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Everything posted by mkrrr

  1. mkrrr

    5 min unconcious on login fix?

    i wish that happened to everyone everytime so crazy monkey server jumpers will suck my dick
  2. guys where's the closest place from the coast where i can find a sniping rifle? want one very much searched for it in towns, in several barns, in houses - didn't find any(((
  3. hey guys where can i find the sniper rifle? really enjoy using them but managed to fined only one and died shortly after that((( was looking for it for about 3 hours and didn't see any rifle where's the best place to find them? sorry for bad english and thx in advance
  4. i would sell some bullets *in your head*
  5. i spawned today TWO times just in front of military barracks in airfield the first time i died in cherno before spawning in airfield (died without any loot) the second time i just illed myself like 10-12 times and spawned there again is it really a new spawn point? didn't see anything about that in the notes sorry for bad english
  6. mkrrr

    Family Mechanic[Serious Thread]

    BREAKING NEWS! Husband killed his wife because of can of beans!
  7. i hate people who always instantly quit the game after getting in a dangerous situation i suggest the following: 1)after quitting a server a character stands still for 2 minutes (zombies that didn't follow him don't start to attack him) Every player can attack him 2)"Quitter" CAN'T join ANY server for 15 mins 3)??? 4)profit!
  8. morphine is not the main problem bugs that broke ur legs are fucking stupid today i was tunning in the filed..in the EMPTY FIELD AD JUST FELL DOWN WITH A BROKEN LTG. WAT THE FUCK. every time i join a new server there is like 50% i will spawn with a BROKEN leg for no reason or just spawn in the mid air and will be falling down on the ground and die fucking bugs are the problem not morphine or something sorry for gbad english
  9. yesterday i was able to enter any server today most servers are unavalaible for me seems like they have version "1.60.93965" and i can only enter servers with version "1.60.93825" and "1.60.93616" steam doesn't offer me any new patch or something how can i patch my gam to play on all the servers? thx
  10. mkrrr

    arma 2 version

    both done earlier nothing changed
  11. everyone knows there is a great number of players just kill there characters by clicking respawn button till the spawn in the place they want to i think that's not ok mr. random must pick the place u spawn in - not u i think rocket must get rid of this and there's a simple solution make the time between dying of the character and creating the new one like 3 minutes so when u die u can create a new character only in 3 (maybe 5) minutes who will be hurt? normal players? no. normal players die once in hour (or several) and then create new character. that's not a problem to wait several mins that will hurt the respawn button rapers? yeah. want to respawn in a better spot? ok. sometimes it can take 10+ "respawn" clicks. wait 30+ minutes, stupid kid btw in COD u can respawn in seconds. u can play it if u want guys
  12. 1 copy of the game - 1 character. that's all
  13. yesterday i was able to enter any server today most servers are unavalaible for me seems like they have version "1.60.93965" and i can only enter servers with version "1.60.93825" and "1.60.93616" steam doesn't offer me any new patch or something how can i patch my gam to play on all the servers? thx
  14. This game is so dan easy spawning without weapons and food changes nothing there's TONS of weapons, TONS of food and loot EVERYWHERE you don't even have to hide from zombies and players usually i just run as fast as i can with a dozen zombies following me hich will disappear some minutes later i ran into a city and do the same here. i can ran into any building and kill nearly any player even with much better loot cause 90% of players are kids with no skill at all. how THIS is hardcore? when u can find EVERYTHING u wish (food, ammo, backpacks, even clothes) in just 10 minutes of gameplay? how this can be hard? i don't really understand this
  15. i know when people have nothing to say then become arguing about grammar and so on but that's really stupid assuming that i speak UR language much much better than u speak mine l
  16. english is not the first language for all. can u understand that?
  17. i think now it's unplayable i just lost all my (nearly top) loot because of shitty bug or somewhat i finished the last ply session at the airport (yesterday) today i logged in and at first appeared at the 'wilderness' with no loot at all. i changed the server cause decided it was just the server problem then i appeared at elektro with a pistol and some ammo and LOTS of food in my inventory 9don't know why) i decided to change the server again. i appeared in the miiddle of the sea with ll my loot (all loot i had yesterday) but 4-5 secs later i died (don't know why) 10 hours of gameplay wasted again i am completely done with this game hope the same shit won't happen to anyone else
  18. mkrrr

    I am done with this mod

    i know that's an ALPHA guys that's why i said "NOW it's unplayable" that's why NOW i don't want to play it
  19. lol? lots of foods everywhere i think food must be more rare sorry for bad english
  20. it 's not scary for me interesting - yes scary - no.
  21. don't know why but i cant download a beta patch from arma2 site can any1 help me and upload it somewhere?
  22. u r so clever! thx alot! why didn't i try that before!!!!!! or...did I? but there is a problem with ur plan 'Ftp unavailable" when i click the link.
  23. i think zombies should die only if they r shot in the hed no chest no hyands no legs only head they live because of their brain. it's still abit active. they shouldn't die even with their head cut off they must die only because of direct shot in their brai sorry for bad english but i think this must be in the game