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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. I feel embarrassed for OP. No game itself ever needs more than 4gb of ram, and background programs usually never take up more than 2gb. Therefor 8gb is more than enough. 32gb is just showing off and proof you're stupid. Going with a GTX 690 instead of 2 GTX 680's was also a stupid move. Even FrankieonPC said after buying a 690, he's moving to dual GTX 680's because he was disappointed with the 690. How did you convince mummy to buy $2000 worth of PC parts?
  2. BattlEye may ban people by accident on the odd occasion, but if the ban is not justified it will be lifted. If you've been told that your CD key was used to hack, then it was used to hack. So, my guess is you got curious at one point and either started hacking, or you tried to download a bypass, and your CD-key was stolen.
  3. aussiestig

    Today i met the stupidest squad

    "Oh 2 of my friends were killed instantly because they were running out in the open, I suppose that if I continue running out in the open, nothing will happen to me" - your logic
  4. aussiestig


    I and some mates would love to join in, but as we're australians, time zones would be a bit off. Have you got a time zone, and a time frame we could work with at all? Doesn't have to be exact, just within an hour or 2
  5. aussiestig


    Hopefully it's a little better than the wedding I did with some friends a few weeks ago. (I'm the 'bloke' in the hero skin getting married)
  6. aussiestig

    Wich Setup is better?

    The Intel setup is twice as good -An AMD user
  7. aussiestig

    Why do I lag in Dayz? ):

    If it used to work fine, but isn't working fine now, then it's not down to the fact that ArmA II is an intensive game, something has gone wrong with your PC. There are several things that could cause this: -Overheating CPU/GPU -Viruses -Out of date drivers -Failing HDD -Installing adware and other memory/cpu hog programs that you don't need My guess is as good as any others. First, I'd suggest downloading a program like Speedfan to check your CPU/GPU temps. Anything above 60 degrees is a little hot, but I wouldn't worry. If it's hitting 80/90 degrees C while playing games, then I would start to worry a little. If it's not your fan that's the problem, next I'd spend quite some time going through your HDD to see what programs you have installed. If they aren't necessary, then uninstall completely (This may take up to an hour or 2 to do). Make sure you run a full system scan with your antivirus program, not just a quick scan. Some antivirus programs take several hours to do this though, so be aware. Last tip is make sure your computer is still utilizing both your GPU's (if you're crossfiring that is), it may have just forgotten about one of them or something like that.
  8. aussiestig

    How many of you bought arma 2 just for dayz?

    Only thing is, these aren't mods. These are mission files, and to be honest, Life was ruined by the people who came from DayZ and turned it into a deathmatch.
  9. aussiestig

    Squads and Armoured Vehicles

    If you knew what you were doing, and you knew about communicating, you wouldn't have any blue on blue situations.
  10. aussiestig

    what do you make of this betrayal?

    What's the server name so I can hunt them down? I mean, killing people is part of DayZ, but these guys are assholes
  11. Appreciate the reply, but you ruined it at the end there, asshat.
  12. Yay! Balota Buddies here to save the day yet again! I hope the license you own for your Teamspeak is a "For-profit license" because if it's not, you could have serious issues coming your way. In order to be able to contact everyone, they force you to be in their TS literally every minute you're on their server (I've got no problem with this, it's a good way to contact mods), but they very recently cut down from 20 channels in the Australian whitelist, to 6 channels in the Australian whitelist. Can you imagine fitting 50 players into 6 channels? You can't, because we all have small groups. "No problem", Zabn would say, "you can pay $20 a month to have your own private channel on our Teamspeak". You literally force people without their own Teamspeaks to buy their own channels just so they can play on your server. It's a joke. And the admins think they're above everyone, more so than normal servers.
  13. aussiestig

    DayZ PC vs Console

    The thread title was "DayZ PC vs Console", I think it's safe to assume that the thread is indeed, about PC vs Console.
  14. aussiestig

    DayZ PC vs Console

    You literally have no idea what you're talking about. A console is a fucking computer you idiot. The only thing stopping it from being a PC is the DRM shit they chuck over the top of it, and 99% of hackers jailbreak their consoles anyway because it allows you to open up the files and do what you would do with a pc, minus the operating system of course. Please, tell me about the various amounts of hacks you see on console games ported to PC? You don't, you see the same hacks, because it's the same game that only allows certain thing. You also clearly have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to hacking. ArmA II is setup so that you can inject scripts into the server, and tell it what to do. This is something that was built into the game to make it the awesome game it is. They could have never foreseen dayz and the mass hackers it brought with it. ArmA II was made for on the go mission editing (Trust me, I do it several nights a week), and to do that you need to 'hack' the sever. Scripting is, as I said, telling the server things, and it will believe everything you tell it. With most games, you cannot tell the server what to do, it is impossible, and that is what the standalone will be doing. Scripting will be 110% impossible. Hacking will not be impossible, it will eventually come along, but it'll be the same hacks you see in COD on Xbox, that's aimbots, wallhacks...etc. Stop flattering yourself and get a little more education on the subject before you start dribbling your console crap.
  15. I use 3rd person not to look over walls, but because I enjoy 3rd person, and so does everyone else who plays ArmA II. Go join any server, and I bet 90% of players use 3rd person when moving around.
  16. aussiestig

