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Nebo NZ

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About Nebo NZ

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  1. Nebo NZ

    [WTT] Antibiotics.

    No I've never used.
  2. Infected. Need Antibiotics, will trade NVGs for them.
  3. Nebo NZ

    So I got infected..

    A: There is no temperature on the debug monitor, go diacf this feature is avoided by logging in and out. B: You can get infected from a zombie when did you download this 2 days ago?
  4. Nebo NZ

    So I got infected..

    If you would like to trade PM me your skype details + the item which you would like to trade for.
  5. Alright so I managed to get infected from a zombie touching me ONCE at full blood. Server hopped the Berezino hospital like 50 times before giving up.. I'm now living my life constantly coughing and having to eat meat every time I'm below 10k HP. Who's damn idea was it to include a super fuckin rare chance for a zombie to hit you. and insta infect you even though I was healthy as fuarrk, I ran marathons god damnit. And to top it off the Anti-Biotics has a shit stain dirty percentage to spawn IN ONLY HOSPITALS. Soo... [WTT] Ghillie suit or NVGs for Antibiotics.
  6. Nebo NZ

    [WTT] Tent(s)

    PM me skype name.
  7. Nebo NZ

    [WTT] Tent(s)

    Would like to trade for some tents. 1 Ghillie suit for 1 Tent. We have a few suits, were looking at 2-3 tents if you have multitudes. Trade will be done by hand face to face + skype.
  8. Nebo NZ

    Hacking out of control on NZ servers

    Its just an Alpha bros. The first time I encountered hackers was like 3 weeks ago, and from then on I gave up caring about my character life span / items - I just run around on the coast talking and meeting people and having fun. Hacker in the server? Stick around Cherno and Elektro and watch the fun unfold. Hackers are extremely fun to play with - There's nothing like looting free NVGs and other rare items from dead hackers. (The shitty ones are always the ones without god mode on) Its a rare occurrence for hackers to mass slay, happens once every 2 weeks for me and I play on the Orcon + ON3 servers. Just roll with it and try have fun, Because I've flown at least 10+ helicopters that they spawn lmao. good times ;)
  9. I don't think hes looking at making a variety of different types of zombies like unique or elite zombies, but I think the idea of a larger scale zombes in a stand alone game would be good.
  10. Umm.. how? You don't to just punish bandits only how is that fair? People are allowed to play the way they want - bandit or not. Promotes Survival over Player Killing. Since you would value a player by your side helping you fight off the NEW and DANGEROUS Zeds. With no downfall to being a bandit, its your own choice.
  11. You just won the game.
  12. Well yeah its another bleed mechanic but increasing the amount of necessary items you need to carry, ALONG with the BUFF to the infected on Damage rates etc,
  13. Well that's why I stated the need for medical supplies sure you have to go out and find them, But introducing things like disinfectant bandages which you can make yourselves by finding the liquid from residential areas or something along the lines of this is perfectly balanced. Its the same as when you start bleeding and you have no bandages and you slowly bleed out ^_^