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Everything posted by suspense

  1. Try and open sixlauncher as administrator, if it still dont work, try and launch the arma 2 combined operations manually as administrator.
  2. suspense


    Thats not how it works. Theres no way for a client to know your exact ID unless they are the admin of the server, and for some reason picked your ID. The ID spoofers(which are currently very outdated) allows the hackers to use random IDs that in 99% of the cases, matches nobody, If someone connects with the same ID you connect with, it would tell them the CD key is in use, and not allow them to connect. If someone used your ID when you didnt play, this one person must have been an admin on a server you played on, and picked you out - which i find highly unlikely.
  3. Most games are saved in the documents folder or in appdata folder. For all i know, your 100gigs of games could have the saved games in 50 different places making it very difficult to find. Only advice i could give, is to google the games you want to save and figure where they save the files, and then back them up.
  4. Your saved files from ArmA 2 are located in your "My documents folder" in the "ArmA 2" folder.
  5. Your DayZ character is saved to the CDkey, just install the game with the same CD key and your character will be there
  6. Huh, thats odd. I guess thats the first beta patch thats not backwards compatible lol.
  7. Take a screenshot of your main menu
  8. Might be stupid, but check your game version on the main menu. It seems you might actually be running an older patch, beta patches are backwards compatible.
  9. What error are you getting when you join? Beta patches are backwards compatible, it should let you in.
  10. Could possibly due to the fact you use ArmA 2 free. I know you said it works fine without the command line, and it only broke after the update. But im inclined to believe it might be an issue with the game install/DX9 install, or the fact you run arma 2 free. I know you said your friend did too, which makes it even more odd. Have you tried doing a complete reinstall of ArmA? And installed DX9 from the archive again?
  11. suspense

    Does your character save for all servers?

    Your character sticks for all serves running the offical hive, most servers do. Unfortunatly there are a couple of servers that run a private hive, on these your character only sticks to said server.
  12. Try this .bat file in order to launch the game instead, it might solve your issue. Edit the last lines to fit your launch parameter needs, id recommend you try and run it as-is first tho. Put this in the root directory of arrowhead, and then make a shortcut of it to your desktop, then run it. Before doing so, you can right click it and hit "edit" to have a look at the commands if your a sceptical, its perfectly save. https://rapidshare.com/files/414701113/DayZbeta.rar If you dont understand whats in the .bat, its basically looking in your registry entries for the location of your game(s) in order to launch ArmA 2 with the beta, and then adds the launch paramters to it aswell. This wont allow you to use the steam overlay tho.
  13. Dont expect to find assistence here on how to run a private server. Doing so is more or less taking the piss on Rocket and all the hours he has put into this. Support the mod and its creator, do not use 3rd party hives to run a private server. In regards to your issue, i've played this mod for over a month now, and not ever had the issue you are talking about. It sounds like you might have played on a private hive and then switched to an official.
  14. Rocket already said he would like to see acre in DayZ at some point. Forcing direct com on is a really terrible idea. It will ruin being sneaky due to the fact that tons of things can happen in the room you play in, a cat having some fun, maybe someones on their laptop in the kitching, someone might be at a lan. Something like this would add so much random noise and completely deny any chance of chasing someone.
  15. Actually a very interesting idea. I found it very cool how the currency worked in Metro33. Where the most "common" projectiles were worn down and/or created from cheap materials. Military grade projectiles were worth more, and did more damage, but also much more rare as the decades of apocolypse had completely destroyed production.
  16. What would you use money for? The whole point of a currency system expands on the idea of a much larger scale survival MMO where you can actually purchase goods and/or sell through a form of auction house. A system like this is very advanced and will take very long time to complete - in DayZ's current state, something like this would be a waste of time to implement as the mod does not have enough loot both military, generic or features such as crafting that would allow for money to actually be of use. Furthermore, the world would need to be bigger and have more diversity for above elements to be added correctly.
  17. suspense

    Military style radio

    Theres already a mod for ArmA which does this. Rocket did mention it at Rezzed, its something he wants to bring in, but not in the "near future"
  18. suspense

    Realistic? Remove the ability to respawn.

