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Everything posted by jivix

  1. jivix

    Does this video card help me run DayZ?

    No worries, it's what I do best. Hope you can be up and running DayZ soon :)
  2. jivix

    Does this video card help me run DayZ?

    I'd recommend getting something a little more appropriate for your price range. That card seems a bit overpriced. The ATI card has better overall performance than the 2 Nvidia cards, so I would recommend that one. XFX Radeon HD 6570 (1-slot cooler) HDMI + DVI + VGA - $60 + $10 rebate + $3 shipping = $53 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814150613 If you are against ATI cards for any reason, then here are some Nvidia options: Gigabyte GT 440 (2-slot cooler) HDMI + DVI + VGA - $64 + $20 rebate + $7 shipping = $51 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814125429 Zotac GT 440 (1-slot cooler) 2x DVI + mini-HDMI - $60 + $15 rebate + $7 shipping = $52 http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814500252 Edit: If you're willing to go a few dollars past your budget, here is an option that will give you better performance than the others by a significant margin: XFX Radeon HD 6670 - $75 + $10 rebate + free shipping = $65 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150576
  3. jivix

    Arma 2 beta patch 95883

    The loading screen seems to take longer regardless of the server speed now... I've have to wait at least a minute on any of the 15 servers I've joined today.
  4. jivix

    Low frames tried EVERYTHING

    Don't set your video memory to Very High. Always keep it at Default, because Very High is a few steps below default. If I remember correctly, Very High caps your VRam at 512MB. Doesn't seem to make all that much of a difference, but I keep hearing about it. Try turning object detail down, perhaps it is trying to render all of the zombies through the buildings. Do not turn it to low though, because then it's no longer GPU-rendered.
  5. jivix

    Global Ban on 2 accounts: DayZ

    Famas, I have some empathy for you. There are a lot of negative nancies on the forums, you should ignore the hate that will quickly build up. People are very bitter towards the hackers in Dayz atm, so anything you mention that could possibly place you in that category will make everyone hate you as well. I personally think your intentions were completely innocent and, frankly, logical, especially since you are a new player and wanted to familiarize yourself with the game. I can completely understand that. I am sorry that you have people laughing at the fact you had to buy a 2nd copy of the game just because you weren't crystal clear on Arma II's hacking policies. I'd recommend doing something like that on the Armory in Arma II: OA or at least hosting your custom server on LAN only with no internet access, with battleye uninstalled. Modding makes games fun, Dayz and Minecraft have both shown us this, and you got screwed over. Sorry about that. +1 to empathy
  6. If you spawn West of Kamenka it usually says wilderness. There are 1-2 other places that you can spawn that also say wilderness, but if you are spawning in what is obviously Cherno/Elektro and it's still saying that then you have a problem, otherwise it's totally normal.
  7. jivix

    V3S Going right forever...?

    Sounds like the wheels got glitched, it happens with certain vehicle spawns. I know the green/red car at Stary was/is notorious for its parts not being repairable until you drove it away and the server reset. Welcome to the DayZ alpha.
  8. jivix

    Sudden, seemingly random extreme lag.

    Is your video memory set to default?
  9. jivix

    Guess what? Graphic Glitchs!

    I've tried Strikeshot's suggestion on my own several times, and I can attest that it definitely does not work for me. I was doing a NWAF raid when all of the sudden my screen got artifacts no matter what direction I was facing, so I was forced to log out there because I did not know what direction I was running. Trying again a few hours later after getting back on DayZ didn't change anything, I had to have a non-artifacting friend lead me out of there like I was a blind survivor. I've tried setting memory to default, using the latest Beta patch (which seems to help in certain cases, at one point I was able to walk around Cherno normally), flushing, setting texture detail to low, lowering the 3d resolution, and nothing seems to help. I guess we just have to wait for 1.7.3 with the rebinarized model files.
  10. I have absolutely no technical knowledge of how the hive database works (my bad), but if you want some sort of explanation from someone who knows anything about computers, here goes: One other issues in Dayz is saving vehicles. If you manipulate a car's inventory (remove/add an item), then within a minute or two save the vehicle and relog, you will often find an item is either missing or duplicated, depending on the operation you performed. This could be similar to what happened with you, perhaps you put one last meat steak or can of soda in the pack, then immediately logged out. The alternative explanation is that one item may have not been represented fully in the database (maybe it was supposed to be in your backpack, but the database couldn't find it, because it was actually in your inventory when you logged out), so the database assumed your entire pack was glitched, and deleted all of the objects in your backpack. Hope this brings some sort of comfort to you. If you find this happening in the future, I recommend trying the following: 1. Dropping/picking up your pack on flat ground 2. Putting all of your backpack contents into a pile, signing out 10-15m away from the pile, then logging back in and putting all of the items into the backpack, then waiting a few minutes and signing out again. 3. Going into the fetal position and crying your heart out. Hope this helps!
  11. jivix

