If you guys are going for "realism", why not put GPS's in every car, because more people use GPS now than maps anyways... Don't forget this is a game, and games are meant to be fun. IMO even with the reconnect ammo bug (refills your partially empty mags), you still don't have enough ammo. If you find ammo in RL, you usually find a ton of it. Maybe you should be able to stack mags in your inventory slots, so you could hold 1-10 mags in one slot depending on the weight of the mag (sniper ammo would be way heavier than makarov mags). That way we could have our gun-happy fun, but not make this a bummer where we get nothing for our looting efforts. Also, I don't recommend making ammo less common... All that means is players are going to go straight for the throats of anyone that has something better than a pistol, in hopes that they will drop a nice gun & ammo. Even if you have loads of guns and ammo, you can still get easily swarmed & doomed in even a small sized horde.