    So your saying, you can die once and not play unless you purchase another game key? You serious?
  19. I'll post what i posted in another thread to attempt to clear up why ArmA 2 can have terrible performance on good rigs, aswell as bad rigs. The performance you can get out of ArmA 2 is very limited even on high end gear. ArmA 2 does not utilize multiple threads and cores properly. You can use a command line to "help" it on its way, but its still far away from being optimal. You would be able to notice this by looking at your total CPU usage during gameplay, aswell as which cores are being used to run ArmA 2. In most cases, you will see it mostly using just 1, and at occations, very little of a 2nd core. This results is very bad performance on high-end rigs, or rather, limited performance. Your best bet is to lower graphics as much as possible, ive got a few config tweaks that are almost bound to give you another 30-50 fps. It will reduce the overall quality of the picture, but help the game run better on the limited amount of cores it is able to use. This will help lessen the load on the one/two cores being utilized by ArmA, so that it is not loaded. Navigate to your documents folder and open the ArmA 2 folder, in here open ArmA2OA.cfg and look for these values, and make sure they are as quoted. if any of these arent in the file, add them. ArmA2OA.cfg PPAA=0; PPAA_Level=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; Optionally, you can remove mousesmoothing aswell. This gives you a more responsive behaviour like BF3/CS, instead of ArmA 2s very sluggish and muddy mouse movement. To do this, add this line mouseSmoothing=1; Next, open up your profiles operation arrowhead config and find these values and match them shadingQuality=10; shadowQuality=0; maxSamplesPlayed=32; anisoFilter=1; TexQuality=1; TexMemory=4; useWBuffer=0; tripleHead=0; sceneComplexity=150000; terrainGrid=50; These exact settings will reduce the draw distance of objects/trees and grass. It will make the game look "bad" compared to high settings, but you can play with them as you like. Using this exact setup will allow you to reach a good 70-110 fps in decent sized/small villages and the rest of the world. Where elektro and cherno will give you a good 50-60 frames. Good luck!
  20. suspense

    How to use visual indicator

    Im wondering if its that simple. I've managed to have the visual stat show 150 when running in the world, which sounds absolutely absurd to me lol.
  21. suspense

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    ArmA 3 is scheduled for Q4 2012
  22. suspense

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    The amount of features, smooth animations, better graphics and overall better stability really should make up for the 50 bucks ArmA 3 costs. Think of it as buying DayZ 2.0.
  23. suspense

    Why is Day-Z Running So Slow for me!?

    Navigate to your documents folder and open the ArmA 2 folder, in here open ArmA2OA.cfg and look for these values, and make sure they are as quoted. if any of these arent in the file, add them. ArmA2OA.cfg PPAA=0; PPAA_Level=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; Optionally, you can remove mousesmoothing aswell. This gives you a more responsive behaviour like BF3/CS, instead of ArmA 2s very sluggish and muddy mouse movement. To do this, add this line mouseSmoothing=1; Next, open up your profiles operation arrowhead config and find these values and match them shadingQuality=10; shadowQuality=0; maxSamplesPlayed=32; anisoFilter=1; TexQuality=1; TexMemory=4; useWBuffer=0; tripleHead=0; sceneComplexity=150000; terrainGrid=50; These exact settings will reduce the draw distance of objects/trees and grass. It will make the game look "bad" compares to high settings, but you can play with them as you like. Using this exact setup will allow you to reach a good 70-110 fps in decent sized/small villages and the rest of the world. Where elektro and cherno will give you a good 50-60 frames. Good luck!
  24. You are likely running DayZ through the core of ArmA 2, where as your friend is running it through operation arrowhead. These 2 have different interface colors.