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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. aussiestig

    Hello again, my old friends!

    -Standalone is coming, and it's coming next month (info: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/) -You left at the right time, hackers took over dayz around august/september/october -duping gear got big, to the point people would dupe as50 tws's and camp elektro to kill people and dupe them when they die -Dean is no longer doing the updates for DayZ mod, he's moved onto the standalone, the past 2-3 updates have been community developers -Private hives have completely taken over public hives. Meaning you player is stuck to the one server, and admins can do what they want to the server -No big changes have been made to the game at all so far. Mainly optimizing, bug fixing -Alt-f4/aborting while in combat is now not possible (my favourite change) Just a basic list of some things that have happened over the last few months, do ask if you have any other questions.
  2. aussiestig

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    Just as a general rule on the internet, don't download a .exe unless you know exactly what it is you're downloading and you trust the source. This is also a stupid program for lazy people. Running is part of dayz, if you don't want to play the game, don't play it.
  3. It is going to cost 20 euro's, or whatever that is in your own currency, and it will be on steam. -Matt told me
  4. aussiestig

    how did dayz or arma2 get Russian

    Don't relate us to Americans. I haven't met a single Australian who's arrogant enough to ask this question.
  5. aussiestig

    Aftermath:AS50 rounds vs Chopper

    What is shooting at the floor of a helicopter meant to do anyway? You need to hit it in the main rotor/anti-torque rotor/nose/pilots head
  6. aussiestig

    Logging Out Location

    For every patient player who dies, there is a patient sniper. Stop getting sniped. Play as if there is a sniper watching you, even if there isn't. Most of all, think like a sniper.
  7. aussiestig

    Do custom servers make a good sandbox?

    They are servers just like every other ArmA II server. ArmA II's server browser wasn't made for DayZ, would should they treat it that way?
  8. aussiestig

    Australian Clan [DT]

    Alright, I'm sick of getting friend requests and crap from this thread, so I might as well just post that this clan fell apart over a month ago. Some people still play, but mainly Americans. I no longer play with Double Tap, even though I am the leader. I play with a small group of people occasionally now, just for a bit of fun. Don't get mad at me for not replying to your messages and all that crap, because not for the life of me would I expect a thread with so many people complaining about no replies, to be bumped up to the top of the "Clan recruiting" forum so many times. Don't take it personally if I haven't replied to you, I stopped accepting people around 2 months ago, when it was literally only 15 year old asking to join. If you are still looking for a clan, maybe for the standalone, send me a message on here with the same application. I'm looking for people who know what they're doing, and can still make judgments under pressure.
  9. aussiestig

    computer graphics help

    You've got a very weak CPU. ArmA II is very CPU intensive for god knows what reason. There is no real way to be certain if you can run it without trying it out yourself. I recommend getting ArmA II Lite first to see if you can run the game. DayZ runs slightly smoother than normal arma though.
  10. I've got a friend with the same setup as me, but he has a 7870, where as I have a 560ti. We used to play BF3 together, and I get around 55-60fps and he got around 60-65fps. So not much of a difference. There must have been something wrong with your old GPU
  11. Going from a 560 ti to a 7870 is a very very small increase, and most certainly not worth the money.
  12. aussiestig

    "Zombie Logging" What's your take?

    It's an exploit. He stays in the game with the 12 zombies, he dies. He logs out, he's alive. How is that not an exploit? It's a "Zombie Survival Game".
  13. aussiestig

    The SLS

    Do you even understand how the chain of command works? If there are 4 of you, a corpral would take control of the fireteam, but there is a sergeant, so he takes control of the fire team, therefore making the corprals role completely useless and he might aswell be a private. Good luck running a 4 man army bud. I'd hate to be in your group.
  14. You can't have a public server at Namalsk. A public server is something hosted on the DayZ hive, the server you were playing on was not.
  15. aussiestig

    no updates?

    If you read that tumblr there, you would see that Dean said he's been doing way too many interviews, and he needs to just sit down and work on the game. Would you rather him update us once every month and get an awesome game, or have a game where he updates you every day, and it ends up half as good as it could have been?
  16. aussiestig

    Will the mod be the same as the standalone?

    The mod will continue to be updated by modders and the current community in private hives if they feel like doing so, but Dean will be moving to the standalone and leaving the mod alone as soon as he does.
  17. aussiestig

    Fishing off Death Mountain

    If you played arma, you'd know that a lot of encounters are at 600m+. Going in like it's call of duty is just stupid.
  18. aussiestig

    You get that terrible feeling...

    Drop a nade and blow us both all the way to jesus.
  19. aussiestig

    DayZ - Cherno Spree *Removed*

    When you are typing all this out, are you actually thinking about it at all? Or are you just smashing your hands on the keyboard and hoping for the best? You've basically said that this forum is for discussion, then told me my opinion isn't wanted, even though this is a forum for discussion (wut), and now you're using my opinion in your somewhat confused defence.
  20. aussiestig

    DayZ - Cherno Spree *Removed*

    "killing 100 hatchet armed people from a rooftop just makes people think your a useless cunt, do you beat up little school girls too? I bet you did, I bet when you went to school you picked fights with all the girls in the grade below you and as soon as any guy in your class tried to fight you off to the teacher you went teary eyed." I'm so sorry I disturbed your excellent discussion, filled with great topics.
  21. aussiestig

    anyone got a private hive for a group of five

    check out woododayz.com I've been playing on it for a few days now. No lag like every other Aus server, great ping, great people. It's a whitelist server by the way.
  22. aussiestig

    DayZ - Cherno Spree *Removed*

    If wanting to get 100 kills is what he wanted to do, why not just accept it? You throw around accusations and things I'd never say to anyone's face, just because he's having fun? I mean, sitting on a roof in cherno getting fairly easy kills doesn't really do it for me anymore, but that's me. You make yourself seem more childish just because you can't accept the fact that he does something you don't like, but have probably done in the past.
  23. It's not even been 230 days since the mod went public.
  24. I had a bit of a play on the server last night. There were 2 guys on the server, and they were talking on side about how they'd found some vehicles as I was looting mogilevika, when suddenly I hear a UAZ outside. I run out of the building and start unloading into the UAZ. I was side on though, so I wasn't having much luck, aside from breaking a few windows. About a minute later the guy comes out with "your a dick head..." "why don't you just fuck off you faggot bandit" or something like that. At this point I'm literally the only other person on the server, and this idiot had managed to find me. He insisted that he knew where I was for quite awhile, meanwhile I flanked them, found his friends UAZ and took it. The server you have here is nice, but jesus christ there are some babies out there.
  25. aussiestig

    The whole Chernarus
