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Everything posted by suspense

  1. suspense

    Pending Update: Build

    To add to this, anyone that has @DayZ loaded right now, can go into singleplayer, scenarios and load "US Army test" and you will quickly realise every gun and vehicle not available in DayZ, will be missing from the map. This happens in all singleplayer missions.
  2. suspense

    Suggestion of using VAC ban for hackers.

    I am getting so tired of repeating myself lol. Theres no difference from a bypass, and releasing an undetected hack. Its the same thing. A hack for ArmA 2 that contains a bypass, is only undetected until Battleye does a software detection. This is the same for EVERY ANTI CHEAT SYSTEM. Battleye is doing software detections all the time.
  3. suspense

    Suggestion of using VAC ban for hackers.

    Not correct. You get VAC banned on the engine you were exploting in, lets say you get banned in CS 1.6, you will still be able to play on CSS servers. Get banned in CSS? You wont have access to CSS, TF2, etc. Same for the modernwarfare series, if you get banned in MW2, you wont be able to play MW2, but you can play MW3. Note that you are only banned on vac servers, you are still able to play on non-vac secured servers
  4. suspense

    Pending Update: Build

    Doesnt work like that, GUID is only part of it. Your GUID is specific to your CD key, by spoofing a connection with the same GUID, all you do is essentially connect with what seems like that GUID. Battleye grabs the hashed cd key encrypts it, then creates a md5 hash of your cd key(hashed cd key) and then authenticates it with battleye, and first then is the GUID generated based on the md5. The only thing that you can spoof, is the PID, which is different from the GUID. GUIDs are validated and generated serverside
  5. What stops the hacker from going to the website and join anyway?
  6. suspense

    BattlEye - Whats it good for?

    What is Punkbuster good for? What is valve anti cheat good for? What is gameguard good for? No anti-cheat is hard to bypass, just inject memory into areas it doesnt search, theres tons of them. What seperates a good anti-cheat system from a bad one, is whether or not the studio adds detection methods for these memory spaces and how quick. Battleye has done this for the past 2 months, for all public hacks within a week, this is pretty damn good. Everyone comes here saying battleye is bad because they happened to stumble across a few hackers, those are a few out of hundreds where most are banned. Those that go a long while without, are using private hacks which are so much harder for a studio to detect.
  7. suspense

    Pending Update: Build

    Most people here dont understand how it works nowadays, Game studios rarely develop their own anti-cheat system to go with their games, its too much work to do. Instead, they contract. Everyone here should know that; Theres 3 layers to "development" of DayZ, indirectly. Theres, DayZ team that develops the mod Bohemia Interactive that develops and patches the game(Source, such as content, bugs, server performance, SDK improvements) Battleye Innovations that develop the client that goes with the servers to counter cheats and hacks. These are 3 different parties, where the DayZ staff is the party that is left out the most from Battleye. DayZ has NOTHING to do with Battleye, Bohemia Interactive contracted Battleye to develop Battleye for ArmA, these 2 studios work with eachother to improve cheat protection, NOT DayZ. Anything Battleye related is supposed to go to the Bohemia interactive forums, not here.
  8. suspense

    Pending Update: Build

    No, Rocket said he MIGHT implement a way to pick a spot to spawn, he never said it WOULD be implemented. The change of removing respawn was to test how the game played without being able to along with helping performance, not to test how a "pick another spawn point" system would play. Its alpha, features are supposed to be added, features are supposed to be removed to test how it plays with functions on/off. Removing respawn is one of those things, lets see how it goes a month from now.
  9. suspense

    Best Dedicated Server Host?

    NFO servers are pretty good, they provide you with rdp details which pretty much allows you to do absolutely anything. If you have an idea of what you are doing, theres no need for support with something like NFO. If something is wrong, you have just about as much access to fix it as they do, unless it happens to be a network problem on the rack.
  10. The data for your character is saved on your CD key. As long as you redownload arma and install with the same CD key, you will have the same character as you had before.
  11. Every server checks for it as best it can. Any security system can be bypassed, Battleye is the same on every server, the pbo checks are the same on every server. It does not matter what server you are on. Just because the server checks for it, does not mean that people cant cheat, its all about avoiding the current detection systems.
  12. Because the service you purchase are subject to the terms of service of the hosting company you use, let me use an example. Multiplay CLEARLY states the service you purchase and the limitations you have if you want a whitelisted ranked service, Some of them are: The DayZ instance ID is provided by Multiplay. Certain entities (including but not limited to vehicles) are controlled by the DayZ development team. There is no guarantee that these will regularly spawn on your service. The server must remain public at all times. Passworded servers are not permitted. Your service must comply with DayZ naming conventions set by the development team. The DayZ server code is in the alpha stage. As such features may be missing or unstable from time to time. This includes but is not limited to memory leaks, server crashes and high CPU. We will pass any information of this nature to the DayZ development team for review. Server hosts are asked to make this clear when renting DayZ servers, if a server does not comply with the rules, they are taken off whitelisting and thus not able to connect to the hive. This is perfectly legal per contract
  13. No.... No.... No... Please do not speak of law, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
  14. Why would you use a danish host? The prices are insane.
  15. Is this a box you bought yourself in a datacenter? Or running at home? The processor isnt very good, the rest is decentish.
  16. You arent able to play on DayZ servers with core DayZ files missing. You can spoof PBO files within other PBO files in order to load them within a mod that you arent supposed to. Battleye detects these over time as it gets updated. Theres nothing no one can manually do to enforce a battleye detection on pbo files that are hidden
  17. Battleye kicks if someome tries to connect and are missing a file needed for the mod, or if they try to connect while having another mod enabled. This is enabled on all servers.
  18. suspense


    90% of this forum is full of cheat reports with no video proof. No video proof=unlikely to be banned. Also, DayZ staff can only do database bans which require manual processing and proof as mentioned above. Cheaters are banned everyday from Battleye, so please dont come around saying nothing is happening. It is impossible to catch every single cheater, i could explain to you why, but with the statement i quoted from you, it would do no good as you do not understand the technicalities.
  19. suspense

    Can enable Global/Side chat for all players?

    Actually, it is. Rocket decided to remove it as default, i cant say whether or not its not allowed to re-enable, as it is NOT stated in the rules thread in the server section. EDIT: It is mentioned on the knowledge base section on the new site.
  20. suspense

    Can enable Global/Side chat for all players?

    You can freely enable it in the config
  21. Right now, object cleanup is bugged which drastically reduces framerate. You cant do any benchmarks at the moment.
  22. suspense

    Pending Update: Build

    Who are you to decide what DayZ is? This isnt your project. If Rocket says its a Zombie Apocalypse, then its a Zombie Apocalypse.
  23. suspense

    Incredibly low view distance.

    The view distance is determined by the server, it does not matter what you set your settings to, it wont matter.
  24. suspense

    Question for Rocket....

    It is spam. Dont create more threads to advertise a post you already created. Im reporting this thread so it can get locked
  25. suspense

    BattleEye Script Detection

    Its working fine for me.