    Grass causing lag?

    8400GS is too weak. Your CPU is fine (for now), clock speed is usually more important than cores for certain games, usually first person games. If you're playing modern-day shooters, you'll want at LEAST something in the GTX 260/ HD6770 range. You can take a look at this chart for examples. For Nvidia, I'd recommend a GTX 550/560 with a smaller budget, and for ATI I'd recommend the HD 6870 or the HD 6950 (I personally use this one).
  12. jivix

    Fan speed results in lag??

    I think what is going on is that your laptops' temperatures are going too high, thus forcing your laptop to step the gpu and cpu down in order to prevent overheating. A cooling pad should help quite a bit. If you are comfortable with it, you should probably dust out your laptop as well (there are tons of guides for cleaning your laptop online).
  13. The best part about this is they disabled the respawn button. Probably the most hilariously useless change I've seen since I started playing. Seriously? What did this accomplish in any way, shape, or form? All it does is inconvenience everyone. I hope it gets reverted. -Inconveniences people trying to spawn somewhat near their friends, thus preventing enjoyable experiences -Inconveniences people turned into animals/teleported to the middle of nowhere by hackers, making hacking more aggravating then ever -RUINS the day of people glitched into walls/objects/rocks/underground who are unable to move That is all.
  14. jivix


    I think the population of people hacking in this game is actually larger than the honest players/fans of the game. Me any my teammates were always wondering how people could perfectly flank/assault us every time we tried to do some covert ops, turns out all they have to do is look at the in-game map and they can see all of our positions regardless of visibility or difficulty and teleport behind us to take us out. I'm not even going to bother playing on the public hive servers until the prolific hacking gets stopped. Story time: The other day we did a Stary run (6 of us), on a 18-person server. I was on the backside of the sniping hill (the hill next to the tents) with a buddy, and we were watching the deer hut on the other side of the valley. We had 2 snipers watching Stary (no zombies in town of course, we had it all to ourselves), and 2 people with silenced weapons went in. They finished looting and were on their way back up when a man with an AS50 teleports onto the crest of the hill opposite us (across Stary) and insta-headshots one of our guys. He teleports up to the other guy, my friend unloads into him, and he fires his AS50 several times into my friend. 2 more shots and he kills our 2 snipers on the hill, which he didnt have direct line-of-sigh with at the time. Me and my overwatch buddy were trying to bolt away at full speed towards the deer hut (to put some distance, maybe they wouldn't notice us). My friend had made it into the treeline, and I was about 15 feet away, but still shielded from the sniping hill by several of the large bushes (the kind only large vehicles can push over). Not only that, but I was feeling relieved because the weather was bad and I could no longer see the top of the sniping hill. The hacker must have turned on their aimhacks, because a second later, I saw a silhouette on the sniper hill, and they headshot me across the field, through two bushes, just outside of visible sight range. I had my friend abort because we couldn't let the hacker get everyone. Now for the sad part. Our surviving friend went on the next day to do some ops by themselves, but got thunderdomed by a hacker not 15 minutes after signing onto a server.
  15. jivix

    FPS Issue

    I think the poster should be getting much higher framerates. I highly recommend trying out the new AMD beta drivers to see if they help at all. I'm using the 12.7 beta drivers at the moment. (Uninstall with the Catalyst Install Manager, then reboot, then do the driver install). Make sure your Video Ram setting in Arma is always at "Default". The Arma II dev team has been quoted as not even knowing why they included the other memory settings, because they handicap the engine too much. (too lazy to find quote, read it in an article) Another thing I've noticed is that alt-tabbing while in game since or so will sometimes cause the framerate to permanently drop, until you completely restart the game. The only other thing I can think of is that 4GB of ram is a tad low, particularly if you are running a 64-bit OS. Still, it shouldn't be a problem, assuming you have taken the necessary steps of shutting down extra software while playing (Firefox/Chrome can be a big one if left open with lots of tabs).
  16. jivix

