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Yarrick68 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Yarrick68 (DayZ)

  1. Been gone since last year(hacking craziness) and was wondering if anyone still plays this game? (talking about normal people not bored 14 year olds).... Wasn't there supposed to be a stand alone at the first of the year? What happened? Lastly I thought this could have been a huge hit game but with so much time has this game lost it's relevance in gaming? Arma 3 looks great btw, got my money day 1.......
  2. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    ***er Style...

    Me and a friend were playing Cherno Deathmatch when we ran into an interesting hacker....
  3. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    ***er Style...

    My friend recorded it.. he is telling me to get off the server at the end.... :D
  4. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    ArmA 3

    Probably, but till we get a working copy who knows for sure....
  5. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    Alpha to Stand A Lone game..

    Yes....yes they are.....But on the bright side his other question to you soon might be "Do you want fries with that?"
  6. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    People who play 3rd person

    I think Dsi1 just doesen't get the reality here....Regular servers are harder to live on than Expert servers... so the idea that someone can get gear easier on a 3rd person server is just a ridiculous statement.. its not even an argument. The fact is he doesen't like 3rd person and he wants you to play like he wants and if he doesn't get his way he might go cry to mommy. He has no valid reason for you not to play with 3rd person other than "because he knows whats best for all of us".
  7. So two teamates encounter a hacker that used the teleport script and killed one friend but the other friend shot the hacker... then 2 more hackers teleported in and killed my other friend.... So they run from the coast for 20 min and their bodies are still there so they get their gear back... However, the one hacker they did kill, his body was there as well... and he was loaded so they got gear they didn't have for their trouble... Now here is the issue... The hackers body has an AS50 with the thermal scope...a hacked weapon... Is this just their prize for encountering a hacker or should it be destroyed?
  8. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    Just killed a guy that had a pdw sd

    um... hey clueless commenters.. this is a normal drop in game...lol geez....
  9. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    Yep, this mod is dying

    Now the good news about this.. if the population drops real low then Rocket can work on game content again rather than server and hive issues to make a better game.
  10. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    People who play 3rd person

    3rd is not an exploit...lol ....and your argument in invalid as it's easier to get gear on 1st person only servers. Regular servers are easily the hardest way to play the game. You will die the quickest on those servers. 1st person is pro-carebear all the way.
  11. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    People who play 3rd person

    Who would complain about 1st person servers?.. there are plenty of each type for everyones preference.. this is a non-issue to anyone unless they are a just trolling.
  12. I have found that tents take time to set up. I first set up a tent, put junk in it and save.. and come back in a day.... Once the server resets it should have eaten your junk, this is normal. At that point your tent should work from here out, but I like to test it again, put another junk item in it and wait a day... if it "Sticks" then you know your tent is ready to store stuff.... I am guessing the tents need to be logged in long term storage after a reset before you can save stuff in them, at least thats how they seem to be acting.
  13. Thank you Rocket for 2 months of a great gaming experience for a game thats not even remotely finished and is about as immersive of an experience I have ever had in a game, I can't even imagine how good your finished product will be like, and look foward to the next incarnation of this game. Also wanted to thank you for reminding me why I bought Arma 2 three years ago. After playing Battlefield 3 for the past 6 months it was refreshing to play on an open world that pays attention to little details like bugs swarming around you in a field, I know I will be getting Arma 3 on launch day... Unfortunatly the hacking has brought trying to play with friends to a stand still. I have been dealing with regular FPS hacks for over a decade in games and just take the wall hacks, radar, aimbots with part of the territory and move on after encountering them. But I am guessing with the open nature of Arma 2 engine for a mature community to create mods allows some of the really crazy stuff that is appearing lately like teleporting characters, the thunderdome, and even recently the moon crashed into the ground causing huge explosions for a while. Sorry the "script kiddies" have taken over your game but I am sure once you get a stand alone you can lock some code down and reduce the hacking to "normal" fps levels and I will definatly play regularly again at that point. Now time to try and get a Beta key for Dust 514 and play some BF3 till Arma 3 and Standalone Dayz is out :)
  14. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    Love Dayz But Time to Wait For The Stand Alone

