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Everything posted by suspense

  1. suspense

    Please help, we don't know what to do

    Can you post a screenshot of the ban message? If its only happening on that server, it seems that the admin is not completely sure on how to lift the ban correctly.
  2. suspense

    removing way points from the map

    Click on it once(on the map) then hit delete.(or hold the cursor over it)
  3. You wouldnt ever know if they were blowing the community off. All we can do, is wait for arma 3 and see what happens. Until then, we wont know if we have been heard. At that point, a lot of 3rd party sources will be able to take a look at the changes aswell, so even if bohemia dont talk about it, we will. Whether you will take 3rd party word for it, thats up to you obviously.
  4. You're right, im not. But its a very touchy subject, as much as people want an official response on the anti-cheap abilities of ArmA 3, or the "future" of ArmA 2, its unlikely to happen. Those things just aren't discussed, and it wont matter how many asks for it. The least you will get is "We are aware and working on it" and i am sure, that answer wont satisfy you either.
  5. I understand where you are coming from, but scripts are a part of arma 2, and it wont change. I am waiting myself, for some inveils of the modding abilities in ArmA 3, to see if scripting has been more limited, or modding has been reworked to function without that system. In regards to my "statements" i've spent many years in reverse engineering, and i work in malware. I am confident in my understand of Battleye, and ArmA 2 after playign the game for 3 years and looking into its systems. Most of this, i hope is fixed in ArmA 3, if not, a more public statement should be coming after its launch. I doubt we will see any official wording in regards to a 4 year old title.
  6. suspense

    Is useing hacked in weapons....

    No you wont
  7. suspense

    Battleye's a joke...

    I was hoping i didnt have to spend another 20 minutes trying to find the best way possible to explain how this works, because if memory serves me right, mad people that have 0 clue what they are talking about, rarely listens anyway. I am gonna quote some of my posts on this subject, read them if you like. If you dont, please stop talking. Before you read these, i had to answer the post slight fruther up fro mine. Bypassed every week? How about Punkbuster - BF3 - Top-selling hacksite, hack has been undetected for 8 months VAC - CS/CSS/Source games - Top selling hacksite, hack has been undetected for 4 years VAC - MW2/MW3 - Top selling hack site, Hack has been undetected since release of the game(s) Battleye - ArmA 2 - Public hacks, has seen banwaves every 6-10 days since Day Z release. EDIT: The link i posted in the first place is back up, go read that. I dont feel like "reposting" much of it lol.
  8. suspense

    Battleye's a joke...

    Please dont speak of things you know nothing about, you clearly have no technical understanding of video game anti cheat systems based on the above comments. Read this http://dayzmod.com/f...u-need-to-know/ And you will have a somewhat better understanding. EDIT: apparently the thread is gone, wow i am surprised.
  9. This is your scripts.txt that you linked, this is not scripts being run. You can input keywords in this file, battleye will then take appropiate action if it finds any of these keywords used in the logs.
  10. suspense

    Buy the game just because of the mod

    Not only that, the low resolution textures of arma 2 free are absolutely horrible lol.
  11. Please post a screenshot of your ban message
  12. suspense

    Take out .50 cals

    You will find this in any military barracks in the world lol. In this case, we play on a map that was in progress of a military invasion, so you would probably find more weapons then just in the "normal country" would you not?
  13. suspense

    Need help onUserConnected

    I assume for the reason of catching alt+f4s? It wont show them going into the lobby, so unless they completely go out of the server, you wont have the message anyway.
  14. suspense

    Why I uninstalled DayZ.

    ArmA isnt alpha, the mod is. Have you ever played regurlar ArmA 2? You should try it, you would see how fluid it is, how few bugs there are, and how animations and gameplay just run 1000 better then Day Z. The mod is in alpha, the game is not. The mod alters a lot of behaviour and thus can make the game looke broken, when it in fact, is not.
  15. suspense

    Take out .50 cals

    The "random shitty country area" that was hit by an infection during/shortly after a huge military invasion? Yeah, definatly wont be heavy weaponry there, thats for sure.
  16. suspense

    Need help onUserConnected

    Why would you want this in the first place? Arent your server cluttered with enough messages already lol?
  17. suspense

    Why I uninstalled DayZ.

    Atleast now you know, never apply for QA jobs at game studios, its most definatly not something for you. Congrats on ruling out one of the many possibilities in life. Not really, private hives are for 1, not allowed. And for 2, modified. If you are posting feedback based on private modified hives, then holy shit....
  18. suspense

    ArmA 2 engine for DayZ's future?

    Yes and no. Theres a bunch of restrictions, things like "clan systems" or "party systems" or "spawn near friend systems" would be very difficult to implement. Dogs, not so much. The new arma DLC features dogs, which is what Rocket is waiting for to add them. More enterable buildings is possible, you can mod arma like you want. If anyone has the time, you can model completely new buildings, inside out and place them on the map. Though, the amount of work and time it would take to implement all of these things would be insane, and with ArmA 3 coming up, which already unlocks a lot of this stuff(all buildings enterable) it might be a better idea to wait for Day Z to be ported to arma 3.
  19. Weapons still saves, camo and vehicles dont. The only weapons you can spawn in DayZ, are those that are still included in the classnames, most of them saves. Such as AS50 tws, m4a3 holo + sd + grenade launcher etc.
  20. suspense

    Do Helis have radar?

    They do not have radar, even if they did, "people" dont show on radar, only aircraft, vehicles and tents. With graphics on very low, its very easy to see into forest and bushes since barely any leafs show, they probably just spotted you.
  21. People really just shouldnt rent a server for a game that they have no clue how to manage.
  22. Its not a script, its someone logging into the server, and the hive sends request for his gear. The weapon might not be in the game, but he might aswell have picked it up somewhere, and not spawned it.
  23. Wow, what lame ass. His playername is Limpy Gimpy, db ban him lol
  24. You play on a server with nametags, you use rangefinder to set zeroing to 800, then when the nametag clearly says 500, you stay at 800. Wut? You were kicked for script restriction, can you show the ban message? Because it wasnt an admin that kicked you. I highly doubt your banned
  25. suspense


    Sounds promising. I wonder what he did <3