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About hollowfication

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. hollowfication

    Joining server / launching issues.

    yes i am getting that same problem 2 bad server connection but it each one i got to play one but that was waste when battle eye kick me out
  2. hollowfication

    am i banned

    i got message on one of the server on dayz said i was banned why?
  3. hollowfication

    i got kick out for my ping being high?

    i went on 400 and up ping server they still kick me out
  4. hollowfication

    has anyone got best thing game taken away?

    i had type of rifle you know old fashion ones i killed 6 zombies but did not get lucky 7 and i was dead lost em all
  5. Well i had i was alone and no zombie attacking me i found Army knife and ammos in this tool shed near beach i said cool then suddenly i get kick out of server all my goods gone Bloody battleye how about you guys & girls?
  6. hollowfication

    Tree of death

    i never died on tree before dude i think zombie that chased me did die which was weird i kinda laugh when he never came up
  7. hollowfication

    DayZ Stories

    my self not really much i cant seem to stay on batteye server cause they fking hate me, Anyways i am on russian server none the less. The game start normally i die i manage to get to the hanger which i said alright plane so i could get fuck out of here. nothing only dead army dudes then i manage get killed horde of zombie got me but before that i manage to get attack in barn find my self gun i shot 6zombie in it cause they heard the sound and chased me. i was almost at death door on it but taking painkiller did shit all. i trying to check on dead bodys but then zombie appear kill me i had no bullets shit way to go injury & no bullets
  8. hollowfication

    zombie bug

    guy said zombie follow u everyone but not near the water they total stop which is odd
  9. hollowfication

    No weapon entry ans start without weapon

    i found knife in game but before i could move battleye stuck the noise in booted me out
  10. hollowfication

    wtf with battleeye

    bloody battleye they kicked me out for my ping being 2 high yet again and i was in 330 ping reqiurement they said u been kicked out for your ping being 328 wtf 2 ping less then requirement
  11. hollowfication

    fix the weapons bug

    error cgfweapons shit they not fix it yet i have been food for zombies not finding weapons around
  12. hollowfication

    have u seen stupid players

    fuck u all i have dyslexic problem ruffly the player i mention was laying down on floor could of seen the zombies coming but never got up.....
  13. hollowfication

    Stuck on waiting for character to create.

    i had same problem with some servers which odd
  14. hollowfication

    game map wont load right?

  15. Well i have no offence to player out there but i saw this guy laying down on the ground in little suburb. I was over run with 6 zombies and went by him turn this guy never got out alive he could see it but poof then he was food for em. Frankly he could got up run for it no he just got eaten but that never slow them down get me frankly they stop dead when the sea was near by which totally odd.