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Everything posted by suspense

  1. I was able to repair it pretty easy. 1x engine part, 1x scrap metal. I put the scrap metal on the tail rotor, and the whole chopper went green.
  2. Did you come up with that all by yourself? Or did you have help? Rather impressive if not.
  3. suspense

    logout timer as possible ALT+F4 solution

    Rocket already said this is currently not possible because the engine restricts it.
  4. Its tied due to the fact that bodies and objects arent removed from the "world" over time. Resulting in masses of bodies/objects/blood/fly effects that has to be rendered and drawn everytime you enter a town or city. The load times are ruined aswell by the amounts of stuff thats on the server, and in this case, it dont matter where you are loading in, versus where the most bodies are, you load everything which results terrible loading times.
  5. suspense

    Non Hive Servers

    No you wont be banned for joining a non-hive server
  6. We are already restarting every 4 hours, and that isnt even enough. Remember, this wasnt an issue at all, 2 patches ago. was fluent, really quick load times it all workes great. Until object cleanup got borked. The issue isnt restarting, we cant restart any more often then every 3/4 hours, or clans end up exploiting constant retards to farm choppers. Furthermore, restarting tends to roll people back a couple of minutes, and if it happens in a desync, even up to 10-15 minutes. This is really frustrating for people logging into the server, shortly before a restart. The optimal fix is for object cleanup to be fixed, theres no reason to "settle" for less. Im not asking for anythign to be fixed now, all i am asking for is that Rocket is aware of the problem. Like i already said, it does not fix the problem. Loading times degrade on active PvP servers even after 30 minutes, in some instances you sit on a 2-10 minute loading screen even an hour or 2 after a server has restarted.
  7. I am not gonna say it is entirely impossible, but i am 99.9% sure it has got to do with object cleanup. Every test i have done has provided the same results everytime, no matter how long the server has been on. The loading times was worse the exact same day the patch that broke object cleanup was release. Everytime our server resets, and i purposely go in to kill people to check this, it takes only 10-60 minutes to see the difference in fps, and an hour to 2 hours until the loading times can be felt. And its the same every single time.
  8. We restart our server every 4 hours, and we still experience 2-10 minute + load times during play. It is a serious issue that i hope to shed some light on.
  9. suspense

    FPS Drop In Main Cities

    This is very wrong. The MOD is in alpha, the GAME is officially released. The mod is based upon an engine that has been released, the fps issues people experience in DayZ is not due to source, its due to object cleanup that is bugged in DayZ. Very little that you do with your settings will help as long as object cleanup is broken Refer to this thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49489-rocketdayz-team-object-cleanup-are-you-aware/ and bump it so we can hear from Rocket, if a fix is on the way.
  10. Hi Vipeax, tents and vehicles seems to save good now. However, we still have about 2-3 camps on our server that is completely duped, full of gear that we can never get rid of. We blow it up time and time again, but it all just reappears after a reboot. Is there a way to fix this? Or would it require a full db wipe of the tents? Right now, people just run there whenever they die, grab themselfs all the gear they can carry, and then leaves.
  11. suspense

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Some of us never experience the glitches, i havent had any graphical glitches at all. I know a bunch of my clan mates who does, its rather odd, i guess i am lucky lol
  12. They arent allowed to ban people unless they have specific video/log proof of hacking. In this case, they probably dont. All you need to do is report the server, they should either reverse the ban, or they get their license revoked.
  13. This ban is only for that server, the server admin simply banned you for the reason he put int he message. Its not a global ban
  14. So am i the first hour/2. When i run in the world and small towns, i have great framerates due to the fact that no bodies are lying around, neither player nor zombie. If you attempt to join a 50/60 player server that has been running for atleast 3 hours, you will be presented with a 2-10 minute loading screen, and very low framerate in cherno/elektro. And it is happening due to object cleanup. We spent a few days on our own server, after each restart we went into cherno, killed eachother plus the few randoms that were joining, and after only 20 minutes of deathmatch at the apartments, we instantly dropped 10-40 frames whenever we went near. It helped to relog into the server, we found that the majority of the framedrop was due to blood still spewing out of the bodies, even hours after they were killed. Reloading removed the blood and increases frames, up until some body we didnt know where were, was spewing blood. Nothing we did helped on the server loading times, other then restarting the server. Rocket confirmed object cleanup to have an effect on loading times back with, and its definatly a cause of low frames too. I am hoping for some official word on this.
  15. suspense

    Negative Mouse Acceleration.

