dedicated graphics (Intel HD 3000 or something like that) then it's most likely your processor holding you back. ArmA 2 is very CPU demanding, and unlike most modern games, you're GPU doesn't make too much difference. Look into getting a new generation Intel CPU if your mobo isn't really old.
  15. aussiestig

    Trade: Dragunov SVD (Camo)

    Anyone who trades .50 cals for this gun is foolish. I've got one stashed away and I never use it because it's pretty much a DMR with Camo. It looks good with my ghillie suit, but that's it. It's also much less powerful and damaging as the .50's
  16. In 2 days I had 1 hacker kill us all in the chopper and destroy it, and lost another one when I server went down. I'm over heli copters, I spent so much time fixing it only to have a hacker fuck it up. They aren't they great really.
  17. I heard you need to fix the last window once more even if it is already green!
  18. Frustrating hey? Try actually getting it fixed then having a hacker kill everyone in the server because he saw our helicopter, and destroying the helicopter with less than 30 minutes of flight time on it. What a fucking joke this is.
  19. aussiestig

    US 631 - BroBro

    Server - US 631 Time - 6:05pm GMT+10 So we were flying around in our brand new fixed helicopter. After a friend jumped out and died, we picked him up, and headed north. I was coming in to land the heli when I suddenly pass out and die almost instantly. At first I thought that I came in too hot, but all my friends died at the exact same time, and the helicopter didn't blow up. There were also 3 others on the server that were not with us. Lordschnaps (I think), Jacob and BroBro. Lordschnaps and Jacob both died, but BroBro did not and he disconnected instantly. We lost 4 ghillie's, 4 NVG's, an AS50, an Mk 48, range finders, coyote backpacks, the lot. Not to mention our helicopter that we spent hours and hours on is most likely gone. BroBro, you're a joke. TL;DR - Flying in a helicopter, everyone on server is insta killed except BroBro who instantly disconnects
  20. aussiestig

    Whats this thunderdome crap

    It's an area about 100x200m closed off in the north west airfield, There are medical tents everywhere, sandbags everywhere, and at each corner of the dome, there is a weapon crate with every weapon in the game to chose from along with all the ammo. Kill everyone and you win apparently. I heard they open it up for the winner and you can take whatever you like.
  21. aussiestig

    Best sniping spot in Cherno?

    You need to weigh up risk vs how much of cherno you can see. On top of those tall buildings you can see everything, but everyone looks there. I personally don't mind the hills on the north western side of cherno.
  22. Are you one of those guys that gets hugely buttfrusted when someone calls a magazine, a 'clip'?
  23. aussiestig

    helicopter gas...

    Thank you so much. We had the issue last night, had no idea how to fix it, it was a HUGE pain in the ass.
  24. Join a clan, or get a group of friends going. It makes the game much more fun. Tonight my clan got a heli going. We were on the verge of dropping out of the sky with no fuel so I had to stop at a petrol station. 10 minutes later a bus filled with people in ghillies rolls on by. I take one out and sprint to the chopped. As we were getting up in the air, they opened fire on us. Was a heart stopping moment. Almost all of today was spent getting this heli going, and it nearly ended just as it started.
  25. 7/10 -You have 2 close-medium range weapons. You need a sniper. -You carry to much food around. 6 is far to much. -No medical supplies. If you break a leg, it's all over for you. -No range finders -No GPS The reason I mention the food thing is, you've got all you need to kill and eat animals. Try challenging yourself.