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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. aussiestig

    Should I just wait?

    Where did you get this information? You know that DayZ Mod is official, right? Not just the Standalone. Whether the Mod version of DayZ is moved to ArmA 3 is up to the dev team.
  2. aussiestig

    Should I just wait?

    I highly doubt the official DayZ mod will be moved over to ArmA III until the full release happens, which is said to be Q3 this year. The map in the alpha is pretty small
  3. aussiestig

    Yet another 'Is this pc good' topic

    The difference between the 670 and 680 is like 5-10 fps in most games, but it's about $200 more. Doesn't sound like a good investment to me. Crysis 3 picture wouldn't work, but it was a 3 fps difference.
  4. Oh how much more I would enjoy this game if we didn't know what spawned where, and what the chances were. Loot maps and databases should be banned in my opinion
  5. aussiestig

    Arma3 Dayz MOD vs Dayz Standalone

    There will be someone that does it, I can guarantee. It may be called something else, and have some minor changes, but there will be an open world zombie survival game. I wouldn't really be surprised at all if razor dropped support for Arma 2 dayz mod, and moved over to Arma 3 after full Arma 3 release.
  6. aussiestig

    Arma3 Dayz MOD vs Dayz Standalone

    Nope. There are 3 maps in Arma 3, the one in the Alpha is the 20km2 map.
  7. aussiestig

    Arma3 Dayz MOD vs Dayz Standalone

    Arma 3 Alpha will be on a 20km2 map, so a little bigger than Utes. I can't say that a game of DayZ is enjoyable on Utes, in fact it's terrible. Arma 3 full game DayZ might be better, but it'll essentially be the mod we have now, with a bigger map, better graphics and lighting, and some new weapons. DayZ SA has been focusing more on the things that make DayZ a better game, like more realistic zombies, better loot systems, better game mechanics etc.
  8. aussiestig

    My criticisms of DayZ mod/Standalone

    DayZ wasn't even close to being the first zombie mod for Arma, you're right. But the difference is, it clearly did everything right. That's evident by the fact that it had 1.5m downloads, and the rest never got more than 60,000. I don't think everyone is expecting this game that's completely changed dayz, and made this game we've all been waiting for. It's been 6 or so months since they started development on dayz, and they have a very small dev team, so to have a totally different game, with heaps of new features would be ridiculous. Not to mention, ALL of the code for DayZ has been re-writen. That's right, not a single bit has been transferred across from the mod. 6 months to create what is effectively 100% a new game is not a bad effort at all. Rocket has promised 12 months of updates after the dayz release, and possibly more depending on where we get too. He also said that we will be getting weekly, sometimes daily updates. Think of the DayZ SA as a base game for the dev team to build on over the next year. Sounds good to me.
  9. aussiestig

    Hack/Cheat Situation ?

    In comparison to mid to late last year? It's 10x better now, but still bad on public servers.
  10. I'm fine with the cans having the moderators names on them in the mod, but I don't want it for the Standalone. Although, the chances of that happening are extremely slim.
  11. aussiestig

    Server restarts in SA

    I think their would be a way of implementing it so that the server doesn't require a restart, but the loot system is 'reset' every few hours.
  12. aussiestig

    should I reset my character?

    You won't be global banned unless you hacked the weapons in yourself. Simple. I can't speak for Admins of servers though, if they check the logs for banned weapons, you might be banned on their server.
  13. aussiestig

    100 things learned from DayZ

    "61. dont put mustard on your cheese pizza it taste like ass." This is the best thing I've read all week.
  14. aussiestig

    Looking for a cheap rig that can play dayz

    Yet another retarded comment about W8. Is W8 worth the large sum of money it costs to purchase when you already have W7? Probably not, but if you're purchasing a new PC, and you have the choice of W7 or W8, you're a fool if you stick with the outdated OS.
  15. aussiestig

    Building my own pc. Need to discuss specs.

