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Everything posted by suspense

  1. suspense

    Can my System handle DayZ

    It might be a little rough around the edges, but you'll be able to play somewhat decently with some config tweaks.
  2. suspense

    New character per server.

    Please use the search feature on the forum ;)
  3. suspense


    Yes you would need to purchase arma 2 and arma 2 arrowhead in order to be able to play. Theres loads of youtube tutorials on how to install it. For "noobs" you can google sixlauncher, that'll help you loads, if you have a hand for computers tho, i wouldnt recommend using a launcher.
  4. suspense

    banned for not being on?

    Go back a few pages, click the "ban appeals" then read the sticky, there you got your answer.
  5. You might not be a bad admin, but many will. There are already countless of reports of admins abusing rights to hoard vehicles, or prevent losing them. Rocket said, and i saw that interview days ago. That its something he would look into(this does not mean its allowed, nor that it will happen) and he said it might help with the hacking, it certainly will, but i already stated the major issues it would cause instead. It will not help the situation.
  6. The point he is trying to make, is that with private servers admins can ban who they want, set the settings how they want. And again, that will result in a completely broken system with no rules. Admins will lock servers and hoard vehicles Admins will lock server when vehicles are stolen Admins will kick and ban if they are killed etc etc. This will completely ruin the experience aswell.
  7. I dont see how its the wrong time. He said he couldnt see why a standalone version(alpha, beta or release he didnt specifcy) wouldnt be done by the end of the year. If he is attempting to follow this timetable, then he might already be working a little on the standalone. Theres no reason to remove core mechanics, that he is using to gather important data, when he is working on a standalone. In any way, that core mechanic(the hive) would have to be "removed" to satisfy you, to then be "applied" again to help him gather the information he needs, to develop a more mature system for his own standalone game. Its just, inefficient lol.
  8. At a lan atm, dunno about the other guys. Guess they grew a little tired of Day Z. Sol, APB was a major fail, the team was a major fail, the fact it took them as long as you said, to make a district is a major fail. Take the map of skyrim, its fucking huge and it didnt take that long. Its DLCs has maps half its size, which in itself is insanely huge. Modders create maps for skryim thats even bigger, in months. Rocket stated that he would love "more maps" to be combined "into one" but instanced. Somewhat like how Eve functions. Eve is 1 server, but the complete map is divided into systems. Each system is huge as hell, but going to another system is a seemingless "transition" Day Z has 800k unique players, not 800k concurrent. Rockets last "concurrent" record, was 22k players at one time. Much less then what eve has on their tranquility server.
  9. He dont understand, nothing you tell him will make him realise. He believes that DayZ standalone, is actually gonna be on chernarus, arma 2 engine, with 50 players per server. He is, just not very smart.
  10. You just dont get it. The hive helps gathering data on the backend. He said he would love to see a tranquility server model for the standalone game, you know what this means? It means 50-60k people easily on one server at a time. You see why the hives is there now? If you dont, you simply just dont get it. This is what happens when someone decides to publicly release an alpha model of a possible game, you have hundreds of people that has absolutely ZERO clue of game development, come and dictate how shit should be done. This is why you hire QA teams instead, which is 80% less effective in terms of feedback, and end up releasing a half broken product. Honestly, its disgusting to read what you are saying. You complain and whine because the "product" dont work how you want it, yet its not even up to you to decide. Its his mod, its his platform to test on, so he can hopefully in the future, release a better standalone product. If he says the core gameplay needs to feel like an MMO(which he did) then who are you to tell him he shouldnt, he wants the game this way, he creates the game this way.
  11. He was talking to a group of hackers that went mental one week and completely rendered the mod unplayable. He attempted to fix it, which took more of his time, and it resulted in nothing more then innocents being punished. You keep saying the hive is useless, yet you are oblivious to what the hive means, what it does, and how it helps rocket and his team in having better understanding on centralized servers that can help them in the future like he already stated. If you are experienced enough to call it useless, why dont you offer your expertise to him and help, instead of sit here and call shit useless... I already told you, that allowing people to use their own hives reduces input on the hive structure, which is crucial to have a better understand on how to run "MMO" like servers, yet you seem to not care.
  12. Its not supposed to be a working game. And its not supposed to be particularly enjoyable. Its a proof of concept alpha mod, of a possibly standalone game. 98% of the time, what we play now would never be released, it would be for internal testing. Rocket, released it instead and keeps releasing as he progresses. We are just lucky to play it really. Its a testing phase for him and his team. Removing the hive, removes the ability to test backend systems that somewhat compares to a tranquility server, which Rocket stated he would think would be cool for DayZ. So if he removed the hive, sure you might be able to play a little better now. But the final release will be much more rocky, because development and testing capabilities were limited due to users complaining about an alpha, thats NOT supposed to be playable at all.
  13. On a cheating site sometime last month
  14. Rocket cant do anything "accurately" against masses of hackers, he is not battleye. A while back, he did do something to stop massive amount of "rage" hacking, this is how he felt afterwards. It resulted in many innocents being excluded from Day Z, theres just not much to do about it except exclude classnames, which he already did. Another "wave" of this incident, would create much more rage with the current playercount.
  15. suspense

