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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. aussiestig

    How will we lose zombies after bugs are fixed

    I look forward to the times where we actually have to avoid the zombies in the first place, instead of running through a town gathering them all, and then worrying about them when you're finished looting.
  2. aussiestig

    Need to acquire a Teammate.

    Hackers that play on a server regularly is not a good sign to be honest.
  3. aussiestig

    Need to acquire a Teammate.

    Shame you play on AU #500. They are pretty much the most hacked australian servers out there. I also heard a week or 2 ago that the owner of the server uses hacks as well.
  4. There is only so much he can do about hacking, and it's already done. As far as bugs go, he can't sort out bugs with the new game until there are large numbers of people playing it. He's doing what he should be doing, experimenting with new ideas, not just fixing little bugs that have no effect on the game. It's in alpha, there's no need to be fixing bugs just yet, he needs to toy with how the game plays to make it better.
  5. aussiestig

    Really?? You have no idea how pissed I am

    If you hit a person in real life with an ATV it would most likely flip it, or atleast throw you off you off it. Be happy you didn't die.
  6. aussiestig

    Day Z lagging. Help!

    It's the headset that's holding your rig back for sure. But seriously. Arma is a CPU intensive game, and you have a pretty bad CPU to be honest. Your ram is also very outdated. There are often 700+ zombies on a map, so that really drops your fps in dayz.
  7. aussiestig

    Chernarus vs Taviana

    I don't think you can judge a map on whether or not you can find a sniper quickly. I personally think that it fits the 'zombie apocalypse' theme a lot more. It's not colourful really, there are a lot of thick forest to hide in as well. Not to mention it is the official dayz map, as in the official hive is hosted for chernarus only, and it is the only map edited by rocket for dayz use. Every other map has been community edited and hosted. The map was also obviously made by BIS for Arma 2 by professionals who are employed to make maps, where as taviana and every other user made map is just made by keen community members with spare time.
  8. aussiestig

    I need my CD key to be banned.

    Most certainly don't do this. Almost all free hacks are key stealers. The key stealer will stay on your computer, even after you delete the hacks. Unless he's prepared to do a fresh install of windows after he gets it banned, then don't do this at all. EDIT: wtf, the word "hack" was censored? lol?
  9. aussiestig

    DayZ (SweetFX v1.3)

    I never said you did, but the name "SweetFX", combined with the fact that you have high res textures for everything and you add "real life" onto the end will surely fool a lot of people into thinking it's more than just a colour tweaker.
  10. aussiestig

    Need help with GUID

    Just join a random server, wait for the "BattlEye client initiallized" or whatever it says, and it will tell you your GUID. Once it does, take a screen cap with recording software, because you can't print screen unless you're in windowed mode.
  11. aussiestig

    Processor cache size and Dayz

    Okay, just forget about the cache thing. Think of the cache as something alienware kids use to brag about how good their CPU is. 3mb will run the game fine, and if you're paying less than $120 then you'll be fine. You won't find many dual core's with a 6mb cache, and even then, if you are then you're paying too much, and you shouldn't bother. Can I ask what kind of prices/cpu's you're looking at? I know the i3 CPU's are pretty nice, and you can get them pretty damn cheap as well. Don't listen to the post above me saying to get 6-8mb. It's not needed if you're on a budget. I'm running a year old AMD chip with a 2mb cache and a 560ti and I get consistent 50fps on medium to high settings, 1920x1080.
  12. aussiestig

