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About mrrightclick

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mrrightclick

    anyone tried a controller?

    Tried it, didn't like it very much. Arma somehow felt a little too complicated for an xbox-controller. Tried flying a jet with it, it was quite easy, perhaps even easier to aim with than using keyboard and mouse.
  2. Run into water after being chased around a forest by zombies? Personally I drowned into a small few meters wide pond after bleeding a little and sprinting into it to fill my water bottles. You do make a point, though. Alas, the zombies CAN hit you if you run past one, and getting swarmed by zombies from every side usually leads to a few bruises and scrapes. You should have at least a running chance - what if you're out of bullets?
  3. mrrightclick

    Hearing loss?

    My buddy broke his legs and started bleeding badly just by walking on a flat road. Also lost his hearing.
  4. mrrightclick

    Melee weapons / Zombie kills and humanity

    If there's melee, we need new animations for it. The shitty ArmA 2 animations are just horrible -- especially that one whipping animation used in most melee-like attack animations. I'm voting plus for melee, but only if it isn't made overpowered (consider L4D katana, but yeah, like that's going to happen) and unrealistic.
  5. mrrightclick

    Ladders: The true scourge of DayZ

    My buddy flew out through the wall of a small room in a forest house, to the other side of the house (not the one with the door, but the back) when I closed the door. Broke his legs and started bleeding. Needed morphine, too. My other buddy had his bones spontaneously evacuate his body when we were running towards a small village. It was a flat road. He needed morphine and bandages, too.
  6. mrrightclick

    I found a Radio