    If you're going with 1 card, then 850w is more than enough. As for the 3770k over the 3570k. The 3770k is a better CPU, yes, but when it comes to gaming, it is almost identical. I think the 3770k is around $100 more than the 3570k, but when it comes to gaming, it's not really worth the extra $100. As for OCing, it's pretty easy. Buy an aftermarket CPU cooler, like a coolermaster or something, then just look up a few youtube tutorials. If you just OC to around 4ghz, it's very simple and easy to do, and you pretty much don't risk any damage to you CPU. With 4xtitan's then anything less than a 3930k would be bottlenecking your GPU's. I'd suggest the utterly ridiculous 3970x, but that's a hell of a lot of money.
  16. aussiestig

    Building my own pc. Need to discuss specs.

    Ditch the i7 3770. 1. It cannot be overclocked 2. Unless you do video editing and stuff like that, there is no reason to get an i7 over a 3570k. The 3570k OC'd to 4ghz or above would shit all over your un-overclockable i7, and it's cheaper. i5=gaming CPU i7=gaming CPU with the added ability to render things faster essentially
  17. aussiestig

    Attack Helicopter while sniping.

    People still snipe elektro? Really?
  18. aussiestig

    What is Your Gaming Setup?

    AMD FX-6100 @3.9ghz GTX 560ti @900mhz 8gb 1600mhz 24" 1920x1080 monitor 50-60 in the wilderness, 30ish in cherno. I get 90ish in vanilla arma though. I'd bump up the speed of my GPU and CPU, but I'll only have this PC for a few more months, and it's too much effort to go into the mid 4's while maintaining stability.
  19. aussiestig

    People keep thinking I'm saying "Daisy"

    You'd think it would be Day Zed with that reasoning, but recently in a tweet, dean said he calls it "DayZee". There isn't a specific way of saying it though.
  20. DayZ + didn't feel that different to me. It was trying to do something, and it kind of didn't do it very well at all. It was very similar to vanilla DayZ, but the things it brought to the table weren't that great. The same goes for 2017, it's kind of the same as DayZ+, but with an older feeling to it. But again, it was trying to go for that 'older' feeling, 5 years down the road, but all they did was change character, vehicle and loot textures. If they made roads look unmaintaned and unused, and crash was really tall, and everything was really dirty, then it would have felt a lot more like 5 years into an apocalypse. Vanilla has it's issues, but it's the game I spent so long playing and loving. Everything about it felt right when I first started playing, but I didn't get that feeling with 2017 and DayZ+
  21. Vanilla every day of the week.
  22. aussiestig

    I have a dream.

    To be honest, there isn't that much in the list. A crafting mechanic would take a bit of tuning to get right, and would probably take a fair amount of time, but the other things are just adding in items into loot spawns, and then giving them a use, such as being able to colour walls and such. I think that the shelter one is vital for a zombie apocalypse game, there needs to be more emphasis on needing to remain in one spot for awhile, and protect yourself. A few months work and most of these features could be 100% working.
  23. aussiestig

    Siphoning gas?

    When you said 'siphoning gas', I thought you meant routing a pipe into your window so that the gas suffocates you, and you die. Then I realised you meant petrol.
  24. aussiestig

    How are helicopters realistic?

    Since when did dayz need balancing? It takes time to get top tier gear, that's the only balancing there needs to be. I've never had an experience where a group with a helicopter had a major upper hand on me while on the ground. Shooting off the side of a helicopter moving at 200kph is not easy, and it doesn't help that the 240's are very ammo limited. In a shootout, a heli is useless to be honest. I agree that heli's are very useful when it comes to getting to and from places, but you also have to hide your heli when you aren't using it, and anyone can find it when you're offline. The best option would be add in wear and tear, like I've said a billion times now. After a few hours flight, you engine should need a change, and you should need new rotors every now and then. There should be random failures, but not the kind that totally render the heli uses, just anti-torque failures and, and losing 50% engine power and things like that. They add the unknown to the helicopter, something that should be there considering you're in russia, and there is a zombie apocalypse. Not everything should work all the time
  25. aussiestig

    GTX670 Fps Issue.

    Make sure you have post processing effects disabled, and that you have your video memory set to default. If you're still having trouble, try this: http://pastebin.com/F7Q8Ne2i