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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Yeah too bad I was shot. I see you posting this all over the forums hoping to get some beans. You're annoying as fuck. Please stop :)
  2. Ok so I just died along with Kermit at the NW Airfield and lost a bunch of stuff. We tried meeting up but both died again. I spawned in Elektro and found this one survivor named The Running Man. He was friendly and helped me and gave me a gun and some ammo. I saw 2 other survivors in the supermarket and asked if I should shoot them. He said they're cool so I didn't. We meet up with them in the supermarket and and 20+ zombies rush us from all entrances of the store :l running man dies and I was stuck with two guys who only spoke Russian. They had really nice gear and I was very tempted to kill them. I debated whether to shoot or not for about an hour lol. I decided not to and the guys were really nice. We had small talk and we survived many zombie rushes and we laughed and stuff :D So I had to get off and now we are all talking in skype and having a blast (I'm using google translator to speak Russian :D) I think I might not be a bandit anymore because I met some really cool guys that I wouldn't have met if I killed them :) Quote MultiQuote Edit
  3. Do you molest baby kangaroos while playing twister with a stuffed banana? You seem like that type of guy...
  4. The thing is insane! To be honest I'd rather have it than a ak47 or something close to that :P
  5. nathanielflury@gmail.com

    Just my luck.

    wow nice story! Good read!
  6. Yeah this happened to me too! Delerious is a douche.
  7. Dude this is happening to me too! I can do everything with right clicking except zoom in. I can eat, drink, take painkillers, etc. But I cannot zoom in :l
  8. Every server I try to join and this is all I see. I can't join and this is all I see every time D:
  9. I seem to get stuck on "waiting for host" for a long time. anyone get this?
  10. Every time I try to connect I always get stuck at Waiting For Host... It has never done this before and I really want to play :l
  11. Ok so I just died along with Kermit at the NW Airfield and lost a bunch of stuff. We tried meeting up but both died again. I spawned in Elektro and found this one survivor named The Running Man. He was friendly and helped me and gave me a gun and some ammo. I saw 2 other survivors in the supermarket and asked if I should shoot them. He said they're cool so I didn't. We meet up with them in the supermarket and and 20+ zombies rush us from all entrances of the store :l running man dies and I was stuck with two guys who only spoke Russian. They had really nice gear and I was very tempted to kill them. I debated whether to shoot or not for about an hour lol. I decided not to and the guys were really nice. We had small talk and we survived many zombie rushes and we laughed and stuff :D So I had to get off and now we are all talking in skype and having a blast (I'm using google translator to speak Russian :D) I think I might not be a bandit anymore because I met some really cool guys that I wouldn't have met if I killed them :)
  12. These guys are really nice! Plus me and my friend Kermit needed extra guys in a group :3
  13. Will we be able to ride the bikes with no handle bars? no handle bars. no handle bars.
  14. Dark and raining, we couldn't see. We needed food, drinks, morphine, and blood packs. All of a sudden the rain stopped. The sun glistened through the tree's. It was bliss. We chopped down a tree, not even bigger than 8ft. We then sat next to the warm and relaxing fire to cook chunks of meat we gutted earlier from a stray cow. As he was cooking I noticed something close by. It got closer and closer. I pulled out my trusty M1014 and got ready for some bad company. It looked like he had an AK47 or a Makarov, hell, I couldn't tell. I saw him on the road. Just walking by. I swiftly moved behind a tree and then moved behind a bush. Not even 5 seconds later I heard "Hey are you a friendly?". Time stood still as we both had are guns drawn at each other, waiting for one to make a move. But I couldn't take the chance, I've seen too many good men die for letting their guards down. I instantly shot 2 rounds into his chest. He laid there silent. Dead. I told my friend to come over and help me take what was needed. To my astonishment we found three blood bags, four bandages, morphine, and an assortment of various ammunition. I looked once, twice, three times for that damn AK47. Unfortunately I only found a hatchet which was garbage to me. In the end of this whole intervention, if you care to call it that, it was a great deal to our survival. It saved a trip going into a damned city full of other bandits like us. We got some soda we needed. And last but not least, it got me one more score on the murder chart. Kill or be killed. You chose. (I tried to make this look as if it happened in real life because I saw a lot of other threads like this so sorry if it sounds cheesey)
  15. Haha thanks for the positive feedback guys! Hopefully I will have more stories to share :D