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Everything posted by rtrooler

  1. I don't believe the admins have power to do this. Seems like another standard hacker.
  2. The latest ARMA 2 beta patch, and the DayZ update caused me all sorts of issues. After forum searching and trouble shooting I was able to get into games with no problems. 1.) I downloaded the latest ARMA 2 beta patch and installed it using this method: http://dayzmod.com/f...beta-patch-fix/ 2.) Ran Six Launcher and it updated the DayZ mod to 3.) Open Six Updater, go to @dayz, update & install mods. Was able to join my server which is running e; 1.) Link for manually installing latest DayZ patch: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/ e; 2.) Easy way to play Lingor Island: http://www.evga.com/....aspx?m=1706081 Hope this helps =/
  3. Worked for me and 3 friends, sorry =/
  4. I have been sitting at loading screen forever as well. This seems to be happening to lots of people. From what I have read so far, it may be a BE problem? Not quite sure, but apparently there is a fix for it.
  5. rtrooler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Where is this at? My only problem atm is connecting to server. Been at loading screen for 20+ minutes.
  6. rtrooler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I updated last night and the night before and was able to play just fine. The DayZ update gets me stuck on Loading for most/all servers.
  7. rtrooler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Figured as much. It will be better in the end though :) Go Rocket! :thumbsup:
  8. rtrooler

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    So, is the solution to the "loading" screen, and the graphical errors just to wait for a hot fix?
  9. I've been trying at this for hours. The server is running arma BETA95310. I can launch ARMA 95310 if I click on launch beta patch, but I can't get six launcher to launch with 95310, it keeps launching the previous verision. Please halp!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. This works with some tweaking: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36328-updating-beta-patch-fix/ I had to delete some files in order to get into game. Feel free to close.
  11. This is impossible to do isn't it. Six launcher won't launch Operation Arrowhead beta launcher. It only launches the arma 2 exe, which you can't redirect to beta.
  13. When the server applies the new patch, will it wipe cars/tents/etc? I thought I read somewhere that it cleans it out, but I didn't have a camp back then. Anyone know if this happens? Thanks.
  14. rtrooler

    Whats the point of getting a M16/M4A1/AKS-7U etc?

    Regardless of power, SD / Long range snipers are best.
  15. rtrooler

    Patch update clear out campsites?

    Well that's a bummer.
  16. rtrooler

    Mountain dew???

    Mountain Dew contains a horrendous amount of bad luck. I wish the best for you.
  17. Was all good, no lag, then I see in the group chat: "YOU ALL DEAD" Everyone on the server falls off a cliff and dies. Lost everything :(
  18. rtrooler

    Beware of Chicago 84

    Wow.. that's so stupid and ridiculous. I guess the DayZ servers were just not prepared for this sort of mass attack? Hope it gets resolved soon, I lost so many goodies!