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About Beltway

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  1. Beltway

    Trade and loot

    Yes you can take items from a players backpack. Just stand close enough to where you get the option (Open <back pack name>) and hit G. From there you will be able to see everything in his/her bag. However I think you should know if you are going to take things out of a pack. Make sure you have room in your pack to hold these items. If you don't they will delete themselves.
  2. Beltway


    I don't know what planet you live on but I would be damn sure to quit right in a hackers face. It's one thing to lose fair and square but someone tossing 10 nades a second doesn't exactly make me say "Let me stick around and see if he's friendly."
  3. Nothing says respect me like a few well placed explosions.
  4. I have to agree. This isn't an after school special with cup cakes and glitter. This is the end of the world with zombies and others that want what you got and will put one in between your eye brows to get it. I once blew a girl's head off because one of my mates brought her to camp. Claimed she was "friendly" and wouldn't hurt anyone, but I stick to my rules and the first one is Don't Trust Anybody. By the way did I mention it was a bandit kill? That one act of kindness cost us a few hours of moving tents, vehicles, hardware, and food. If we let her stay I could imagine the real damage she would of done. Sure she sounded as sweet as a cherry pie, but that don't mean Ol' Beltway won't put one in your ass. My mate still gets a lot of crap from us because he fell for the "woman in distress" bit.
  5. Beltway

    My first murder and now I feel guilty

    Guilty!? Are you kidding!? My first murder was a mix of self defense and me almost crapping my pants. I'm sitting in Bereznio at the 3 story apartment buildings. I just came from the medical tents and had found a rifle sans ammo for it. All I had was a makarov and a hand grenade. I'm standing on the balcony of the 3rd floor when I hear a loud shot, two seconds later Im flopping around on the floor like a fish with a broken leg. Then the jerk fires another shot while I try to crawl inside but it goes wide. I get inside and realize I have absolutely no morphine injections which means I am up the creek without a paddle. I hear over voice comms "If you aint dead, you're about to be." at this point I hear his foot steps on the bottom floor, when I heard the clank of the stairs I told him "Right back at you" and chucked the grenade in the stair well. 2 seconds later I got a kill and the explosion made my sound go out (concussion mayhaps). The worst part was crawling down stairs to fetch his gear, I did get morphine i needed from him too. Guilty? No Satisfied? Absolutely..
  6. Beltway

    M4A3 CCO Question.

    In my experience the only gun that does not seem to register shots is the M9SD. I have shot zombies point blank and either have not hit them or the shots didn't register. After blowing 6 to 10 shots they finally drop.
  7. Beltway

    Cherno-There are no friendly's in Cherno...

    I can't say this has ever happened to me, but then again I follow 3 general rules running around solo. D.T.A: Don't Trust Anybody Stay Out Of Sight Eliminate All Obstacles In A City: Use A Shotgun: Pellets Perferably(Even if I miss, your not going anywhere with a broken leg) Frag Grenades Are Your Friend: Heh not much to say here, no one ever sees it coming. Never Make A B Line Towards An Area: Sometimes people make it way to easy for campers to get frags. Always circle the target area before entering. In The Woods: Use A Well Equipped Rifle (I prefer anything with a M203 GL): Always on semi, never full auto (it's like going full retard...you never go full retard.) Always Skirt Clearings: Stick to the trees at all times, even if you are spotted you have cover. Grenades Are Your Friend: You'd be surprised how helpful smoke and frag grenades can be in the woods. Great for snaggin and fraggin zombie groups. The one thing no camper can out run is this beauty, yeah she may be hard to get used to but there's nothing like blowin up the competition.
  8. Heh I don't mind leaving cooked meat for the dead heads every now and then. Ever seen an m203 he hit a bus with a few survivors/bandits in it? Ha! It was almost like the fourth of July. Explosions, BBQ, and plenty of hungry guests from a near by town. If I recall it was on the outskirts Vybor.
  9. I have to admit...If I was in that position and I found them the second time. They would both be eating a frag grenade.
  10. Beltway

    Welcome to Seattle 1776

    Myself and my guys have played on your server a few times. Great connection, ping, and fps all around. Definitely added to favorites.
  11. And here I thought that dance was unique amongst our group alone. One of my friends call it the "Cajiggity" lol.
  12. I follow 5 simple rules: #1DTA Don't Trust Anybody #2Role With Your Team #3Surround & Enclose #4Eliminate ALL Threats #5Avoid Contact When Possible Perfect Example of these rules I am a designated gun runner/pack rat. My job is to go into hostile territory bare (Most I carry is my shot gun with a few rounds and a grenade) scavenge what I can and exit the way I came in. I roll with a minimum of 5 other mates (max is 10), and they surround the target area this way everyone is covered from every point. My objective this time was in Electro, the military buildings specifically. Now I've only been to Elector a few times, but didn't expect much trouble however upon our set up we killed 5 snipers on the out skirts of the town. Having cleared that the snipers took their places, the riflemen cleared key buildings to cover my entry and escape(or retrive items from my corpse). Once set up I sprint to the target areas, dispatching any zombies that follow me. On this particular run I ran across a survivor in the first tower due to the stationed snipers telling me a guy spanwed in. The man was not armed, and I spoke in chat and asked if he was friendly, of course he said yes. I told him I am just checking for weapons, and he was as well aparently. I was on the second floor, this man was on the top picking up a rifle. I was warned of this, and asked him if he was armed. To which he said "No". I shook my head and told him he was lying. He said "I am not armed you can come up and see". I asked him once more to give him a chance and he said "No" and I told him "wrong answer" and had the snipers take him down. I went to his corpse to find he had picked up a m4a1 CCO. After leaving the first first sation I was informed there was another survivor in the store, this one was armed with a rifle. We kept tabs but ultimately ignored him as we didn't need anything from the store. I got to the second military building, took what I could and proceeded to exit. I was heading toward the back door exit when I was informed that the same man from the store was heading my way blocking my exit. I kneeled next to the door waiting for the guy to enter, and shot the second he was in view. It was unfortunate but neccessary as there was no way to determine his intentions. After that I was able to get out relatively unscathed. Not following even one of the rules usually gets me killed more times than not. I have no qualms about shooting anyone, but If time permits I will ask if a person is friendly, but I never go above and beyond for someone.
  13. Beltway

    are zombies really the main threat?

    The main threat? No, Not entirely. Don't get me wrong just a few of them can overwhelm you in certain situations, but the real threat are the unpredictable people in the game.
  14. The rest of the gear is in game with the exception of that G36C. Have a blast with the rest of it.