    Crossbow vs M107

    My group once that consisted of 3 guys with axes and a guy with nothing killed 5 snipers on sniper hill in elektro. My friend with nothing ran up there first with nothing and completely confused them, every one of them turned their attention to my friend with nothing as the remaining 3 of us came up the hill and killed all 5 of them, earning ourselves, no joke, 5 AS50 TWS's. I laughed for a good 2-3 minutes. We couldn't believe what had actually happened.
  17. aussiestig

    DayZ PC vs Console

    You have no idea what you're talking about. What hackers can do in a game is not limited by the hackers themselves, it's limited by the company that makes the game. ArmA was a game that was made to be hacked, most games aren't made to be hacked though, which is why you don't see these kinds of hacks in any other games, and you won't see them in the standalone. If DayZ ever came out on console, there would be the same hacks on PC as on console.
  18. aussiestig

    DE 901 - Admin hacker?

    I'm no longer an admin, but I used to admin several severs, private and public hives. Yes, there is the possibility of admins using hacks, and in-fact, the person I used to admin for, used a tool that allowed him to see everyone on the map. It allowed him to see people teleporting, and it also showed people who would spawn in, and run straight to peoples bases, then trash them. I still don't like the fact that he used a hack, but he never once used it to find people, or anything like that. It sounds to me like you're picking terrible servers to be honest. I've recently spent most of my time on whitelist Australian servers, and the admins are all cool, and I never experience any hackers anymore. The only thing I dislike about popular servers, and their admins, is that they think they are above everyone else. That because they run a server, they are better than everyone else.
  19. aussiestig

    DE 901 - Admin hacker?

    Holy shit, are you this naive that you actually believe admins have the powers to do what they want? Admins don't have nearly enough powers. We can't tell who kills who, so hackers can kill everyone, we can't watch players through a cinematic mode, so it's impossible to tell if someone's teleporting, and you most certainly CANNOT spawn in items as an admin. If you own a private hive, you can edit the hive so you're tricking it to giving you an item you didn't find, but that's only on private hives where you own the hive. Again, admins cannot teleport, spawn items, or even kill players through any tools. Admins are effectively players who have the ability to click the "Ban" button.
  20. aussiestig

    DayZ PC vs Console

    That's what consolebabies believe. If the rumor is true, about the Xbox 720 having a 1.6ghz quad core, then it won't be running this game like it does on PC, that's for sure. Also, people seem to forget that the graphics for the Xbox were actually better than the Xbox 360 graphics when the 360 first came out because devs take a long to take advantage of the systems. The same is true for the PS3. Don't expect the next gen consoles to be much better, if any better at all than the current gen consoles until about a year down the line.
  21. aussiestig

    DayZ Standalone file size?

    My guess is Less than 5gb because it's only 1 map, 1 game mode.
  22. I've had this happen recently in vanilla arma. A friend jumped out of a littlebird, and he exploded as soon as he did, blowing up the littlebird as well.
  23. aussiestig

    Australian Clan [DT]

    Alright, I'm sick of getting friend requests and crap from this thread, so I might as well just post that this clan fell apart over a month ago, along with dayz. Some people still play, but mainly Americans. I no longer play with Double Tap, even though I am the leader. I play with a small group of people occasionally now, just for a bit of fun. Don't get mad at me for not replying to your messages and all that crap, because not for the life of me would I expect a thread with so many people complaining about no replies, to be bumped up to the top of the "Clan recruiting" forum so many times. Don't take it personally if I haven't replied to you, I stopped accepting people around 2 months ago, when it was literally only 15 year old asking to join. If you are still looking for a clan, maybe for the standalone, send me a message on here with the same application. I'm looking for people who know what they're doing, and can still make judgments under pressure. Age: How often are you on DayZ: Do you have a mic: Play times: Current Loadout: Ideal loadout: Last time you died: How long have you been playing DayZ/ArmA: Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ:
  24. aussiestig

    Did Namalsk get it right?

    It's a giant PvP map in my opinion. The first day or 2 you play it, it makes you feel like it's hard to survive on Namalsk, but it's easy. Stay at sea level and you don't need warm clothes, let alone heat packs. Not to mention about 70% of the towns in game have high level military loot, making getting awesome weapons extremely easy. I went to Object All on my first day and picked up an SVD camo. I already had an Mk 48 at that point.
  25. aussiestig

    Why did they nerf the DMR?

    I think the reasoning behind it is that these community devs are some of the worst devs I've ever seen. Dean made a shitload of decisions regarding DayZ, to make the game what it is. If he wanted to do something, he did it, if people asked him to do something, and he didn't like it, he'd say that's not happening in DayZ, it's part of the game. These devs have gone against about 5 things that Dean came out and said he's not changing, all because they think they're making the game better. I for one won't be support DayZ mod after SA release until they show me they can make some decisions with maturity instead of changing it because they can.