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About Yazoo

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  1. Yazoo

    Man on the Hill - 30 Kills, 6 Minutes, NWAF.

    Not elitest at all. Its just nothing special. Pick up any .50cal and go to the coords I've given. Go on a easy mode server, get the ranges then server hope looking for zombies. Stalk the person then kill them. Suggest you try that and then come back and tell us it is really good or lame?
  2. Yazoo

    Man on the Hill - 30 Kills, 6 Minutes, NWAF.

    Nothing special, server hopping to kill people at 800-900m away. Been there and done that. Pick up any 50.cal and they are easy pickings. 1 shot 1 kill zero, it between 700-900m. Done this over 3-4days and racked up 47 murders and 2 bandit kills. Spot is around 039 058 just north of Vybor, all you need to do is server hop and see if there are any zombies round and that equals players. Wouldn't make a video about it tho. Would be something special if you could do that with an m24 and not a AS50. Tho the m107 is better for this because you can zero it to 900m whilest the AS50 jumps from 800m to 1000m tho miledots arn't hard to work out in this game.
  3. M107 is awful. I don't know why just can't make cars go boom. Shot about 8 rounds into the engine of an Offroad(Was on its side) and nothing, then it took 2 shots to take a wheel out? AS50 tho seems more of a beast.
  4. Yazoo

    Gunfight on US121

    Wish stuff like this would happen to us. Need some competition to stir things up.
  5. Trolol. Try set up home on our clans new server. UK 200 Shinra. Posts like these make me laugh. All this rank bolloxs for better loot?
  6. Thanks, worked :)
  7. Yazoo

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Stuck in wilderness (2nd time) no food nor drink to get back. Yazoo 18817222
  8. So this is the 2nd time I've been there, in the last 2 days. First time I ran S/E for an hour to get back onto mainland. 2nd time I log into server to check for a vehicle spawn on our server (didn't know if the server was bugged or restarted.) So I loaded quickly. No waiting around for loading/character to create. Then bam at like 813895 Coords. As far as you can zoom out in the N/W corner of the map. I have no food nor drink to make the run back. I have NVG/RangeFinder/GPS M107/SVD Camo and I have tried to suicide. It spawns me back at the debug area. So how the hell do I get out? Another time previously it randomally spawned me north of Kamenka. Edit all that stuff about verison etc. The game has been running fine for 6weeks? Maybe longer. I'm running steam version. All patches up to date. Using Beta exe and Six Launcher. Both are not working.
  9. Clan mate brought a server from Multiplay. Was laggy at the start and took awhile for loot to be picked up and when driving obstacles will show up about 15m away from the car. We thought this was because the hive was just recovering from a DDoS. A few days later server is hardly up, and when it is up it doesn't save your location to the hive. Last 2 days we havn't played on our server, and can't get on the multiplay servers. Other servers are fine tho.
  10. Yazoo

    DE #38

    So was playing a game of Dota, and a friend is heading to the airfield on this server. Hears a Helicopter flying about at the NW Airfield. So we finish our game and log in and head there. Scouting it out we see the Helicopter flying about then we see a fixable helicopter in the middle of the airfield. So we set up camp around it and the helicopter flys off. We're pretty sure that they will be coming back so snipers set up around it and watch it. I'm in a tree 20m away from it. 2 Guys show up, and one starts to fix it. Waiting 20seconds they move to the otherside of the helicopter so we can't hit them. Thinking that they will be taking off soon we shoot at them as soon as we can see them. One DC's and the other goes prone. 5seconds later server restarts. We log back on and its pitch black and no helicopter. Admin abuse? Or hack helicopter?
  11. Yazoo

    Offer: M14 EP1 for NV goggles

    Was suiciding so I could murder in Elecktro, died and ran back to my body. Picked up my gun and then a friend died in the supermarket but killed the guy too. Looted him. Had a Lee Enfield and a pair of NVG's mwhaha. Ran north found a gps and went to my campy spot with a AS50 gg