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Everything posted by suspense

  1. suspense

    Get PunkBuster for standalone, please!

    Its been broken for the last 4 years, not a single fix or attempt to fix it has been made. Really good commitment :P
  2. suspense

    Get PunkBuster for standalone, please!

    Really? Seriously? Here, look how active battleye is.... http://i.imgur.com/JaQsJ.png http://i.imgur.com/gtEAA.png http://i.imgur.com/vH5ji.png
  3. suspense

    Get PunkBuster for standalone, please!

    I'll just qoute what i have already said on this case, oh and before i do, the punkbuster screenshot function works on 5% of the games punkbuster supports lol. Good feature .
  4. suspense

    is removing files cheating?

    It is obviously cheating. You remove content that gives you and edge over everyone else, theres trees all over this map, and used a lot of hiding. You will just have a clear shot at everything, its no doubt not fair.
  5. suspense

    is removing files cheating?

    Yes, obviously?.
  6. It is to an extend. They want "cheating" and "Exploits" fixed so that ArmA functions as an MMO. This is not possible, it will remove key features and abilities used by the arma community for 3 years already, to run feature full servers, with mods, without mods. Custom user missions, custom vehicles, custom "abilities" such as radios, airdrops etc etc. All things that works through the scripting that arma is build around. It is NOT a fair request to ask bohemia to re-do how arma works, just so that a mod functions. Especially not when arma 3 is around the corner. If you want a great Day Z game, wait for standalone. Right now, it is what it is, its not up to bohemia to to suddenly abide by a mod, it is, afterall, a mod.
  7. Thats not battleyes fault, thats bohemias fault. If it werent for "scripts" (Bohemias implemented these) or creating items/putting nukes in the game, teleporting(bohemia put this in the game). All we would see, would be aimbotting, wallhacking, which wouldnt "appear" as a major issue, because it is much more difficult to spot. But it would still be as much of an issue, as the current hacking shenanigans are. On top of that, 90% of everyone making posts about battleye on these forums, has absolutely no clue about what they are talking about. They see a server get hacked on monday, and then see it getting hacked again next monday, and they assume nothing was done. Plain and simply wrong, and its mind blowing how people can come on forums here, claim something is bad, while having 0 understanding for what it is, what it does, or how it functions.
  8. Battleye does sync during gameplay, its not enough just "bypassing" it once. I am gonna go look at his code now, but if it seriously does what you say it does, it wont take more then a few days to detect it, and kabam goodbye stupid hackers. I know how battleye works(what is of knowledge to "people") and i know how anti-cheat bypassing works, ive reversed programs and anti-cheat systems for years. This person has used different methods in his 5 bypasses(10 bypasses counting those before dayZ) and its obvious that the holes he is using, are being plugged. That is literally ALL an anti cheat system can do. Every anti cheat system can be bypassed, every encryption, ssl, wpa2, nothing is secure, it wont ever be secure. What defines a good anti-cheat, is how quick and how effective they are at responding, and battleye responds fast.
  9. These are not old. The passed 3 months, this "one person" has released 4 different hacks in order to bypass battleye. Its got nothing to do with md5 hashes, reobfuscation or recompiling . Obfuscation has nothing to do with how it works, the md5 hash or anything, only how difficult it is to read and understand the code without source. A software detection is done by reversing the hack in order to find which memory spaces it injects into, so that it stops battleye from updating and inizializing on the server. Once battleye has done this, they update battleye so that the "bypass" no longer stops battleye from running when joining a server, the updated version of battleye then searches for injections in this memory space that they discovered, and any injects done that arent supposed to be done = ban. Why dont you take his hack, reverse it and look for where it injects, how it injects, and what signatures it leaves. Then come back to this thread, quote me with a workaround, and then we can imaginarily say "we got the hackers". I'm waiting.
  10. Theres no difference from doing this, or releasing any other "undected" hack for punkbuster or vac. Last time "this person" released a "bypass" it was detected within a week, so please, dont yell up about we're fucked, when its less then 3 days old. EDIT: To be more specific, a software detection has to be done by battleye this requires MANUAL work, and happens usually within 1-2 weeks. Most anti-cheat programs then detect the hacks, and postpone the bans another 3-4 weeks to make it more difficult to spot what got them detected in the first place. Battleye does not delay bans from detections So with battleye, we see bans within a week, rather then after a month. Battleye is NOT SHIT, you just DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS. Got this make me so angry lol.
  11. VBS 2 is not running on the "same" engine, its a modified engine made specifically for the army, but its dated. If you had played VBS 2, you would know it feels nothing like arma 2. In fact, its much more smooth, has many more features, much better support, but slightly less graphics. Because it aint about the graphics for the army.
  12. suspense

    So wat abo dis?

    The latter.
  13. suspense

    Private database ?

    Private hives are not "Accepted" by the Day Z staff no.
  14. suspense

    Log Examples [hacking]

    EDIT: Didnt mean to quote myself lol
  15. suspense

    Log Examples [hacking]

    Thats not what i was saying. Battleye bypass is only one part of the job. The bypass is usually injected into memory. If this is detected, battleye will ban if you inject into memory. HOWEVER, if you use scripts with other methods, and no battleye bypass, you can still initiate scripts that are undetected and all you will do, is show in the logs. Most admins have a scripts.txt that they keep updated, with the public known variables. Using selfwritten private ones, allows you to continue.
  16. suspense

    Log Examples [hacking]

    Bypassing battleye is only the first step. Writing your own scripts to avoid script detection in_case the bypass is detected, is completely different. They are both equally important.
  17. suspense

    Log Examples [hacking]

    Like this { vehicleToSpawn = 'ATV_US_EP1'; if (isServer) then { (vehicleToSpawn createVehicle (position player))setVariable ['ObjectID', 521, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor,getPos player nearestObject vehicleToSpawn]; }; }]; This is specifically for vehicle spawns, i have removed some stuff from this to render it useless to people, but in essense, this is what you will see.
  18. suspense

    rocket: where is!

    I never said you were, jesus.
  19. suspense

    rocket: where is!

    Its a "TARGET RELEASE DATE" Its not a "CONFIRMED RELEASE DATE" Dont ever expect the patch to land the day its targeted for, and dont complain when target date isnt met. Its that easy
  20. suspense

    Official open thread?

    The confirmed changelog is in the locked thread, and its likely locked for a reason.
  21. Its the campaign/main map for ArmA 2, so existing. Theres some changes made to it, like the roadblocks and broken vehicles around the map tho.
  22. I suggest you read the patch notes. No ones getting banned, everyone is being LOGGED. No action is being taken, and no system to enforce suspensions/bans based on player actions has been developed.
  23. And if i am in cherno and dont have time to run 2000 meters out of town to "hopefully" not be near a horde of players?
  24. Quoting it directly would be too easy, i applaud you for knowing ;)