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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. aussiestig

    Far Cry 3 Map

    Too colourful, too bright, it says 'party island' too much. I loved Far Cry 3, but the map doesn't fit dayz at all.
  2. Because you don't need an i7 to play games. A top of the range i5 will do fine.
  3. aussiestig

    6 months and a glock icon later...

    I'd also like to point out that The Warz came out as an Alpha 3 months ago, and the only changes they've made so far have been terrible ones that have ruined the game. Not turning this into a flame war, but putting it into perspective, a lot more has gone on behind the scene of dayz, because, you know, they're making a new game. Where as The Warz has remained the same the last 3 months,
  4. aussiestig

    6 months and a glock icon later...

    You're entitled to an opinion, whether you're wrong or not. Here is what has actually happened: Dean stopped regularly making updates for dayz about 6-7 months ago, and made his last probably around 3-4 months ago I think it was. He would have started work on the SA anywhere between 3-6 months ago. Dean spent a shitload of time fixing bugs, and dealing with exploits (there was a point where pretty much 3 patches in a row were to fix duping). Since then I think we all get the feeling that instead of spending 99% of his time bug fixing, he's changed tactics, and is try a whole new bunch of things, hence why he's doing the closed testing. He said himself he'll be doing updates for what he hopes to be atleast a year after SA release. If you read his Q&A's, you'd know he's got big plans for the next 6 months or so (he's already started some big things that he's keeping a secret). Cool story though, there are still over 70,000 people who play daily. The figure on the main page of 43,000 is just showing public hives, which are the least popular servers at the moment in comparison to private hives. So I guess you really are the only one who doesn't enjoy the game. I don't get why people come onto forums just to post negative comments. I can understand constructive criticism, because it makes the game better, but this whole "I don't like this game, so it's not going to do well" shit, we don't need it.
  5. aussiestig

    5rnd .338 Lapua Magnum

    I think you can turn off Private Hives if you use DayZ commander, so that's one way you can do it. The other is that official servers have to follow a certain naming rule. For example, a private hive might be called "GenericClanGaming #2 [v1.7.4.4][MORE VEHICLES][CUSTOM LOOT][270 HELI'S][EXTRA GAYNESS+] - dayz.st" Where as a public hive server's name: "DayZ - US 1234 (v1.7.2.4/beta 95417) [3DP:ON CH:OFF][uTC-4] DayZMod.com - DayZWiki.com" (stolen from dayzwiki.com) The thing to look out for, is pretty much the "US 1234" part, most servers named like this are public hives. If it says more vehicles, or more loot, it's private.
  6. aussiestig

    5rnd .338 Lapua Magnum

    This gun is in a lot of Private Hive servers. If you're on a private hive, then that would most likely explain it.
  7. aussiestig

    Anyone know a good UK server?

    I believe the Balota Buddies whitelist UK server is one of the most populated. I played on their AU server, and the server was great, but the moderators are questionable in how the deal with some situations.
  8. aussiestig

    Headphones for gaming

    I've been using Plantronics Gamecom headsets for years. I picked up the new version about 4 months ago after I broke my last ones. I'd say that plantronics are easily the best budget headsets around. They offer great sound, and they're comfy, plus they are usually only around 30$-40$. The only issue I have is my newer version picks up a lot of background noise. The best option though, is to go with a brand like Sennheiser, and if you game with with your mates at all, then pick up a desk mic. It sounds like a lot of effort, but no gaming headset gets anywhere near the sound quality of a good set of headphones, and desk mics are also unbeatable in sound quality.
  9. SoulShaper2 is a filthy bandit that would never help a person in any situation, whether it's a broken car or in need of some blood. That was sarcasm, I can see you're a medic.
  10. aussiestig

    Clothing textures all bad?

    That's a BAF (British Armed Forces) skin as far as I know, so your game is launching the "lite" version of the BAF DLC, instead of the full version. I don't actually have this DLC, so I wouldn't know how to fix it. You need to find a way to stop it from launching the Lite version of the DLC.
  11. aussiestig

