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Everything posted by tigs15

  1. tigs15

    [New] International Clan Recruiting 13+

    Arma name: Tigs15 steam name: thetigs15 skype name: tigs15 Age: 14 Timezone: Eastern standard time US Position: Rifleman, support, (once i practice with helis a few more pilot) Scout. Skills: Stealth Availabilty: Weekdays- 5- Whenever Weekends- All the time If your looking for a good server try zust it has lots of vehicle spawns it makes for insteresting gameplay.
  2. tigs15

    new players only

    join us? PM ME
  3. tigs15

    Looking for a group

    pm me i want to
  4. I want to join im est but it will probably work. Skype tigs15
  5. mr cheshire XD sounds like cheshire cat i know on ps3 SND4DUMMIES
  6. id like to play with you! i am somewhat of a noob too dont worry ill add you im tigs15
  7. guys its a video game... jesus
  8. why were the skins removed, also i seen like old man skins and such how do you get that stuff?
  9. i didnt think helicopters were still in this. I thought they took them out because of lag or something
  10. I want in check your pms....
  11. Im looking for a clan that will accept me :( and that wont be an asshole if i ask about something. I have skype, teamspeak. Thanks PS: in-game tigs15
  12. Im looking for a clan that will accept me :( and that wont be an asshole if i ask about something. I have skype, teamspeak. Thanks PS: in-game tigs15