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Everything posted by imagelesskjc

  1. imagelesskjc

    Let's discuss a skill system

    I don't want to speak for Rocket or the development team, but from what I've read of his articles they are trying to create a platform that is about experimentation and trying new ways of approaching our modern perception of the gaming medium (As evident in the recent patch, why not have a gazillion zombies running around that reproduce faster than rabbits?! It could be fun!). Knowing that, I'd also like to say that skill systems have been done before in more than a hundred different ways. As it stands, the game is heavily reliant on the player, and what the player can do with the tools at his/hers disposal. For most, this is a game about storytelling and experience; including the finality of death. If there was a way to incorporate all those elements, I'd surely be a supporter of it.
  2. imagelesskjc

    How to balance Bandits.

    Oh look here, another one of these threads... Bandits aren't killing this mod. Its a completely viable way to gain an advantage over other players. Its not "unbalanced" if every player can partake in the same advantage. Just remember, the righteous path is always the hardest... This is magnified because of an apocalyptic event, and represented well within this mod.
  3. The makarov is pretty decent, and ammo is plentiful which is a plus. But if I ever find a revolver I always pick that up. Since I've been trying to stick to the crossbow I need something to kill zeds with, the crossbow has too slow of a reload to kill a swarming horde. At least with the revolver it has more than enough stopping power to eliminate zeds with one body shot, which saves me time by not having to aim for the head. I've also noticed that Survivors tend to not shoot me right away if I have a makarov equipped. As they ask me if I'm "friendly" or not, I can get closer for a well place shot. Fools. I'm nobody's friend in this world.
  4. Another good indicator to determine which side of the map you are on is by looking at how the railroads/highway are aligned to the ocean. If you are at the waterfront and move inland and reach the railroads first, you are on the southwest coast. If you encounter a road first, that means you are A) on the west coast, or B) in between Cherno and Elektro.
  5. I found one of those suckers before the latest patch. I picked it up and hoofed out of the NW airfield a few kilometers. Then I realized I lost my pack. Oh well, at least I have Bertha; the Giant slayer.
  6. imagelesskjc

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    Nope. Use a flare or chem light. Some of us love the darkness, and (hopefully) it will remain unchanged in future updates. Remember, this is a survival horror mod, night time is supposed to be hard and scary.
  7. imagelesskjc


    Good read. I feel like this is the average transformation from Survivor to Bandit. Welcome to the ranks of the unwanted, where there is no "we". You're beans are my beans.
  8. imagelesskjc

    Anyone else like night-time better?

    Night time is the best time. I can traverse faster and more efficiently when I'm cloaked in darkness. Travelling is by far safer at night. Well, except on the coast but that is never safe.
  9. imagelesskjc

    PC Gamer article with features to come

    Gah, I just read it and went straight to the forums to post it but you beat me to the punch! Seriously one of the better articles I've read on the subject. I keep getting the feeling that Rocket would get all of my monies if he started taking donations. I'd give it to him happily. TAKE MY MONEY. TAKE IT, I SAY!
  10. imagelesskjc

    Combined ops Nr.1 on steam right now!

    Steam says Max Payne isn't available until the 29th. Maybe that's why.
  11. imagelesskjc

    Be a sport, hunt in the north

    Here, here! The Bandit in the North!
  12. I usually act the same way when I'm traveling across country. Why, just yesterday I had nothing but a crossbow and a couple of makarov magazines. I was stalking through the woods and heard another player speaking. I dropped to a crawl and approached with the utmost of caution. As I neared the individual, I noticed at least two more players in his group. I stopped immediately and observed where they were going... They were right in my path, but were seemingly lost. Their leader was discussing where they "might be". I waited for several minutes before I grew tired of waiting for them to move on, so I fired one crossbow bolt right in front of the face of their leader. His reaction was priceless. As soon as the "OMGWTF" moment passed, they darted away, never to be heard from again. I trotted over and retrieved my crossbow bolt from the stump and that was that. I don't like to kill other players, but if you're in my way or risking my well being, you're damn well going to be in my cross-hairs. Luckily I was able to scare them off without having to waste any rounds.
  13. imagelesskjc

    New HUD icon

    I'm excited for this new feature to be implemented. It would be interesting if the weather/time of day reduced your temperature and the only way to increase it would be to go indoors, or be near a fire. If your temperature gets too low you'll need to get antibiotics to cure your ailments.