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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. It'll be out between the end of October, and the end of November. It all rides on how well 1.7.3 goes. If rocket puts it out and it fixes a lot of bugs, without adding a whole shitload of new ones, and it's stable, then he'll push the standalone out on 1.7.3 as soon as he can.
  2. I also cannot help but notice "Very fun firefight to all. Beans to the bandits on top of counter sniper hill and the ones that ambushed us whoever you are." So, you engaged upon an enemy fireteam, killed the majority of them, left the area, and were ambushed by what sounds like a legit group, and you log out and call it a good fight? It sounds a lot like your group knows how to talk the talk, but they've got no idea how to walk the walk
  3. Such a professional group, and you're all a bunch of pussies. Good stuff.
  4. Join a random server, leave it, go to the multiplayer menu, click on "Remote" down the bottom, and enter
  5. We apologize for taking the server down for a day like we did without saying a word. There wasn't much we could do about it. The server won't come down again like that, and it won't be changing names like that again. This server will be permanent until standalone.
  6. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    Before everyone starts shouting "IT'S A TARP", we're doing this because we want other groups to come and play on our private hive, US 571. There are currently 2 UH1H's on our server, we have 1, and we don't want the other. The other one is sitting in front of the Cherno Hospital. Everything is broken, but it's yours, and there will never be a threat of my group stealing your heli. Hell, if you go to the trouble of fixing it all up, then you get sniped as you start it up then I will hunt them down myself We basically want another group/clan on our server to play with, and have wars with and we're willing to give up this heli, plus any of the other 51 vehicles you can find on our server. Server is passworded: http://dayzmod.com/f...r-more-players/
  7. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    The guy on the bikes name was Salty if I remember correctly. I hit him with an enfield round and he passed out on the bike, The bike continued on and dragged him along the ground with him which was hilarious. What is your in game name?
  8. aussiestig

    Just cleared Electro

    The irony.
  9. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    When did this happen. I've not killed a single person near the ocean at all on this server, and neither have any of my clan mate. We saw a few people with flash lights running around last night when we were flying in our chopper, and we joking shot in their direction but never at them.
  10. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    There are never less than 3 experienced admins on our server when we are playing. We are Australian, and we cannot accommodate for americans being so far behind. And just as a side note, I was up until 5am playing with random people last night, every single time the helicopter was landed, I would check the logs for hacks.
  11. Got the chopper up, picked up some random people, added them to our ts and flew around looting pretty much everywhere up night, it was awesome meeting new people and them not shooting at our chopper
  12. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    Okay, so some people went mental and murdered the people repairing the heli. I'm currently flying it around giving lifts to people. I'll be willing to give it up in an hour or 2 to a good group.
  13. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    I wasn't thinking to much when I wrote this, and I rushed it. I meant if anyone killed you, i'd kill them.
  14. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    I think we both missunderstood each other mate. There are 51 vehicles on our server. My clan has around 12 of them, with no plans to get more, only to give more away. We like playing with other people, and hoarding is boring as shit.
  15. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    We have 12, there are 51 on the server. I don't know what's hard to understand about this. We're going to pick 5 of the vehicles (for my 10+ player group) and make a camp, we'll then leave the rest in cities for other players. If I was power hungry, would I make a thread about GIVING AWAY a helicopter.
  16. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    Only this is like expecting me to buy the drinks, then not get to have a drink myself.
  17. We know about this issue, trying to resolve it. Either enter the IP: into the remote enter button in the multiplayer menu, or launch the game via dayz commander
  18. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    Oh, and don't forget, we're the ones paying for the server, you don't pay a cent.
  19. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    Have you been on our server? No you haven't. There are over 10 people in my group, we don't have any more than 12 of the vehicles. So what if people hoard? We earn the gear, don't we get to keep it? People like you make this forum a shit place to be, Do us a favor and leave.
  20. aussiestig

    Free Helicopter

    Why the fuck not
  21. There are 2 heli's on the server, we've taken one, the other one is at the cherno hospital, and anyone can have it.
  22. If anyone was playing while we were restarting the server a lot, we apologize, we had a lot of trouble changing the server time. Everything is good now, there will be no more un-announced server restarts from now on.
  23. Server has had a complete reset since last night. This now means that the time and vehicle spawns all work correctly. There is now a black SUV and UH1H on our server to find :D
  24. aussiestig

    Helicopter respawn time

    Be lucky that you even get to play on servers that WE pay for.