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Everything posted by kydo

  1. kydo

    Traders and Traitors

    I also had a trade with "A Good Samaritan" today http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45965-looking-to-trade-nearly-any-wep-you-want/ One for him, n one for me ;)
  2. kydo

    Trade (Ghille Suit)

    Stop spamming replies to get ur post count up you tard
  3. lol... thats a fairly terrible trade for me but ill do it anywayz :P One server i use the tents are missing untill restart, and another is down completely... so you will have to wait a bit <_< *edit* Not really looking for either of those... Could use a spare M14. What do you want for it?
  4. kydo

    WTT for satchel charge

    will trade you 2 for a M16 acog
  5. kydo

    Trading m16a4 ACOG for best offer

    send me a PM, ill give you what ever you want *edit* Bid retracted due to forum drama
  6. kydo

    WTT for satchel charge

    you have a M16 acog or M136?
  7. kydo

    Trading Weapons for, SVD Camo, sandbags,

    I traded with him today, all went smooth. Was patient as DayZ was giving me problems too. Would trade with him again. Kydo
  8. kydo

    Looking for a trade?

    ill trade you for the m4a1. need it for my collection. What would you like in return?
  9. still looking for these trades! Really need a M16 acog ;)
  10. Well, M4A1 is not overly rare. I dont have one cause I have no use for it lol :D . What do you want for it?
  11. Willing to do both M4 and DMR for either. Add me on steam.
  12. kk, ill trade for NVG then. Give me about 45mins? Add me to steam to discuss location "Kydoimos" same steam as forum name
  13. Do you have the ammo for it or just the tube?? If you have ammo, ill trade for NVG np.
  14. I have all of those :P M4 for NVG is a bit steep... Find me something else to add to the pot and you have a deal
  15. kydo

    Selling AS50 Thermal ++

    Didnt those used to drop WAAAAAY back at the start of the mod?? and where later stopped?? s'what i heard, dunno if its true
  16. List of items Im looking for has been updated. Hit me up here! *edit* SurvivorJauss Let me know if you have any of the things i listed, would trade a SVD.
  17. kydo

    So we found a chopper

    +1 for POV other than pilot -100 for jerking the camera around like you're having a fucking seizure...
  18. kydo

    Thank god for alt+F4

  19. So Pandemic Legio.... erm, Pandemic Mercenary Squad eh? Interesting. You guys have any planned hot dro.... erm, raids planned?
  20. well..... i dont REALLY wanna trade an AS50 for just a M24 lol... ill think about it :unsure:
  21. Have a couple trades set-up but have not completed them due to reverse play times. Still looking for a M24 & ghillie, hit me up B)
  22. Cruc1al you have been trolling hard for a SVD... makes me unsure about you man... As for OP, how many ghillie do you have? I already have lots of GPS, NVG's but no ghillie right now. If you have some spares sitting around hit me up, I'd be willing to trade an AS50.
  23. I have a spare... Once my Tent server resets and all the tents re-appear (le sigh) ill give you one for free. It's nice having the gun you want. Send me a PM well set something up.
  24. No worries man. I know a clan who has a spare, but they have EVERYTHING and dont need another .50... Decided I'd give someone else a try. I'll get one either way ;)