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Everything posted by rustedcorpse

  1. I'm an Ex-pat living in Korea, and recently saw a server crop up here (Not the previous one which was a hack fest) recently within the last week or so. I was curious if this server is authorized? When I spawn on the server none of my previous character information is recovered, it's a completely separate character from when I play on any other server. Just wanted the story behind this, if I start a new character on this Korean server will it eventually over write my normal character? (Doesn't seem to have done so yet.) Is this server even legit if it's not contacting the master server?
  2. While the increased zombie aggro is whatever, let Rocket decide, I do think it is a bit bugged with regards to buildings? I will habitually aggro zombies from more than 50 meters away while in doors crouched and shift walking. There does seem to be some wall issues re-occurring. Other than that thanks for the fast melee fix.
  3. I died because I was crawling through a doorway. In my mind I rationalize it as I got tetanus on a nail. Sounds like you got bit by a scorpion.