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Nikitos (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Nikitos (DayZ)

  1. Hey it is not so funny without cars! Could you please push the vehicles to the EU 14 server? =)
  2. Nikitos (DayZ)

    Vote for vehicles on EU14!

    so there is a bug with vehicles and it is not possible to have it on the new server ? =( thats tooo sad
  3. Nikitos (DayZ)

    EU DayZ servers (discontinued)

    Thanks to Soppa and olutta.org for the great job! Got my server in very short time with the reactive and helpfull assistance from admin
  4. Nikitos (DayZ)

    stuck at "waiting for server response"

    Played on UK-1 today for some time, then quit and now can't join any server with this 'waiting' stuff...