    You cannot disable the mouse acceleration in ArmA 2, you can "counter" it a little with some of the settings. But theres no getting rid of it unfortunatly. By "GPU_MaxFramesAhead=;" they just mean "your number" simply edit your 1000 to 1.
  16. I suggest you guys dont downgrade, later today there wont be any servers for, they are all being disabled from the hive
  17. suspense


    Because battleye banned you. You injected functions and memory into game areas you shouldnt, its that simple.
  18. suspense

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    It wont require an update, they just enable the loot table on the hive, and it will go into effect as soon as "your" server reboots. EDIT: Saw Vipeax post after mine, he did say earlier today that it would only require servers to restart, i suppose it could have changed.
  19. suspense


    You were caught cheating, you reported you were "caught while being innocent" they likely looked up on what caught you, and it was clear, you were caught cheating. You cant get any help here, i suggest you get a new game and stop cheating.
  20. I ran it through one of our own log parsers too looking for actual scripts, and his snippets were clean too. I dont know if he ended up banning these guys, but i feel sorry for those innocent people if they did get banned. The "gear loading script" is initiated everytime someone loads into the game, your server log wont show someone going to lobby, then loading back in. But the battleye log will show them reloading their gear. Your logs are clean, you should not be banning these guys.
  21. Here is a snippet of my scripts.log, and this contains evne names of me, and my clan mates. We are NOT cheating. I am NOT wrong. 18.07.2012 22:28:12: mech-warrior ( 29a054c080a01069e951e9876174d5fb - #30 g", "enablesimulation", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; 18.07.2012 22:28:12: mech-warrior ( 29a054c080a01069e951e9876174d5fb - #31 ", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; _libraryCustom = 18.07.2012 22:28:12: mech-warrior ( 29a054c080a01069e951e9876174d5fb - #36 "createDiaryRecord", "removeAllWeapons", "addWeapon", "addWeaponCargo", "addMagazine", "addMag 18.07.2012 22:28:12: mech-warrior ( 29a054c080a01069e951e9876174d5fb - #30 if (isnil 'BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers' || false) then { BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers 18.07.2012 22:28:48: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #30 g", "enablesimulation", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; 18.07.2012 22:28:48: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #31 ", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; _libraryCustom = 18.07.2012 22:28:48: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #36 "createDiaryRecord", "removeAllWeapons", "addWeapon", "addWeaponCargo", "addMagazine", "addMag 18.07.2012 22:28:48: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #36 raddWeapon = 'addWeapon' 18.07.2012 22:28:48: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #36 raddWeaponcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeapon.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:28:48: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #36 raddWeaponCargo = 'addWeaponCargo' 18.07.2012 22:28:48: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #36 raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:28:48: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #30 rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal' 18.07.2012 22:28:48: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #30 rcreateMarkerLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createMarkerLocal.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:28:48: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #31 rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal' 18.07.2012 22:28:48: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #31 rsetMarkerPosLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setMarkerPosLocal.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:29:03: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #30 g", "enablesimulation", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; 18.07.2012 22:29:03: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #31 ", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; _libraryCustom = 18.07.2012 22:29:03: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #36 "createDiaryRecord", "removeAllWeapons", "addWeapon", "addWeaponCargo", "addMagazine", "addMag 18.07.2012 22:29:03: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #30 g", "enablesimulation", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; 18.07.2012 22:29:03: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #31 ", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; _libraryCustom = 18.07.2012 22:29:03: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #36 "createDiaryRecord", "removeAllWeapons", "addWeapon", "addWeaponCargo", "addMagazine", "addMag 18.07.2012 22:29:03: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #30 if (isnil 'BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers' || false) then { BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers 18.07.2012 22:29:03: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #36 raddWeapon = 'addWeapon' 18.07.2012 22:29:03: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #36 raddWeaponcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeapon.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:29:03: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #36 raddWeaponCargo = 'addWeaponCargo' 18.07.2012 22:29:03: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #36 raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:29:04: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #30 rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal' 18.07.2012 22:29:04: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #30 rcreateMarkerLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createMarkerLocal.