    M136 Bug with DayZ

    Combine this with spontaneously disappearing/desyncing backpacks and you can end up not having a backpack after trying out the broken rocket launcher. I know it's alpha, but this feels kind of like a pre-alpha since the most basic features of the game (inventory, weapons, hell, even walking on rocks) do not work as intended. Part of that is because of Arma II, which is why I think Rocket is so excited to move to standalone (hopefully on the new engine), but part of it is because there are so many new bugs cropping up with new features that the dev team can't really sink their teeth into these much more important issues. Oh, and on a side note, the rocket launcher will draw zombie aggro (from the loud noise) despite not even using a round when firing. So I guess you could use it to troll in Cherno/Elektro if you didn't care about living.
  17. jivix

    Graphical Issues

    I've tried just about everything. I think that everything gets dumped back into my card faster (thus creating the graphical glitch) because I have 1.5GB of vram. Changing windowed/fullscreen, flushing, changing video ram setting, nothing fixes it but it does make the artifacts look different. I was going to post pictures of some of the bizarre artifacts I get (some of them are radically different from what I normally see), but unfortunately the Dayz Forums don't seem to allow adding photos to posts anymore.
  18. If you look at the up-to-date patch announcement thread for 1.7.3, you'll see they are still working on the bodies. You might want to try the latest arma II beta patch, that seems to have helped a lot for me. I no longer glitch out in Cherno.
  19. Dozens of servers seem to have implemented very strict ping time limits. I've joined a few servers with <48ms ping and I still get kicked. I've read in the general server rules that you should not kick players for high ping or desync unless it's extremely excessive. I doubt that even a ping of 300ms could be deemed excessive. I think this practice should be changed, perhaps with a maximum ping requirement set at a permanent 500ms.
  20. I've installed Battleye a thousand times in a thousand ways, it still crashes right at this precise point. I've tried having the game install it, the standalone battleye installer install it, and several different patches install it. Nothing keeps the game from crashing!
  21. This is for people who are having trouble getting DayZ to launch at all. I spent hours and hours trying to fix my Arma II install (to play DayZ). I upgraded to beta 94945 and found there's a game-joining bug, so I started to encounter problems when trying to downgrade. Somehow I managed to downgrade to 94875 but right when Battleye would initialize the game would crash (aka less than 1 second before you'd be in-game). I tried doing everything: fiddling with launch options, running in admin mode, reinstalling the game, playing with config files. Eventually I got it to a point where Arma II would run fine, but Operation Arrowhead would throw all sorts of bizarre and seemingly random errors when launching. Unfortunately, I needed to play OA to have Steam set the CD key in the registry (so I could play DayZ), but without OA working I could not play. I've finally come across a (rather obvious) fix that worked for me: Just run steam as admin! Sorry for the heart attack, just a little joke after spending 24 hours fixing my game. No, my solution goes further than this. Assuming your Arma II install works but your OA doesn't launch (like my problem): 1. Uninstall Battleye from Arma II and Arma II:OA. 2. In your Arma II Operation Arrowhead folder, delete Arma2OA.exe. 3. Remove your @DayZ folder and anything else you may have added to your OA folder. 4. Remove any launch options from steam or shortcuts you use. 5. Make sure you have the correct *beta* version of Arma2OA.exe in your /expansion/beta/ folder. You may need to try reinstalling whatever version you are currently using and make sure that the date modified gets updated. 6. Now, if you are using Steam like me you need to do a verify game data on Arma II:OA. If your situation is like mine you should get 2 files, and you should see Arma2OA.exe appear back in your OA folder. 7. Restart steam in Admin mode and launch Arma II and it should prompt you to reinstall Battleye. Do so and pick something in the Armory to make sure it's working alright. 8. Still in Admin mode on steam, launch Arma II:OA and it should prompt you to install Battleye as well. Hopefully this will bring you the main screen with no issues. If you do have issues, either you missed a step or you have a corrupt install and may need to redownload (unless you already tried that, in which case: good luck with that). 9. If your Armory works then you can proceed with trying Combined Ops, if that works then you should be good to go and can put @DayZ back in and try running the beta again. I use the following wall of text as my launch target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\arma2oa.exe" "-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2;Expansion;ca;@dayz" -nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty This was recommended in the DayZ wiki and it seems to work great for me now. If you don't like the weird menu background then remove the "-world=empty" I don't know why this fix worked for me, as I feel like I've tried it several times already. Hopefully you all have as much luck as I do with this, although I wouldn't call my 24-hour grind "lucky". Update: I found out that one of the reasons I was having so many issues was that I had installed the full version of the beta i.e. the 650MB one. I highly recommend only using the beta patches, not the full release, as it prevents you from being able to downgrade.
  22. jivix

