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About Stallownage

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  1. Stallownage

    Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

    I have no problem with his critique, it was the way it was done. You might not have found anything to be particularly rude or insulting, but I did, and I stand by that judgement. Doesn't make it a fact, but it's how I judged it. I fixed the specific accuracy issues he pointed out, what I found irritating was the statement that it would be unfit texture wise to go in the game. When I stated in the very first post that I was re-baking and re-texturing it, I think that judgement was a little premature. In any case, given in the overall responses, including rocket's, you and he are in the minority. It is no longer an issue, I will discontinue the asset. I have no wish to burden your game with inaccuracies. Mods, please close this thread.
  2. Stallownage

    Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

    You know what, screw it. I have better things to do with my time than make stuff so people like you can be a douche about it. I really hope you don't actually work in this industry, I would hate to be on the desk next to you. Peace out
  3. Stallownage

    Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

    My word, do you get tiresome. It's not up to you, it's Rocket's call. If he wants it when its done, he can have it. If he doesn't then that's up to him. In the meantime, please take your pedestal and get the f*** out of my thread. Cheers
  4. Stallownage

    Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

    Yep, they helped a ton. Do it nice or do it twice, as they say.
  5. Stallownage

    Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

    I'm only making objective criticism. Arma's a sim and the default weapons are all pretty accurate. Rocket can manage to be a bit discerning when it comes to this. Hm. It's right in your face in firstperson view. http://gyazo.com/d762100281127683f9d1ad79fdd93e5a Alrighty, I will fix it. And for the record, its not hard to objectively critique with out coming off as a douche. It's all about the tone you give off when you write things.
  6. Stallownage

    Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

    The charging handle too? And the bolt? And the charging handle's forward half being mirrored onto the left side of the gun when it shouldnt be there? Do you get off on being a douchebag? And the charging handle isn't mirrored anywhere.
  7. Stallownage

    Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

    I can change the sights no problem. I do have it in game, but the old version you saw. I'm going to re-bake and re texture it, along with some optimization, and one of the things I wanted to do to squeeze more out of the texture (which I didn't do previously) is mirror the normal maps. Ordinarily it would cause lighting issues; some engines can correct it (CryEngine and UDK for example, do this) but some don't, and I would rather not bake it and texture it only to find out I'll have to do it again.
  8. Stallownage

    Rocket - an M1 Garand? I'll do the work.

    I'd love to be inducted as an artist! One final question before I re-bake this; do you know if the RV engine supports mirrored normal maps? The other engines I work with do, but I figured I'd ask you before I re-bake this since it's a massive ballache to re-UV it all if it later turns out not to :)
  9. Hey rocket, hopefull you'll read this :) Anyway I'm a huge M1 Garand fanboy, and I'd love one in DayZ. I made a Garand model ages ago, here it is: http://i.imgur.com/XEOKB.jpg Anyway, I took the model and got it as a working gun in game, with animated bolt and whatnot. I'm going to rebake and retexture it so it's less noisy, and because I'm a lot better now than I was when I made it, so I can squeeze more out of the texture space and fix any little errors. Once I've done that, I'll finalise it, give it new sounds/icons, the lovely little ping noise it makes etc, and package it up so its 100% ready to go. When that's done, would you consider adding it to DayZ? Pretty please?
  10. Stallownage

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    Well the current situation is accidental anyway, so I'm sure there will be tweaks of some sort. What I would do: -More zombies always helps give a scary, apocalyptic feel. Current numbers are good. -I think with this many zombies, we need a way to lose them, or a way to melee. Being chased until the end of time, with no way to lose or kill them if you're out of ammo (as you very well might be in the current zombie climate), just doesn't work. - I also think the amount of ammunition needs to be scaled up; I try to avoid zeds wherever I can, and not rile them up. But things only have to go south once, and your ammo reserves take a hit that is very difficult to recover from. Increasing the pool of ammo broadly available would go a long way towards making people feel like the rewards for going into a town are worthwhile. Just thoughts.
  11. Stallownage

    Server Uniqueness

    Yeah I have to say I like the fact that characters are persistent across all servers. Sure, it can be exploited, but I'd find having a hundred different characters with different equipment and whatnot, an awful lot more irritating. If I can't get into my usual server, I'd still like to be able to use the equipment and set up I've spent time carefully building.
  12. Stallownage

    IF this was an actual game...

    All this commercial talk is well and good, but what concerns me is something I remember Rocket saying about the brutality/difficulty/no hand holding of DayZ. It was to the effect of "I'm not making any money off this, so I don't have to care whether cry babies think its too hard". Paraphrasing of course, but that was the gist. If it becomes a commercial project, isn't the opinion of the playerbase, particularly the whiny "no PvP" "protect me while I engage in glorified stamp collecting" crowd, of more concern to the development of this mod? I ask because I think Rocket has done a damn fine job in flipping a finger to the casuals, and I would hate to see the core feel of DayZ watered down in exchange for commercial appeal. Just a thought.
  13. Stallownage

    Ammunition Change.

    I think magazines should be a refillable item of their own, like water bottles. they can be found empty or full, and refilled with the ammunition type they need. Basically a complete re working of the ammo system; if you find a box of 5.56 x 45 for example, then any magazine that holds that ammunition can be filled with it. And any weapon that can take that magazine can use it. Basically a realistic portrayal of weapons, magazines and ammunition. Simply make the weapons and magazines rare to find (the ammo as well, but to a lesser extent).