    MK12 Sniper

    Imagine an M16, or an M4 with a scope like the DMR. Deals pretty small damage, and is only effective to about 400-500m
  12. "2) The realistic helicopter demo that's free and is a good training tool for the new helicopters in SA" [Citation needed] Can someone post a link to Dean saying that helicopters will be running the same physics engine and controls as they do in TOH? As far as I know Dean only posted this on his tumblr "We have setup all the required pipelines to best push the project forward. The standalone engine we are using is a branch of Take on Helicopters, which itself is a branch of ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead". That was 3 months ago atleast, and things have changed a huge amount in regards to the where the project is going. Back then, they were pretty much going to release the dayz mod, on a slightly upgraded engine, and then update it as we go on. Now, we've got something that will almost be a new game when it's released in a few months, and a lot has changed in regards to the engine. Dean said later on "I see people say that DayZ is based on the ArmA2 engine, or Take on Engine, or even the ArmA3 engine. I have been joking with team members on the project, that if we were to focus on making shader updates and not change anything else, everyone would be proclaiming that it was a “new engine”." This is pretty much a little later when they realised they could go a lot further in the changes with the game, and fix a lot of issues. tl;dr: as far as I can tell, dean a long time ago said that the SA will use the TOH engine partially (remembering that TOH doesn't just do helicopters, it's a whole engine like arma 2), but that has now changed. 'the SA using the TOH engine for the helicopter physics' is just a rumor as I see it. It will most likely be the same as ArmA 2.
  13. I'm beginning to look forward to the daily Demon thread. I wake up wondering what the topic will be about today. I usually just find a place to wait out at, and watch what they are up to. If they're just looting, then I'll usually just leave them. If I have a silenced weapon, or I'm a distance away, it's always fun to kill a zombie that's after him, and watch how they react.
  14. Erm, hate to break this one to you son, but the controls are going to be relatively the same in the SA
  15. I'm not a fan of R4Z0R49's direction with the DayZ mod, so I probably won't be using the dayzmod unless he really pulls something cool out.
  16. aussiestig

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    This is a fairly good way of stopping ESP hacks and such, but obviously won't stop hackers from sniping everyone in elektro. It's been acknowledged several times before by the dev team that hacking is a huge issue and needs to be addressed for the standalone. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if something like your idea hasn't already been implemented in the SA, but they're just keeping that kind of thing quite so the hackers have no idea what to expect. I think the longer we can keep the hackers from understanding the system, the better. it would also give them more time to improve the anti-hack
  17. aussiestig

    Dayz: Your Code of Conduct

    Bored at work again, Demon? :D 1. Never trust anyone you're not in TS/Skype with 2. Don't kill anyone without a reason 3. Always put a pile of wood in a tent when I've looted it dry
  18. aussiestig

    DayZ Standalone Framerates

    If you're running the 3 screens while playing dayz, then that is certainly the problem. As far as I know, SLI doesn't work properly in Arma 2. If you're only running 1 screen, then you've done something wrong, as I know a lot of people with the same 3770k, GTX 670 setup as you, and they get 60 constant
  19. I feel dirty after reading this.
  20. I just watched the first introduction you guys have made. I admire the fact you guys are taking on a project like this, when as you say, you have little recording experience. My personal gripe with the video is that briefings are never done inside of helicopters when on the way to a mission. You wouldn't just pop the question "so what are we actually doing here?" mid way through a flight for a real mission. I can also hear someone pressing what I would assume is a mechanical keyboard during the whole video. I'd suggest using push to talk on whatever voice chat program you use, and also on your recording software.
  21. aussiestig

    Server management & stand-alone

    In my opinion, people should be forced to sign some kind of contract to say they will keep the server up for 'x' amount of time. Maybe a minimum of 3 months or something like that. If you cannot afford to keep a server up for the period of time you say you will keep it up for, then you should not be hosting.
  22. aussiestig

    What is a "Bambi" in DayZ?

    There are no instances where hacking is okay. None. I don't care whether he's hacking in a bloodbag to give to a stranger on 1 blood, it's not okay. It makes it worse that he does kill a lot of people, and they pretty much can't do anything about it at all.
  23. aussiestig

    What is a "Bambi" in DayZ?

    Because he's a hacker. A lot of people still say "oh he's still great to watch, even if he is hacking', but it's personally ruined it for me. I still watch his video's, but start to see how often he does hack in his video's. But on topic, it has been used by Frankie as a word to describe a new player since he started making video's, and the term was quickly taken onboard by the DayZ community and is used commonly now in DayZ.
  24. aussiestig

    Will standalone get new forums?

    So you're keeping the 'dayz game' forum, on the 'dayz mod' website? That doesn't make any sense to me to be honest.
  25. aussiestig

    Will standalone get new forums?

    Considering they've already bought the domain name dayzgame.com, and this website is called 'dayzmod.com', I'd take a guess and say that the standalone forums will be on the dayzgame.com website, where as the mod discussion will remain on here. If the standalone forums were on a website called dayzmod.com, that would be pretty deceiving.