    Processor cache size and Dayz

    You'll find that the cache size has little to do with performance in gaming really. It's not something you should be using to make a decision between 2 CPU's in other hands. On the subject of CPU's in ArmA 2 though, I was looking at a review of the 8350 vs the 3570k. Naturally most people would write off the AMD CPU because most of their CPU's aren't quite there when it comes to gaming, but this video really surprised me. While running a GTX 670, the i5 was getting roughly 25fps stock clock, when every setting was very high, and 10000 view distance (which no one needs, just for the sake of the test. DayZ has 1600), while the AMD cpu was getting roughly 50 with the same settings, and same GPU. They then OC'd them to their max, but keeping them under 70ish degree's, the i5 was just shy of 30fps while the AMD was just over 55fps. Don't go "oh, that's terrible frames, I need a i9 49999kxk just to get a smooth frame rate on Arma" because they were running 10000 view distance as I said. Lower that to 4000-5000 and you'll be rocking another 30fps just from that. I'm not saying that you should 100% go out and buy a 8350, but I myself am seriously considering this for my next build, and it's a bonus that it's so cheap. Video is here if you feel like watching it. These guys are corny, but really good in my opinion. They're unbias, they know their shit, and they keep thing interesting
  13. aussiestig

    Modception and DayZ copyright.

    Dean suggested this mod to one of his twitter followers on his twitter account, so he's obviously for it.
  14. aussiestig

    DayZ (SweetFX v1.3)

    He's using bloom to make the game look more 'realistic'. Don't be fooled by his pictures into thinking you get high res texture or something like that, it just plays around with the colours to make some stand out more than others.
  15. Yes, and it already is. Even a makarov is a one shit to the head, and this is common knowledge.
  16. aussiestig

    I want real hordes of zombies

    Having ai on the server is more stressful than players. The AI have to make complex decisions all the time, where as the server doesn't make the decisions for real players.
  17. You can set a key binding for 'eject' or 'get out' if you're worried about pressing the wrong thing in the scroll wheel
  18. I don't believe in artificial balancing. Unless the weapon isn't equal to it's real life counterpart, I don't care whether it's not balanced. This game is about realism, not about keeping 12 year olds happy.
  19. aussiestig

    What's the best?

    There is literally no way to obtain a yellow temperature gauge. He claims it was his rendering or something like that, but in video's you can see it changing from yellow to the normal colour. There is an obvious difference between the 2. I know a person who bought hacks for a month (well, i know several, but we won't go there), and he confirmed that godmode gives you a randomly flashing yellow temp gauge. There is no other way to get it either. You don't get a yellow temp gauge for being a good player either, so don't try that one on me, Tim. Apart from that, all the other things can have reason behind them, but they are so far fetched it's hilarious.
  20. aussiestig

    What's the best?

    The yellow flashing temperature gauge There are often parts where he gets hit by zombies and doesn't lose blood The debug changing while on taviana A hacker breaks his legs in one video, and he fixes it with hacks, which leaves the broken leg icon there, but he can run around There is a log on reddit which shows frankie on someones server changing his name about 10 times (same IP every time), and using a different GUID later when he is banned. He always has decent gear In one video he spots someone 800m away in the corner of his screen. His excuse is his monitor is great. I don't care for the "well his video's are entertaining" argument. The fact he hacks ruins it completely for me. Back on topic though :P
  21. aussiestig

    What's the best?

    Hacking works well for frankie on both private and public servers. Last time I played on public server I was killed by a hacker within 20 minutes. I generally stick to private hives.
  22. aussiestig

    Numbers to the left of Side Chat

    Welcome to online gaming! This is the case for every game really. There will always be someone who will whine about being killed when someone used skill to kill them.
  23. aussiestig

    Numbers to the left of Side Chat

    The numbers to the left have nothing to do with your location, they are merely used to show what section, squad or company you are in. Picking a different slot when in the lobby will yield a different number to the left of what you type. This guy is either a hacker, someone who saw you land (most likely), or an admin using his admin tools as an advantage, and he's covering it up. Can I ask where you landed? It might reveal whether he was hacking, or just came across you.
  24. aussiestig

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    I like 1st person, and I'm sure we all used it for awhile when first playing, but it feels like an unfair playing field if I'm not using 3rd person. For some reason the player feels really short to me. We also need a proper FOV slider. I know you can edit in your profile inside of my documents, but getting that right is hard, and no many people know about it. The game would be much better with just first person in my opinion.
  25. aussiestig

    What time does the sun rise in DayZ

    Alright, I just went and tested this, and the sun starts to rise at exactly 4:35am, and the sun is fully visible on the horizon at 6:05am.