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Everything posted by imagelesskjc

  1. imagelesskjc

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    No, it does not require a map, it requires basic knowledge of where things are placed on the map to figure out cardinal directions. Also, when people say "head north", its generalized that just moving inland is safer, I.E. off the coast. Anywhere off the coast (other than airfields/barracks) is immeasurably safer. Here's a tip I give to all newcomers: 1. Once spawned on the coast, head inland. 2.If you hit A) A road before hitting a railroad, you are most likely on the east coast or B) the railroad before a road you are most likely on the south coast. 3. You can also use the sun/stars as an indicator once you figure out which coast you are on to maintain your bearings. I'm pretty sure you can figure out where to go from there.
  2. imagelesskjc

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    Heh, funny. Older members of the forum felt the same way when IGN, Roosterteeth, and other news organizations started publishing articles that catered to the console/COD/FPS crowd. Other than an increase of bitchery from new players who "don't like being killed", or who think "this is too hard", not much else has changed here, or on the servers.
  3. Well done Legacy, well done.
  4. You should be able to run it, but nowhere near the highest settings.
  5. 4 or 5, but if you want to count how many those recruited as well, it'd be in the 20's.
  6. imagelesskjc

    What we can learn from a groundhog

    Huh, so we can learn more from them than just the weather patterns? Who would have thunk it? :D
  7. imagelesskjc

    Day Z for Arma 3

    ARMA III has no release date set, but I'm pretty sure it is coming out next year. Possibly Q 1 or 2.
  8. imagelesskjc

    Longest survival?

    My longest survivor was 38 days. My current is about a week.
  9. imagelesskjc

    The 'Name and Shame' + Bounty Hunting thread.

    Sure, sure... "Accidentally" :P
  10. imagelesskjc

    The 'Name and Shame' + Bounty Hunting thread.

    I'd like to throw my name on the list. Longest Time Survived: 38 DayZ Current murders: 36 Last location of murder: Novy Sobor Reward: M249, PDW, DMR, Full Toolbelt, Coyote Elite Backpack, or whatever other crap I have on me. Happy hunting survivors, stay safe :P
  11. imagelesskjc


    Buy Operation Arrowhead, then use ARMA II Free. He will have low resolution textures, but he can still play the game just fine.
  12. imagelesskjc

    F*CK all the players!

    Sounds like something I would do... OH WAIT! I did.
  13. imagelesskjc

    Day Z for Arma 3

  14. I understand that. There has been a huge increase of new players in the past few weeks who have seen footage of the older versions and are expecting it be just like that. I'm not saying this directly at you, but what I've noticed is that these newer players just don't understand how to complete the first initial stages of survival. Rather than adjusting their playstyle they tend to think that its just a broken game . It starts off being hard, but as you survive longer it gets easier and you might get a better understanding of why there has been so many changes to the first few hours of gameplay. Also don't forget, there is a replacement for sidechat currently being developed. I'm willing to bet my money on a radio.
  15. imagelesskjc

    Is Survival enough of a goal?

    The fun factor with this game' date=' like other sandbox style games, is that you can do whatever you want. Survival, albeit a core part of the gameplay, shouldn't be your overlying goal. Look on these forums, there are a ton of groups that enjoy roleplaying. Try taking survivors hostage or robbing them. Find a car, repair it, and drive around the countryside playing Sweet Home Alabama. Be a crazy homeless guy throwing JD bottles at everyone you see. You are the one that sets the goals, not the game. [img']http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs5/2084577_o.gif
  16. imagelesskjc

    Tier Items

    Yep. All firehouses have the same spot rate. All supermarkets have the same spawnrate as well. Take a look at this for more information http://picacid.com/arma2/loot_en.html
  17. imagelesskjc

    Tier Items

    All of the airfield hangars/ATC towers have the same chance to spawn the same items.
  18. imagelesskjc

    Question about downloading Day-z

    Yep! Actually all you need is OA and ArmA II Free, you'll just have lower resolutions.