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Everything posted by aussiestig

  1. Isn't the OS something he can chose for himself? If you're paying the same money for W8, there is no way I'd be downgrading.
  2. I agree. While we may have made some peoples week really shitty, something good has come of this. We've managed to open up it up for the community to decide now, and make them now. As someone else a few posts ago said, it was really rushed. I don't think razor could have expected such a huge backlash from it, but as far as I know, the person who made the cans originally was just making a suggestion for the SA, and he had his cans instantly pushed into the mod, almost as though there wasn't any time to think about it.
  3. aussiestig

    The real dayz forums ?

    Signing up to a forum won't get your CD key stolen. Downloading a program related to dayz, such as hacks, or key protectors can, and will steal your key though. Contact BattlEye by following this link: http://www.battleye.com/support.html If your key really has been stolen though, there is pretty much nothing at all that BattlEye can do about it.
  4. I'm not suggesting that everyone is going to ditch this game because of one small thing, and even if Rocket stopped doing dev blogs, I wouldn't care at all, because the game is still going to be good regardless of whether he tells me it's good or not. My post has nothing to do with people boycotting DayZ, because Dean is a great dev, and has been doing a stellar job so far. But the word entitlement is just so god damn ridiculous within gaming, or any industry for that matter. 100% of the point I was trying to get across with my post is somewhat like this scenario. You walk into a shop, grab a Mars Bar from the shelf, you proceed to pay for it, but you suddenly realise it's not a mars bar at all, it's just shit wrapped in mars bar wrapping. You ask what the hell this is to the person at the counter, and she tells you to stop being so entitled. At this point, she still expects you to pay for it though, but you just place it back where you found it, and leave. I'm not saying DayZ is the shit in mars bar wrapping, but I'm simply pointing out how ridiculous the claim is that there are people here that are entitled. We can simply get up and leave at any point in time if the product is crap, or we don't like what is happening, because we are paying money for the product. You make the point of that not happening very often, which for the most part, is true, but it does happen. In a perfect world, people would just boycot game devs when they do stupid crap, but obviously people don't start boycotting until it gets extremely excessive, such as The Warz. They promised the mars bar, and they gave us the shit in the mars bar wrapping. Again, my post doesn't relate to dayz, just the world entitlement within gaming.
  5. Back in my banditing days, I shot someone through the firestation door with an AS50. I was pretty proud of that. He shut the door, and just as it shut, I shot at where I thought he'd be, and what do you know, I got a kill.
  6. aussiestig

    Offline hydration and starvation?

    Your hunger and thirst don't save to the hive as often as everything else does, because it is constantly changing. What you did, was log out before it got a chance to save your thirst to the hive. Just wait 2-3 minutes after having a drink before you log off next time.
  7. This guy knows what's up. I'm pretty shitty with words, but anyone that argued with me about being entitled earlier, this is pretty much all I was try to get across.
  8. As I said, I have respect for moderators, but I don't bow down to them for what they do. Every forum moderator here is going to be part of the dayz testing, something that is pretty cool in itself. Maybe not worth all the hours, but I've never received anything for my moderating. Sure, you have shitty days, but I've never even heard of a case like yours. Maybe it helps that my youtube, steam, and forum accounts are all different names. I suppose the way you phase it, it's probably something they should deserve recognition for, simply for doing it. But I think there are still people out there that have done more for DayZ, and should come before them. Surely you can agree with that.
  9. I'm not saying Dean is entitled. What are the chances that we didn't get a dev blog today because of the can incident? Are people actually suggesting that Dean is mad at us, so we don't get something as punishment? He probably didn't feel like it, or just felt there was nothing to show this week. The point is. In todays world, not when video games were first made, video games are made to make money, all of them (aside from a few flash games), whether it be a lot, or enough to cover development costs. In order to get the money they wanted, they need to sell games to us. We don't owe anything to them to buy their game, it's their job to sell it to us. I have ultimate respect for Dean, probably more than you ever will, after all, he created the mods, and the community as well, for the great military sim group I'm part of today. But this is not about Rocket, this is about people thinking that we're all entitled. I'm far from it. In order to make a successful game, you need people to work together on both sides. You need to community to have patience and respect for the people making the game, but mostly, you need the people making the game to respect what the community has to say. Sure, he doesn't need to make us happy, he could just make a game that pleases himself, and he gets no sales. I'm for that if that's what he wants, if he wants to make a game that he wants me to buy, he needs to sell it to me. Anyway, I never made these posts to say that I disrespect what rocket is doing, or whatever you think I'm saying. I'm saying that in a world where you want people to buy your game, you actually have to have them want to buy your game, not just leave them out in the open about everything, and forgetting about the community (I'm not talking about dayz here, I don't care that we got no dev blog today, I'm talking about gaming in general)
  10. OH BOY we really don't deserve information for the game that WE ARE PAYING FOR. This is just getting ridiculous. I can't comprehend how any of you think that information we get about the game we are paying for, is somehow a privilege. The gaming industry isn't some kind of thing that was designed solely to please people, it was designed to make money. In order to make money, you need to market your game. ie. giving out information through blogs and video's. Being an ass and not giving out information earns you nothing but debt as a dev. I'm not saying we should be screaming "GIVE US INFO ROCKET, OR I WON'T BUY YOUR GAME", but we don't owe the devs anything but a bit of respect, and some patience. After all, we don't have an obligation to buy their game.
  11. The cans were a hot topic. With all due respect to the moderators, they don't really have a hard job. It's easy to turn up to a forum, close a few threads, respond to a few reports/messages, and ban a few people. I've done it on more than one occasion. They don't really add anything to the communtiy, so I don't see why they should have their names plastered where others that have done a whole shitload more than them, don't get to have their names. I thank the mods for keep the forum clean and tidy, but any more than that would be disrespectful to people who've put large amounts of time and effort into dayz, such as porting maps, creating huge communities, and making software to make the game much easier to use (playwithsix/dayzcommander). I said a few days ago that it didn't really bother me, and I stand by that statement. If they kept them in, I wouldn't care, but if I had no choice but to pick a side, it'd be taking them back out again. Anyway, back on topic.
  12. aussiestig