    Getting very aggravated

    If you want some help setting up DayZ, pm me and we can get you set up.
  23. I have no way of controlling ping spikes, as they are related to my ISP and not my personal computer. This happens even at another house with a different ISP. I don't understand why it would immediately kick after a single, instantaneous, spike in ping time anyways. Why doesn't it just check again after a few seconds to make sure the ping is back within tolerance? And as for internationals joining local servers, I completely agree with you. However, I think instead of putting in strict ping time requirements, there should be a region system so by default you can only see servers within your country or continent. Most games have already implemented this, I'm not exactly sure why arma II hasn't.
  24. Hi everyone, I'd like to clear up a few things regarding the thread. I was playing with L for two days in a row, and I saw the events that were described in the OP. The incident in question is regarding a vehicle transaction between the player "L" and the server admin, "Uncle Ed". I don't think it matters what kind of vehicle it is, or where it comes from. The server admin plays on the server as well, so this could be considered a player-to-player transaction. The transaction (which, by the way, was for humanitarian purposes, the medical truck was to be used to help out noobs on the coastline in need of assistance) was interrupted by a strike team that ran over "L" and stole the vehicle in question. It was pitch black during this time, and due to the helicopter we could not hear the thieves approaching. This server had already been declared a non-pvp server to all players entering, so these players already knew that what they were doing was against server rules. However, we did adopt a "stand your ground" policy, which Uncle Ed decided to utilize to defend us. Until we were attacked there was not a single hostile action taken towards the players who stole the medical truck. In my own opinion, what these players did is like taking a pacifier away from a baby and then complaining that they are crying. In addition, these players were on this private server for at least an entire day, if not longer. If they have such an issue with "rogue servers", why were they playing on it for hours and hours? I believe the reason this server is private is so players can have a separate, low-risk character that they can use to play DayZ without fear of losing the character they play with their friends with. I do it because on this server all there is to enjoy is the game mechanics themselves, and the co-op participation of people. People should not join a server knowing that they will break the rules and then not expect some sort of punishment for it afterwards. We all know that the majority of DayZ servers have turned into a Battlefield-esque frag-fest. I know this personally because I have been in a variety of battles (Go to Starry Sobor on any server with more than 15 players and you'll see a firefight every hour). This server is a beautiful thing because it encourages the positive aspect of the game, the co-op, and allows newbies to explore and survive without getting fragged on the coast right after they spawn. Uncle Ed was merely furthering his plans for friendly Co-op by giving an altruistic player a vehicle designed purely for medical assistance, something that can be appreciated by anyone who knows the difficulty in surviving this now PvP-heavy game. I think we need to not only focus on the positive aspect of gameplay rather than the negative, but we also need to encourage the game to develop into a more co-op survival game so that incidents like these will happen far less often. I spoke with "L" after the incident, and the only thing he could feel afterwards is incredible disappointment towards not being able to help out the new players who had been dying rapidly on the server. I feel bad that this happened to him, and that the symbolic gesture that there is no cameraderie in DayZ was a major morale destroyer for all involved.
  25. I can't believe anyone would even think about turning friendly fire off on this game. Once you learn to fight the zombies, the only thing left that makes the game interesting is the threat of other survivors/bandits. There's a reason the mod was made to be exclusively multiplayer... and it wasn't just for the camaraderie.