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Everything posted by suspense

  1. None of what he said is true, and the tool should never be released. There is already too much admin abuse, and with something like that, it would only get worse. Anyone with just 5% functioning brain capacity, would see its absolutely stupid to allow.
  2. suspense

    Is there a

    You dont, you go join an official server and itll let you in.
  3. suspense

    Is there a

    You joined a server running an unofficial hive(most likely a lingor server)
  4. Battleye is constantly banning cheaters, look here yourself. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/59998-battleyes-activity-updated-daily-with-the-effects-of-active-banwaves/ You are asking BI to remove core functions from arma 2, so that Day Z works. What you are forgetting is, doing so will break arma 2 itself, general modding and server events. It wont happen, and its not fair that a mod are the result of features being removed from the actual game. It is IMPOSSIBLE to stop hacking. Not a single anti-cheat system in history has been proof, its that simple. When Day Z goes standalone, scripting will be fixed, not a minute before.
  5. suspense

    Where to send our complaints?

    Before you send them an email tho, i suggest you look at some of the good battleye threads around here explaining it in a little more detail. Battleye is working hard, an example is my thread here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/59998-battleyes-activity-updated-daily-with-the-effects-of-active-banwaves/ with some timelines of banwaves
  6. suspense

    Where to send our complaints?

    Yes, the above address. You arent likely to get any response tho, but they are noted.
  7. It will push from the commercial market, now arma 3 is out soon which is gonna be great(No, not for Day Z, for us arma players) Day Z needs to go standalone, not be dependant on arma, its that simple. If the mods needs to go further, it needs its own studio, patching arma 2 is just patching it up, it wont hold, its a waste of time. Its up to rocket, not bohemia.
  8. We veteran arma 2 players have played on open servers for years, ArmA 2 works amazingly for what the game is, 90% of everyone here didnt buy arma for what the games purpose was, so they dont see. The performance difference of arma 2 normal, and day z is insane the performance difference of arma 2 normal and day z is insane. The article says they are looking for a replacement, mind the wording, the only company that can create a game of same nature on VBS2 is BI. So, every single other company must make a "replacement" BI, can merely upgrade. All the documents are showing, is interests in a new product, it does nto matter where it comes from or what its based on, as long as it fulfills the needs. Its not because VBS 2 is bad, VBS2 is fucking amazing. They just want to push competition.
  9. No, BI isnt per say "contracted" either. You as a military institution ask BI for a quota for the things you need as a training platform, and that way purchase VBS2. The US army did the same. BI has Virtual Battlespace, the other companies dont. The other companies examples would be a "replacement" because they cant develop on the same engine, BI can. VBS2 upgraded with the specifications of the draft, is enough competition to sell again. The US army isnt all anyway, many european insitutions also use VBS2, its not contracted. No one was ripped off. You bought a game to play a mod, the mod came with no promises at all. Shit, i have played a ton of mods over the years and they have been nothing but mods. Its up to the developer what he wants to do with it, it either turns out to be standalone(which has happened to a lot of successfull mods) such as, Red Orchestra Natural Selection Dystopia etc etc Its not the companies fault that a mod created for their game is failing, or has limited functionatily, its out of their hands.
  10. It leaves us playing a mod with limited functionality, until it makes standalone, its that simple. If game developers that releases sdks with their game, were to provide support for said mods, they wouldnt have anything else to do, each mod wants something different, and you cant please them all. So, you please nobody and build upon the game that is theirs. Actually, they dont. This is all possible within the engine, all it requires are updates.
  11. Of course they wont, ArmA 3 is ArmA 3, a military simulator for that audience. It is not Day Z, it is not an MMO, and it is not a zombie survival game. If Day Z wants better protection, make a standalone. Theres no reason that BI should go out of their way, to support a mod.
  12. suspense

    Vehicles - Whats the deal.....

    Vehicles have a spawn delay, they dont spawn instantly after they get destroyed or a restart, to prevent the "abuse" that you just clearly admitted to ;).
  13. HWID bans arent really effective either, you can easily bypass them.
  14. The hive is a 3rd party database, it can only report what happens on a database level, not client. Whatever you see on easy servers such as "X killed by Y" are reported by the server, which is client, not the hive. In order for the hive to report kill messages, it would have to read deaths from the database, then report it to the server for the server to report on the clients, thats a lot of data processing, for somethign that the server is already capable of doing.
  15. He didnt reinstall the game properly then. You can always get "around" a ban by purchasing a new license
  16. No, your GUID is generated on the BE server when it reads the hash of your CD key. The GUID=bound to CD key. PID=Bound to client profile.
  17. They can, just purchase a new game with a new cd key.
  18. suspense

    Quick question about zeroing.

    It would fly over the target. It depends which weapon you are using, if you are talking about the as50 or 107, you will have to fire slightly below the target if its within 200 meters or so, or it will pass over. Theres no reason not to adjust constantly if you are sniping, even a missmatch of 100 meters is gonna make you fail the shit, you could use mildots to calculate the distance if you dont want to waste time pulling out the rangefinder whenever your target moves.
  19. Create a ticket on the knowledgebase site. http://support.dayzmod.com/knowledgebase.php I am sure they can help you out.
  20. suspense

    Hackers stealing files off servers.

    Theres no difference in regards to how the arma 2 server runs, official hive or not. The reason you dont see "hackers" is because less people play on it, just wait, if it gets popular, itll hit, you wont escape.
  21. suspense

    Hackers stealing files off servers.

    That was an old hole that was fixed a while ago, you were properly one of the couple of hundred people that had their rcon login leaked on 4chan about a week or 2 ago
  22. suspense

    Cheat reporting from server logs

    I suppose you could add them in a post here, the only worry i have, is that a lot of people dont understand the logs, or ban because the hive synced a player with a "spawned in weapon" even tho he might have picked it up from someone dead, not knowing. In which case, full blown threads such as "banlists" can easily hit a lot of innocent people. If it were kept specifically ONLY for actual script detection, then i dont see why not. People just need to know what to look for, too many unknowing admins.
  23. suspense

    My video tutorial showing how to install custom skins

    I wouldnt really consider this okay lol.
  24. Yeah, if you let your victims live to tell the tales. I let no one live, whos gonna be talking about me?