    I have a PS3 so I hope to get a code for Dust 514... right now my PS3 was just an expensive DVD/Blueray so might get some use out of it yet. Its very hard to play console games when you have 3-27 Inch screens in Eyefinity with a HD 7970 sitting in the next room....lol Also BF3 Armored Kill should be out next month so I am sure that will keep me busy till Dayz can get standalone and Arma 3 gets released.. by then it will be time to crossfire hd 7970's I am sure. I ended up getting about 6 people addicted to Dayz so I did my part to grow the community :) Rocket good luck, I can't imagine the headaches you have to go through with a million person Alpha, everyone complaining, trying to add content and fix issues and hacking you didn't even remotely have to think about 6 months ago in your life.. and then to convert it all to a Standalone...You sir can't be getting much sleep this year...lol
  15. Thank you Rocket for 2 months of a great gaming experience for a game thats not even remotely finished and is about as immersive of an experience I have ever had in a game, I can't even imagine how good your finished product will be like, and look foward to the next incarnation of this game. Also wanted to thank you for reminding me why I bought Arma 2 three years ago. After playing Battlefield 3 for the past 6 months it was refreshing to play on an open world that pays attention to little details like bugs swarming around you in a field, I know I will be getting Arma 3 on launch day... Unfortunatly the hacking has brought trying to play with friends to a stand still. I have been dealing with regular FPS hacks for over a decade in games and just take the wall hacks, radar, aimbots with part of the territory and move on after encountering them. But I am guessing with the open nature of Arma 2 engine for a mature community to create mods allows some of the really crazy stuff that is appearing lately like teleporting characters, the thunderdome, and even recently the moon crashed into the ground causing huge explosions for a while. Sorry the "script kiddies" have taken over your game but I am sure once you get a stand alone you can lock some code down and reduce the hacking to "normal" fps levels and I will definatly play regularly again at that point. Now time to try and get a Beta key for Dust 514 and play some BF3 till Arma 3 and Standalone Dayz is out :)
  16. The lighting, the graphics, the new firing positions and look at the night!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V0C3eqNLGA
  17. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    This Video shows why Dayz needs to go to the Arma 3 Engine.

    Thats the first video I have seen that shows the new inventory system. Looks better so far....
  18. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    This Video shows why Dayz needs to go to the Arma 3 Engine.

    They can have my money now.... is there going to be Dayz Premium?....lol
  19. Game engine issue, will never be fixed on Dayz the mod... There is no hand to hand in Arma 2, just a modified short range shooting to look like hand to hand for the mod, hence the ammo needed.
  20. What game are you playing?....lol......"rare"....lol......wow.......Seriously if you don't have a gun in hand in 10 min then you need to find a new game...
  21. This is a 3 year old game engine, you should turn everything up to high. When you put things on low it puts some video processes on your processor as it's thinking you have a slow videocard from 2009 and trying to help, this is a classic mistake people make. As the game already is very processor intensive this makes the game run slower. If you have everything on high and are still having problems then make sure its not the server your on, some servers do not run very well and make the game choppy. I would suggest you try an Arma 2 game like a Domination co-op map to see if the game is running smooth to see if its just a Dayz server issue.
  22. Ok, so I have sent 4 tents up on 4 different servers and of course any items I put in them dissappear. I have an older tent on another server that I can store stuff in but I don't like its location so I am trying to get a new tent to work.... but so far no dice.... My questions is to anyone that has actually knowledge of the problem.. If you are guessing or don't know please don't reply and waste my time.... So to anyone with real knowledge, Where is the problem with the tents? 1. The Hive 2. The Server Hosting Company (So maybe I need to find better servers with better companies) 3. The Server software 4. My character or my client software 5. Something else If you know please let me know so I know what to look for in upcomming patches that might address the issue.
  23. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    Why is it so hard for console gamers to understand how their outdated consoles can not run DayZ.... Arma 2 is a 3 year old PC game and it would make a PS3 let alone an Xbox 360 melt if it tried to play it.... Heck they had to dumb down Battlefield 3 to the point of uselessness to get it on a console.
  24. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    Game Nerfed BAD!

    nerf To weaken or make less dangerous. Taken from the "Nerf" brand name, which makes sports equipment toys out of a soft foam (e.g., the Nerf football is soft foam rather than the hard leather of a real football). Used frequently in the context of computer game balance changes. Ok so let me get this right.. the game is harder yet you said they "Nerfed" it?.... um..... Fail......
  25. Yarrick68 (DayZ)

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    This Game IS Over!!! Over 864,000 Unique Players since April for an Alpha with no advertiesing. 198,724 players in the past 24 hours... man I guess all of us will have to find something else to do since we only have 198,724 other players to play with on a non-weekend day.....I mean at this rate it might take another week or two to reach 1,000,000 Unique Players.. man this game must suck!