    Is the M40A3 a scripted in weapon?

    It is a spawned in weapon, and no you cannot get banned for using it.
  16. You seriously asking about an unofficial map run by unofficial people, on the official site?. Here is a mods answer to one of these threads earlier today.
  17. suspense

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    You've said several times you are gonna leave now. Can you just, leave please? Dont make yourself a liar now.
  18. suspense

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Yeah, this is most likely gonna be my last post here aswell. Its impossible to help people that just dont want to educate themselfs.
  19. suspense

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Sure, ill give you one right now. Your "game" gets ignored because, you purchased ArmA 2 and Operation arrowhead, not Day Z. Aaaand then you might be like "YOYO I HAD TO BUY ARMA TO PLAY DAY Z" this is the normal respons, that not so smart people state. I had to buy a drivers license, but the company i took mine at, didnt assist me in fixing my car later when it broke. Maybe i should sue. No, you purchase ArmA 2 and Operation arrowhead, as long as you get what is represented on the "box" or advertisements, you get what you paid for. If the service you paid for is somehow broken(this does not include 3rd parties) then you can get your money back, in this case, no service is broken and the game functions as advertised. Day Z is a mod created by a 3rd party, for ArmA 2. Bohemia has no obligation to assist in the development of Day Z, they have no obligation to spend money on it. However, none of this matters since Rocket said he did not want funding from publishers or other studioes because he wanted the game to be his. Once you recieve funding, investers begin to demand things, rocket clearly said he didnt want this. He is hoping for his own studio. If i ran a studio and was near release date of a new title that i had been working on for years, and someone made a mod that made me a lot of money for my old title, then fuck no, i wouldnt cut my workforce in half to assist in the development of an old title, and screw the release of my new one. That would be utterly retarded and the most stupid thing i could ever do. I would put that money, into my upcoming title that is running on modern technology and not ancient technology
  20. suspense

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Im sorry, i wouldnt. Talking with you would only give me headaches. You are quite literally just_too_stupid
  21. suspense

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Cuz you have knowledge of software development, injection security, the engine and specific changes they made, oh and you also have the game obviously, and know 5 developers that personally said it was shit.
  22. suspense

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    His friend obviously, didnt you read? <3
  23. suspense

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    I wish you could downvote people on the forum. This guy is spewing more shit then the shacks on shalka
  24. suspense

    B.I. doesn't give a shit about you...

    Your username "Your" friend says VBS2 team(which is bohemia) has studio on military base Yeah, completely legit.
  25. suspense

    Is having hacked weaponry bannable?

    I am not saying they arent hacking. I am saying what you are posting is not scripts, its the hive syncing the player. Have you converted these coordinates to ingame coordinates to see what distance they are traveling? You should be looking for actual executed scripts(which you probably wont find due to bypasses) instead of messages of the hive syncing a weapon thats not in Day Z. The transportation that you are linking, is more promising proof then logs of the hive syncing a gun. But only if you have an idea of what the coordinates cover. I am gonna have a look myself to see if we can make sense of the distance