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Pvt. Kairis

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Everything posted by Pvt. Kairis

  1. just dont use that server, I guess asking for dontations is fine...but to pay for access is kinda wrong i think too, still i guess it creates a stable player base and gets rid of most scriddies....
  2. Pvt. Kairis

    Best map besides chernarus?

    Namalsk and Panthera imho...but namalsk the better, new loot/temp and food can be a problem, I recomend the spear 911 eu server (3d/no crosshair) so when the shaking starts it all evens out the guns.... ot basicly any without the crosshairs on will do that though :P (on a side note there is a chopper with rockets and GL side gunner, and a cool underground bunker too)
  3. looks like no one mentioned it yet.....but seeing zombies spawn in a town that your over 200m away really tells you people are there etc....or if they despawn the opposite..... cant we have a system where the presence/lack of zombies doesnt tell you anything about local players nearby
  4. http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20121027T21&p0=136&msg=Survivor+Gamez http://survivorgamez.com/home
  5. Pvt. Kairis

    Which games did you abandon for DayZ?

    Zombie panic source :/ still like it, but stopped paying for our server..and all the others run cabin/lake/church crap maps or dodgy plugins
  6. Pvt. Kairis

    So I'm guessing as of right now

    just wait for the standalone tbh
  7. Pvt. Kairis

    I'm Back! But where's everyone else...

    waiting for standalone to add to the game...since at the moment its - get gear (thats the best part I think) then do somthing creative/kill someone/get killed/hike around/die to hacker and repeat still domination is fun and i recomend trying out ace/acre servers....or get some mates and do the single player coop (although had some issues at one point where we all died getting thrown off a apc with our bikes.....)
  8. Pvt. Kairis

    rabbits are deadly

    was walking around takistan, south east of faruz abad, climbing up that big mountain when over a rock i was moving towards a rabbit jump off and flys at my face like a facehugger! shat myself then
  9. Pvt. Kairis

    Best Weapon for a Hero?

    wot!? you realise that admins are not "gods" or hackers....only hackers can spawn in items etc...only hackers can teleport around the map and only hackers can change skin on command....the only way i see this statment anywhere true is they had a camp close to the coast to restock (kamenka anyone?)
  10. Pvt. Kairis

    *A tail of caution* So apparently:

    meh talked about before....talked about again soon...no diffrence...hacker get banned (hopfully) and we wait a week +/- a few days hacker come back......and again banned.... stand alone? or at least fix this?
  11. Pvt. Kairis

    Bus Wars - Episode I: A New Bus

    nice little fight, whens the bus stikes back out? (thanks for ZPS too btw!!)
  12. Pvt. Kairis

    Really?.... REALLY?!

    isnt this an old video anyway....try again now perhaps or dont repost way old vids?
  13. Pvt. Kairis

    Back in the DayZ

    also every new guy that joins are group now thinks the heli is standard and gets his/her pick of all gear...where as the first time i found a DMR i was soo happy, even an m4 tbh...I think the tents (and more so with the respawning tents) took the fear of death away also i miss not knowing the map and such
  14. somtimes i find that the heli has a habit of self repair (like the bike) if you just run into the spot where you normally add the glass etc, otherwise watch for hard landings etc..... also if your in 1.7.5 dont expect the chopper to be where you left it after the restart
  15. Pvt. Kairis

    Fun thing to do in dayz

    our group somtimes have a 5 vs 5 attack/defend pvp game at zub castle....only cco and one sniper (no 50cals) per team....we get our bodies back with the chopper ^_^ we also organised a south coast cycle race from the start of the road to the end (15km or so) next time a car race im thinking across the map
  16. Pvt. Kairis

    Finally Lost My Spirit in the Game

    this is one of the few (and i mean few) threads that the forum didnt flame down, and infact defended against the normal "wah wah cry baby stfu" people... A change or?
  17. Hey im a server admin, and I can of course search through the logs etc, but other than player names and the string after them, can we get a list of the lines they use behind their name so it makes searching easy for them? I guess this is one? 03.09.2012 10:00:40: Thyraxx (XXXXXXXXX) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #119 "_dummy = [_this, 'CA_VO_Init'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf'; 'dynamicBlur' ppEffectAdjust [" 03.09.2012 10:00:41: Thyraxx (xxxxxxxxxxx) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #119 "e ['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this, "CA_VO_ToggleAdvanced"] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.s" or am i wrong? anyway, can we add more if people know them?
  18. Pvt. Kairis

    Scripting lines to search for?

    This is from the scripts.txt file d/l from the acp
  19. Pvt. Kairis

    Found AS50 with Thermalscope

    Still would take a while for them to spread everywhere....bring the wipe!
  20. Pvt. Kairis

    Server update what happens to tents/vehicles?

    Well, everything that was saved on 1.7.4 is saved exactly in state when you update to 1.7.5 (although recomend you save it again 1st thing you do to be sure) all loot etc is saved, basicly everything is put on ice and everyrestart respawns it again...(notice a problem ppl?) just hope 1.7.3 fixes all this.....remember when you first got the DMR or somthing and it was amazing....now fresh spawns can get as50's(even with tws) nvgs etc within 30mins....or get shot by one
  21. Pvt. Kairis

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    Want to add the TWS to the end of that weapon too?
  22. Pvt. Kairis

    Are all the 20 minute players gone?

    mm noticed that too, our server (nl112) seemed to fill up like crazy but now hardly ever (read a never now) getting to max player count.....doesnt help that it randomly closes itself down somtimes....but meh.....still we get around 15-20 players.... I blame the recent patch, well the not so recent 1.7.5 and the lack of being able to do anything with tents/cars etc....
  23. Pvt. Kairis

    Server update what happens to tents/vehicles?

    Have done this myself on a server, and now have a chopper on every restart...kinda handy ^_^ on a unrelated point I suggest a hive wipe of everything for the next patch....or anytime soon!
  24. Im under the impression that EVERY 1.7.5 server is bugged, tents and vehicles etc....they all reset back to the last save in 1.7.4 when it was updated to new patch on a side note, we have a location of a fully working chopper that was saved in 1.7.4 then after the update always resets fully ready to go in 1.7.5 0_o