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:29:04: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #31 rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal' 18.07.2012 22:29:04: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #31 rsetMarkerPosLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setMarkerPosLocal.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:29:04: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #30 g", "enablesimulation", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; 18.07.2012 22:29:04: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #31 ", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; _libraryCustom = 18.07.2012 22:29:04: Mark ( a7643731f55658e96e00b946428581a0 - #36 "createDiaryRecord", "removeAllWeapons", "addWeapon", "addWeaponCargo", "addMagazine", "addMag 18.07.2012 22:29:05: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #30 if (isnil 'BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers' || false) then { BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers 18.07.2012 22:29:31: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #30 g", "enablesimulation", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; 18.07.2012 22:29:31: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #31 ", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; _libraryCustom = 18.07.2012 22:29:31: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #36 "createDiaryRecord", "removeAllWeapons", "addWeapon", "addWeaponCargo", "addMagazine", "addMag 18.07.2012 22:29:31: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #36 raddWeapon = 'addWeapon' 18.07.2012 22:29:31: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #36 raddWeaponcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeapon.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:29:31: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #36 raddWeaponCargo = 'addWeaponCargo' 18.07.2012 22:29:31: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #36 raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:29:31: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #30 rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal' 18.07.2012 22:29:31: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #30 rcreateMarkerLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createMarkerLocal.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:29:31: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #31 rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal' 18.07.2012 22:29:31: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #31 rsetMarkerPosLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setMarkerPosLocal.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:29:33: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #30 g", "enablesimulation", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; 18.07.2012 22:29:33: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #31 ", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; _libraryCustom = 18.07.2012 22:29:33: Hawkeye ( 6f9ebda2bd49e94814c28998a0237099 - #36 "createDiaryRecord", "removeAllWeapons", "addWeapon", "addWeaponCargo", "addMagazine", "addMag 18.07.2012 22:29:33: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #30 g", "enablesimulation", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; 18.07.2012 22:29:33: JadedMistrust ( 8947df4cbad4c5ed75b401ca632908e7 - #31 ", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; Here is specifically from me logging in 18.07.2012 22:33:41: Suspense ( fcc004c1605f9c4e797678c907c29086 - #30 g", "enablesimulation", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; 18.07.2012 22:33:41: Suspense ( fcc004c1605f9c4e797678c907c29086 - #31 ", "addEventhandler", "createMarkerLocal", "setMarkerPosLocal", "hideObject" ]; _libraryCustom = 18.07.2012 22:33:41: Suspense ( fcc004c1605f9c4e797678c907c29086 - #36 "createDiaryRecord", "removeAllWeapons", "addWeapon", "addWeaponCargo", "addMagazine", "addMag 18.07.2012 22:33:41: Suspense ( fcc004c1605f9c4e797678c907c29086 - #36 raddWeapon = 'addWeapon' 18.07.2012 22:33:41: Suspense ( fcc004c1605f9c4e797678c907c29086 - #36 raddWeaponcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeapon.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:33:41: Suspense ( fcc004c1605f9c4e797678c907c29086 - #36 raddWeaponCargo = 'addWeaponCargo' 18.07.2012 22:33:41: Suspense ( fcc004c1605f9c4e797678c907c29086 - #36 raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:33:41: Suspense ( fcc004c1605f9c4e797678c907c29086 - #30 rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal' 18.07.2012 22:33:41: Suspense ( fcc004c1605f9c4e797678c907c29086 - #30 rcreateMarkerLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createMarkerLocal.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:33:41: Suspense ( fcc004c1605f9c4e797678c907c29086 - #31 rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal' 18.07.2012 22:33:41: Suspense ( fcc004c1605f9c4e797678c907c29086 - #31 rsetMarkerPosLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setMarkerPosLocal.sqf') 18.07.2012 22:33:43: Preventer ( ac93e2e562386c31d77cf42f3840e9e1 - #36 "Die"; }; player allowDamage true; player addWeapon "Loot"; player addWeapon "Flare"; Exactly like your logs.
  22. And that is exactly what happens when someone joins a server. Each client runs a script that grants them the items that the hive recorded X person had. Thats the only way to add items to a character, this is why reading the logs can be very difficult because they are already filled with scripts being run by the client, in order to sync with the hive. The "scripts" you see, are normal, no ones cheating here.
  23. It does this for all players on login. If you server is active, your log should be full of this. I would post a snippet of mine, but my 001 editor license ran out, and its over 3 gigs lol.