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Posts posted by sofmisfortune

  1. Just a thought but what I think would be an interesting addition to the game would be a puzzle\search for clues as to what happened. Eg. Add say 500 or so clues throughout the country(documents,images on buildings,trees,books etc.It would give players something else to work towards and spend their time while adding story.If this has been discussed please disregard.edit never saw the suggestion topic,please move

    • Like 3

  2. What do you think the real virtuality 4 engine is? But seeing how Arma is a failing IP(yes I read your thread) and those who created the most massive, realistic and in my opinion visually stunning sandbox allowing users the freedom to do what they please while constantly patching and offering free versions of their dlc(my guess is you never bought pmc)probably is a bad choice for rocket to go with. Arma 2 IMO was a technical marvel back in 2009 and I have not doubt the new engine will meet his requirements(especially after the sales bump).maybe watch some vids on Arma 3 and do some research before labeling things as failures.

  3. If your sticking with BI(and I hope you are) work out the bugs with Arma 2 and release it as an expansion pack for Arma 3 similar to PMC and BAF. Also stick with community servers. Out of curiosity, what other engine could handle the size required while keeping the same visual fidelity outside of the Real Virtuality?
