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Everything posted by suspense

  1. suspense

    Suggestion: No global characters

    I never said it couldnt be achieved, i said its not what Rocket wants. He stated he wants a survival "MMO" with a persistant world and persistant characters. This cannot be achieved with ArmA 2 and the current state of Day Z, due to this you have an "exploit" as server hopping. It can be achieved as a standalone product which removes this "exploit" , if persistency is removed from Day Z now, testing features to run on a tranquility server will be very difficult, thus making development much more complicated. Its like asking Rocket to remove zombies, it wont happen, its a core part of the mod.
  2. suspense

    In need of version 1.62.953....

    Its rather important that you mention the "more numbers" to know what server difference you have
  3. suspense

    Suggestion: No global characters

    Like you said yourself, theres too many chances of losing that character because those who funded the server stops. DayZ in its current state is just the groundstones of what is to become a standalone game, where server hopping wont be possible. This is just an alpha, a test, an experiment and it is safe to say server hopping will not get fixed as long as this is on ArmA 2.
  4. suspense

    remove l85aws, add thread rating

    Thermal goggles usually breaks the purpose of using it to scout. Same as nightvision goggles, they are more effective as scopes. Its very difficult to use a weapon sight(especially enhanced ones) on rifles while wearing nvgs or thermal goggles,
  5. These servers are constantly being shut down, just report them and they will have their ID revoked.
  6. suspense

    Possible security hole

    That is someone writing in "group" chat, a legitimate chat ingame. Admin chat appears as red ingame
  7. suspense

    Get Kicked from every Server

    Maybe state the kick message?
  8. http://www.battleye.com/support.html Go there, not here.
  9. suspense

    Bug or Hack, not sure. please dont ban us.

    You are not banned for "using" hacked items by neither battleye nor Day Z, rocket has stated this times and times over in interviews and posts, and Battleyes own page says you dont get banned for it. Its simply impossible for new players to know what is hacked and what isnt.
  10. Source of picture pls
  11. So you are talking DayZ patches. What you essentially are complaining about, is that 6% of all servers are running god, please just go outside lol.
  12. Its funny how you respond to things you have no clue of. There has been 2 beta patches that had not been backwards compatible because they were not verified with Battleye, now that we moved to .62 ALL 62 patches have currently been backwards compatible. 62 is not compatible with 61. Stop trolling
  13. It dont matter, the patches are backwards compatible.
  14. Whats this bad calculation? How can you calculate something with numbers made up? 43% of all servers are running 95251 and 36% of all servers are running 95208. On top of that, 95251 is backwards compatible, allowing you to play on 79% of all servers(these are .62 servers) Your welcome, now go play.
  15. It is incredibly sad that people come here on the DayZ forums to make these threads in regards to cheaters, it is even more sad that they are made to address Bohemia and Rocket/DayZ. When none of these are in charge of actually preventing cheating(which can never be prevented) furthermore, it is even more saddening to see the OP use WarZ as an example of what DayZ will lose players to, when all War Z is at this current point in time, is a press release and 4 screenshots. This forum section is to post sufficient proof of cheating so they can recieve a Day Z database level ban, NOT A BATTLEYE BAN. This is much like PB streaming is. Its a 3rd party "assistence" system. Take this thread, whip it up a little, and go to Battleye which are the company contracted to support anti-cheat software to ArmA. You are wasting your time here.
  16. suspense

    Playing DayZ on a second PC?

    All your data is saved on the hive, and recognised by CD key. As long as your ArmA installation on your laptop, uses the same CD key as your PC at home, you will have all your stuff.
  17. suspense

    no entry in bin/blah.... = hacker?

    No its not. No entry errors are errors from your clients install to the server, it could be an error in a texture, an item, a model that is inconsistent. In 99% of the cases, you can just ignore it and keep playing
  18. suspense

    Hacker Srly ?

    So exactly what tools does PB/VAC give server admins? As long as a cheat goes undetected through the anti cheat system like PB and VAC, nothing these 2 has implemented will make any difference.
  19. suspense

    Hacker Srly ?

    You know nothing of what you are talking about, absolutely ZERO. Battleye is contracted by Bohemia, Bohemia can only assist in source, they have NO part in detection methods. Battleye has done software detections every 3-4 days the past 3 months on public hacks, which is way more then VAC/Punkbuster and gameguard does on average. So please, do not spew shit you honestly dont know about. You seem to have no knowledge of the technicalities, right now, all you seem to do is log in on a monday, see someome hack, log in again on a wednesday and see a hacker again, and expect nothing was done. Jesus, i dont even know where to begin...
  20. suspense

    Hacker Srly ?

    Dont get attached to your gear, you WILL lose it. If you cant live with that, come back once the mod goes retail.
  21. suspense

    Enable Console

    There are no commands to show fps ingame in ArmA 2, i suggest you use fraps instead.
  22. suspense

    dayZ & ACE

    Can you link to the interview? I would love to watch it to get an idea of whether the sound and visibility is client side(which it might indicate from what you are saying) if it isnt, then im not sure i see his standpoint, as using the mod would be users choice.
  23. suspense

    dayZ & ACE

    Not with the current rules given to server admins. Ace is a mod, and requires the key to be enabled on the server. Currently, we are not allowed to enable any keys on the server
  24. Bump, something needs to be done about these guys
  25. suspense

    Pending Update: Build

    Im sorry, but are you stupid? Finding bugs are not the issue. Some bugs in the game( a lot actually) are a problem from source, Rocket has NO WAY of fixing these. Some of the bugs are issues with the mod yes, but they are supposed to be there, and when they are fixed, another 10 bugs are supposed to appear. Have you ever played any game at an in-house development stage? DayZ isnt even proper Alpha, its in-house development, in which less then 20% of the full product is available. You have most likely never tried a game at this stage because you dont work at a studio, or are a contracted QA employee, i was one of the 15 contracted for a 3 months QA job at DICE last year for BF3, and let me tell you, core game mechanics were completely broken, even after 3 years of development, they were broken. If you have absolutely no clue on game developtment, i suggest you do not comment on any of the DayZ teams skills, its pathetic and utterly offensive.