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Everything posted by imagelesskjc

  1. imagelesskjc

    Does Arma2 require ram?

    Actually, you are in luck. No RAM is required to play ARMA, go ahead and take those 2Gb out since they are probably hindering your performance.
  2. I recently watched Rocket's with GassyMexican, and it really got me thinking about how much I'd be willing to pay for a standalone DayZ. I understand that a full release is a bit out on the horizon, but I'm curious to see what the community thinks.Now I'm hoping that others understand that this game requires a main server that stores all the information for characters (from my understanding). Running this server is going to cost money in the long run, so there needs to be a simple way of compensating for it. How much would you be willing to pay for a full DayZ game? Would you be willing to buy cosmetic items for your characters, (skins, hats, etc.)? (Rocket's Idea!) "Base price set very low. Pay what you think it's worth, if you think it's worth more, pay more." (Time Glitch's Idea!) Paying a small amount for Alpha, larger amount upon full release. (Thygerrr's Idea!) Paying per life in combination with another pay method Do you have some other awesome-never-heard-of-before payment scheme? (Edit: I was also hoping to not make this a debate, just your initial reaction to how much you are willing to pay. As a consumer you have to make decisions on your own purchases, so your initial reaction is important!) (Edit 2: I'll include any other payment options suggested in this thread, or ones I think up of randomly to this post.)
  3. I guess someone has to bite the bullet... A sandbox game is developed with the player in mind in an attempt to create an experience that has features that the player can utilize to make his/her own decisions. Having PvE is not a required component of a sandbox, it is a feature designed for a specific user experience. In this case, the intended experience is focused on player interaction.
  4. imagelesskjc

    Cant get onto any servers.

    You need the ARMA beta patch
  5. imagelesskjc

    Mountain Dew??

    I'll trade three sets of NVG's for one Dew. Gotta' have my fix man :P
  6. imagelesskjc

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    M107 and nightvision in the same trip. This was back in late May, I haven't had that good of a drop since :-/
  7. imagelesskjc

    M14 vs DMR

    :dodgy: I prefer the DMR because it fits my play play style. It provides the lesser amount of risk, with the same gain.
  8. imagelesskjc

    I love the PVP, but hate the zombies.

    I know what you mean, those pesky zombies can be a hassle and distract me from my killing of other players. But you are in luck! There is a gametype out that is basically DayZ without zombies! Trying playing Tonic's Wasteland. No download or special mod is required, just as long as you have Operation Arrowhead and an internet connection!
  9. imagelesskjc

    building explosion in cherno

    If a building takes enough damage it can collapse. Bullets, grenades, AT4's, hell even infected have been known to collapse them.
  10. imagelesskjc

    Are there bigger plans for DayZ

    There's a large roadmap that I'm assuming is being drawn behind closed doors. For now, we are the guinea pigs being thrown on the road. Sometimes we get ran over, other times we make it to the next checkpoint.
  11. imagelesskjc

    Heli sound?

    Maybe the helicopter is actually inside your head. When your friend came by, he heard it coming from there.
  12. imagelesskjc

    In-game mic chat?

  13. imagelesskjc

    In-game mic chat?

    In game chat works, sidechat has been removed so you shouldn't have to worry about being kicked.
  14. imagelesskjc

    Anti-game...say huh?

    From my understanding an Anti-game goes against the traditional embodiment and characteristics of a game. Its genre breaking, and atypical. For example, EVE online is the anti-game to other MMO's. It redefined what an MMO could be, and introduced new gaming elements that were unprecedented. (I.E. The way skills train, player interaction and sandbox, unsharded universe etc.) It doesn't mean that they have to be hard games (Although EVE/DayZ are much harder than others in their respective "genres"), they just goes against values that people have taken for granted. (Edit- Maybe being atypical is just what makes them hard, seeing as we as gamers aren't used to them?)
  15. imagelesskjc

    Guide for M203 leafsight use?

    I believe each notch is 50 meters, at least it is in ACE.
  16. imagelesskjc

    Video Card

    Do you know what type of X2 processor? Some of them are almost a decade old...
  17. imagelesskjc

    Anti-game...say huh?

    Some people find the portions of the game that you might consider "unfun", as fun. You see red, I see blue. You see crap, I see art. You don't get it, we do. It doesn't mean you or I are lesser because of it, we just have different definitions of enjoyment.
  18. imagelesskjc

    please ad kill rewards on the game

    I've never seen such an obvious troll in all of my life...
  19. imagelesskjc

    Video Card

    With that budget you probably won't see a ton of improvements around performance. I don't know much about Radeon cards around that price range, but an NVidia GTS 450 might be within your budget. The GTS 450 costs about $100 USD, or about $120 NZD. Here is a video of ARMA 2 running on it: But also note, ARMA is mostly CPU dependent. Although your graphics card is outdated, you may not see a dramatic improvement because of this.
  20. imagelesskjc

    Video Card

    #1 How much are you willing to spend?
  21. imagelesskjc

    Hacking is out of control

    I'll step in here... I've logged several hundred hours in game since Day Z was released several months ago. At one point or another I've held just about every weapon and variant. I've not once encountered a hacker. So I'll just dismiss your input. Are there hackers? Sure, I've seen the videos and player complaints. Is it rampant? Hardly. Let me offer some advice, you don't know anyone here, how much they've played, or how they play. Pop a couple of chill pills, stop playing for a couple of days... whatever. Just check your attitude.
  22. imagelesskjc

    Bohemia Interactive Sale!

    I'm posting this here for all new players that are interested in buying this game! Currently Bohemia Interactive is having a 25% off sale on their website where you can even buy steam copies of ARMA CO. https://store.bistudio.com/ I hope this helps new players who are tight on a budget!
  23. Excuse some copy and paste from my posts today, but I believe they apply in this thread. Forum members griping about new players, here's something some might not know... Older members of the forum felt the same way when IGN, Roosterteeth, and other news organizations started publishing articles that catered to the console/COD/FPS crowd. Other than an increase of bitchery from new players who "don't like being killed", or who think "this is too hard", not much else has changed here, or on the servers. It will take some time for them to catch up to speed, but once they get there they will either fizzle out, or be madly addicted to DayZ. Here's a tip I give to all newcomers: 1. Once spawned on the coast, head inland. 2.If you hit A) A road before hitting a railroad, you are most likely on the east coast or B) the railroad before a road you are most likely on the south coast. 3. You can also use the sun/stars as an indicator once you figure out which coast you are on to maintain your bearings. Getting off the coast and heading inland is considered safer, but the coast is a good place for you to learn the basics of survival, its harder there at first, but you learn the most important lesson. Don't get attached to your stuff, you will die eventually. (Edit-- Holy Run-on sentence Batman!)