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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. 40fps isn't much to be proud of with a $1200-$1500 system. But you're an example of how it varies from player to player. I have a bunch of friends with the typical i5 3570k, GTX 670 system, and they maintain 60-80fps, even when in cities. That sucks man. Have you tried some of the tricks in this: http://pastebin.com/F7Q8Ne2i Unless you're that guy that is running 3 monitors off the 1 680, which is foolish.
  2. aussiestig

    What's your opinion of the Gallery forum

    The only thread I visit is the "Just saw Rocket again" thread, because the majority of video's posted in there aren't really interesting, and are people just trying to get more views. Reddit is probably that way because once they see something funny, it just turns into one massive circlejerk about how awesome and funny it is.
  3. aussiestig

    Monetization Of Stand Alone

    Terrible idea. There is nothing more I hate than monthly subscriptions in games. It's turned me off some otherwise great games. What is a good idea though, is what they plan on doing already. The more updates they add to the game, the more money it costs to buy the game. So say we get it for $20 on release, it may be $30 2 months later after they add something completely game changing, and so on.
  4. Arma 2 is weird like that. I know of people who get 60+ fps everywhere with 7770's, and then people who struggle to get 40 in fields with 7850's. I guess some people get lucky, and some get unlucky. I've seen people on here with i5 3570k's and GTX 670's and not being able to maintain 30fps. Let's hope this kind of thing is ironed out for the SA.
  5. aussiestig

    How to deal with vehicle hoarders?

    You tell the people complaining to go find the camps and take the vehicles. I am so sick of people complaining about hoarders, it boils my blood. They earned their vehicles, why should they not be allowed to keep them? It's not hard to find camps either.
  6. Yep, there is nothing out there that beats the XL2420T. It's apparently what all the counterstrike pro's use.
  7. Nothing has changed, J.S.R.S is still an advantage, and it also uses grenade explosion sounds for tin cans and other things you throw. There are servers out there that enable it, but it's not worth the trouble for server admins to enable it when such a small portion use it.
  8. aussiestig

    DayZ Waypoint Manager App

    Looks like a great app, shame you had to make it for iOS
  9. aussiestig

    Can I run this?

    The answer I'm afraid is a no. The Intel Atom is a CPU designed for Netbooks, and compact PC's. It is in no way designed for gaming, especially not a CPU intensive game like Arma.
  10. aussiestig

    DayZ Standalone and Helicopters

    I questioned whether they were even using the TOH engine a week or so ago, and there isn't even a confirmed word. Matt said in an interview awhile ago that it's on the cards, but it's not confirmed. It's the least of their worry's. I'd also take a guess and say that they will not use the flight procedures from TOH. In DayZ, on a populated server, you'll be lucky if you get to fly a helicopter more than once a month. There's no point putting a huge learning curve into something that happens very rarely.
  11. aussiestig

    NVG glasses in [warning: spoiler]

    Players with AS50's, M14's, M4's and MK48's all have SERIOUS advantages over people with hatchets. Are you saying we should remove them? Make NVG's so rare that if you find them you don't ever want to wear them in fear of losing them.
  12. aussiestig

    Help with Namalask please!

    1. There are spawn points almost everywhere over the map 2. Military loot spawns 3. Anywhere where that isn't right near a city or town 4. If the server admins are keeping the same database, then yeah, but usually it doesn't happen like that. 5. Not really. You can find food and drink at industrial and residential loot spawns. If you go to vorkuta once and grab 3-4 of each, you'll be set for a long time. 6. Depends on whether or not the server admins added it in 7. If you find heat packs, grab them. Grab every single one of them you see, because you'll start to freeze with only 5-10 minutes in the snow area's. Object A2 is the place to go for the best loot, it's down the bottom of the main island. The thing is, everyone knows it has the best loot, and because it only has 1 way in, it's prone to a lot of traps by bandits. If you plan on going there, scope it out for a good 10 minutes atleast, to watch for zombies, or players snooping around. The last thing you want is to find someone waiting at the bottom of the ladder when you get down there.
  13. aussiestig

    DayZ Scenario: Would You Kill or Help

    Help him out. The gear I've got is nothing to be excited about, if I die then I respawn and try again, if I manage to get the morphine, then I get free gear out of it. DayZ is about making your own fun. If I was to just leave him, or kill him, that wouldn't be that fun to be honest.
  14. Subbed and watched almost all of your video's. You've got some serious talent. I think you said you were only 16? You're going places dude. Keep up the good work. You get better and better with every video.
  15. aussiestig

    Internet Privacy and You

    Upon googling myself, I found over 4 pages of profiles on websites over the past few years. Whoever let me use the internet was an idiot. Welp, time to get a new name ;_;
  16. aussiestig


    You need to compromise in 1 area in order to gain in another. While you get great quality and little frame drops, you're getting big file sizes. If you find another, it might have great quality and small file sizes, but terrible frame rates. That's just how it is I'm afraid. You can render the video's though, and get them down by something like 3000% in file size if you know what you're doing. By the way, if you're worried about file sizes with dxtory, don't even bother with FRAPS. It's something like 1gb a minute of recording, and it splits it up into 4gb clips. Terrible recording program in my opinion
  17. aussiestig

    Impossible to Report Hackers

    For every 1 person that disconnects during a firefight, there are 50 who just disconnect because they are bored. There is no point clogging up the chat with shit we don't need to see.
  18. aussiestig

    Dayz Youtuber promotion

    There is an entire sub-forum dedicated to this
  19. aussiestig

    The ultimate guide of buying a decent computer.

    Alright guide, but you'd save yourself a lot of time just reading the PC buying logical increments guide: http://www.logicalincrements.com/ This is THE best guide out there, and does it all for you. You won't get any more bang for your buck.
  20. Don't give the hackers any idea's :P
  21. Pretty sure he's climbing Mt Everest in April, not June. From what I remember anyway.
  22. I don't think you can change the title of a thread unless you're a moderator? Some sneaky mod has got something for ducks.
  23. aussiestig

    Recruiting all Clans!!! <???>

    Just sent my email. I'd like to see this approved within an hour, otherwise I'll probably move to a different server.
  24. aussiestig

    DayZ Bug List

    Either you're blind or really stupid. That's a torch just above the 40mm GL