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Everything posted by suspense

  1. suspense

    Please make fixing tents/vehicles a priority

    You cant, unless you speak with the admin.
  2. suspense

    Please make fixing tents/vehicles a priority

    Those are only the client versions. The server needs to run the newest serverside hive version for things to save properly.
  3. suspense

    is this a possible hack?

    terraingrid 50 is not no grass. It decides how quickly the terrain degrades as you move away from it. It seems to be 50 on all servers, i just checked our config, and its the same.
  4. suspense

    is this a possible hack?

    Does not look like someone running a script. It would be more helpful to see it in context. Looks like the server is just loading whether configurations
  5. suspense

    Please make fixing tents/vehicles a priority

    Thats because they play on servers that havent updated to the latest hive version. Blame it on the server admins.
  6. suspense

    Running From Bandit Gunfire...

    With the way grass renders in arma 2 over distances, you will in most cases not have a good chance proning or crouching against a sniper thats shooting at you. In real life, you would first of all, not pass a field with no cover, 2nd, you would prone instantly in bush/high grass if you crossed a field with cover. In ArmA, i would suggest you learn weapon sounds and use a headset to get directions of where its coming from, and then block the line of sight. Haybales, trees, other kinds of objects. If you are completely exposed, zig-zag slightly, while running horizontal away from him, not vertical. This way he will have a much smaller hitbox, and have to adjust zeroing much more.
  7. You wont get banned for using hacked items. A camo is rather harmless, obviously if someone spawns a tank and you know its hacked, common curtesy is to not use it. By "buy" Do you mean pay real money? Id advice against that, i mean, you are gonna die sooner rather then later ;)
  8. suspense

    Please make fixing tents/vehicles a priority

    How do you know you werent raided? Our server is fully updated and tents aswell as vehicles(with its contents) saves perfectly fine for us. You are either playing on and old hive, or with old hive. Or you got raided.
  9. suspense


    Depends on the server. On some servers, the fix that stops peopel from losing gear is not enabled. Join our server (US 104 chicago wolvesofwar) and you can swim to shore without losing your gear
  10. suspense

    Things that need to be removed

    I dunno about the kill messages, i like them as they assist in finding hackers. The debug console is there for a reason, it provides needed information through the alpha to determine what happened when something went wrong. Its crucial for development. Thats why its a "debug console"
  11. Was it called "Soldier clothing"? Have you got a screenshot? Id be interested in seeing this.
  12. suspense

    REQUEST to Reset my Character

    Yes i spawned with all my gear back. Rocket added this in the latest patch.
  13. suspense

    REQUEST to Reset my Character

    Just reload into the game, and you will be reset to the beach. I was stuck in debug last night, i joined another server, and i was ported to the beach in Kamenka instantly.
  14. http://www.twitch.tv/suspenselol This is stupidly hilarious lol
  15. We can confirm there were a hacker on US 104 10-30 minutes ago. He is gone now tho
  16. Vehicle heat signature slowly degrades until about 60-80 minutes has passed, and the signature is completely gone.
  17. Feel free to come by US 104, if the ping restriction is too low for you guys, let me know and we will adjust it.
  18. suspense

    Why this mod is failing

    So you start out with this, only to proceed to spend another 10 minutes writing up a completely unintelligent post? Actually, the title in itself is beyond stupid.
  19. Tents and vehicles saves fine on our server too.
  20. There is no EULA for DayZ. ArmA 2 and Battleye has one. The only hacking/cheating scenario which you should report on the Day Z forum is one where you have clear video or picture proof of cheating taking place, not heresay. At that point, its up to the staff to decide whether or not to grant them a database ban. Day Z staff does not enforce battleye bans "global bans" and what you accuse them of here, is not against any rules in arma 2, so a battleye global ban wont happen.
  21. Its likely whoever got it, hid it. Theres no way to know for sure.
  22. Not sure what incident you are talking about, but if you have some legitimate reports of faul play, we are more then happy to hear them out.