    Server with the most action?

    Find a server with 50 players. Play on it. Although, don't expect to live very long unless it's whitelist, because hackers all obviously target large servers.
  13. Us gamers, so entitled, huh. Without gamers, the companies churning out games would have no one to buy their shit. Stop using the dirty word 'entitlement' within gaming. I'd be completely surprised if Rocket's reasoning for not putting out a dev blog was because of this can ordeal, because it's extremely easy for everyone to say "well hold on, I don't have to buy your game, cya".
  14. aussiestig

    Loadout of choice thread?

    Most commonly used? Do you mean what I prefer to use most of the time, or what I've spent the most time using whether I liked it or not? If it's what I've spent the most time using, then Primary Weapon: Lee Enfield Secondary Weapon: Revolver
  15. aussiestig

    Mod for arma 3 alpha ?

    Dslyecxi said that it's not hard to move things across from Arma 2 to Arma 3. I suspect someone will just need to add in new player/zombie/loot/vehicle spawns and it'd be good to go.
  16. Well not too long ago Matt and Dean were asking for a whole load of writers to write some stories. Unless everyone who plays DayZ is shit at writing, I think they'll have a lot of stories to pick from
  17. But that's what the books/diaries are for. They will tell you things about what it was like before the apocalypse, what happened, and what it was like before we got there, while still leaving your imagination to run wild about what exactly it was like. That sounds brilliant in my opinion.
  18. You're kind of contradicting yourself there. You say "we make our own story" but you want a campaign with a story in it. A campaign would tell you the story, it would give you everything you need to know about what is happening. I'm all for a singleplayer mode, just not something outside of the multiplayer mode that dictates the entire story. The story needs to happen in the multiplayer side of things, or not at all.
  19. Gonna need to see some proof here.
  20. A single player that's the same as the multiplayer? It'd be boring, but sure. A campaign is a no in my books though. There doesn't need to be a story about how it all happened. If the first time we played, there was an intro saying something like "A virus has spread through the country. With no way of escaping, you are one of the 1% remaining. This is your story" (I'm terrible at writing, just an example) then I would be happy. There doesn't need to be a huge backstory. I love the idea that Rocket is implementing where you can find books that were wrote just before the apocalypse or during it. It leaves you guessing. Ultimately, DayZ is about creating your own story, that's what makes it such a great experience. You make your stories, you don't have them shoved in your face in the way of cut scenes or story lines
  21. aussiestig

    70% of servers don't work....

    Can you expand more on "just don't load". Is there any text on the screen you are getting stuck at?
  22. aussiestig

    Epeen - Action key 20?

    I'm not asking what it is, I know what it is, I just want to know why on earth people call it the 'epeen' now. It's been the debug monitor the other 9 months I've played DayZ.
  23. aussiestig

    Epeen - Action key 20?

    Can someone tell me why everyone calls it the 'epeen' now? I don't get it.
  24. aussiestig

    Yet another 'Is this pc good' topic

    Exactly what Target Practice said. There is no logical reason to buy a 680 over a 670 when you're tight on money. The jump between the 2 cards is so small it's not worth the money unless you really do want just another 5 fps. A 670 in a years time will still be $100 cheaper than the 680 at least.