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Jellis (DayZ)

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18 Neutral


About Jellis (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Skype

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  1. Jellis (DayZ)

    Valiant Gaming *Recruiting

    *Still recruiting
  2. Jellis (DayZ)

    Valiant Gaming *Recruiting

    Valiant Gaming Hey, my name is Jellis and this is my squad/group/clan/network/whatever the hell you want to call it. At the moment we have around 5-6 people currently apart of this network. We would like too expand to about 15-20 people. To do this i need YOUR help! To join you will need to submit an application (App. Questions Below) to my email (Also found below). First let me tell you about this network. Seeing as though i call this a 'network', we do not only play DayZ, we are interested in a variety of other games aswell. Arma 2, Arma 3, Mount and Blade, War Thunder, etc. Some of us are also planning on playing Elder Scrolls Online, GTA 5, and some other upcoming titles. Joining Rules Must have a mic and teamspeak! 15+ years old. Mature From North America (Due to playtimes) Familiar with games. You CANNOT be apart of any other network/clan. Loyalty issue. Application! Send these to valiantgamingjellis@gmail.com How old are you? _______ Where are you from? _______ What kind of games do you play other than DayZ?________ Do you have any helpful skills such a coding, web design, etc.? ________ Do you have teamspeak 3 and a mic? ________ Are you in any other groups/clans?_______ Are you going to be active?_________ Are YOU Valiant enough? ________
  3. GNA Presents a new custom server! Search for DayZGNA on DayZCommander What do we have to offer? We offer alot of new things such as buildings throughout the map that are custom, more buildings around (Kamenka, NWAF, NEAF, ect.) If you have a clan and would like the make your home on our server message me on here. We offer clans custom bases at a location of their choice! All GNA members are friendly and will try to help others. We like to consider ourselves a PMC as well. 'GNA' members are marked with a red beret on their head. If they're are any questions, feel free to ask on here! Thanks!
  4. Jellis (DayZ)

    Sp3c US/Canada and European Based Squad *RECRUITING*

    Still recruiting US make sure too add me on skype! if you cant find me then pm me!
  5. Jellis (DayZ)

    Sp3c US/Canada and European Based Squad *RECRUITING*

    US Needs more recruits! :D
  6. Jellis (DayZ)

    Sp3c US/Canada and European Based Squad *RECRUITING*

    Silent_Jamie is Jamie's name on the forums if you want to pm him.
  7. Jellis (DayZ)

    Huge Lingor Ramp Jump! Helicopter Jump!

    Nice, we wouldve got it but it bugged and made him just hit an invisible object and slowed him down therefore failing lol
  8. Subscribe if ya like! :D
  9. Hello this is no official forum post for this squad but im expanding my group and recruiting US/Canada or European players. US/Canada - *Recruiting!* EUROPEAN - *Recruiting!* Requirements - at least 15 years old - a mic - at least 1 month of ownership of the game - Dedicated player - Dedicated to teamwork/squad play Application - Send these via skype! Add us! Names are at bottom! - IGN - - What role are you best at? - - Age? - - How long youve played? - If you are European then add ----> jammy_dodger94 on skype If you are American/Canadian add ----> jellisyyy on skype Thanks and happy gaming!
  10. Jellis (DayZ)

    Helicopter Assault!

    Subscribe if you enjoyed :)