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Everything posted by kraun

  1. kraun

    How to revive a unconscious player.

    Seems saline is the "fix all" in the current version (par bandage / rags ofc), untill they ramp up the delivery of items into the loot tables
  2. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153994-early-access-important-information-known-issues/ There's this thing called "a brain", gotta love people who don't know how to use it.
  3. kraun

    Silly Crippled me!

    AK kobra'd 3 from a posse of 5 in Stary, then legged it to Kabanino cuz i was getting thirsty and had nothing to drink.
  4. It's easy enough, when they got a 7.62 between the eyes.
  5. respawn untill you hit either cherno or elektro, leg it for pillage, if phat loot, cool story bro, if not, pull a train on someone camping the hills nearby.
  6. kraun

    Payback is a bitch,huh?

    Stool bory, cro.
  7. kraun

    What Makes You Kill Or Not?

    everyone not in our mumble is KOS
  8. kraun

    I'm A New Player

    Avoid Cherno, Elektro and NW airfield like the plague, they're riddled with dimwits
  9. kraun

    Struggling to find food or weapons

    Zombies drop soda and food pretty often, beyond that, your best bet is to hit a grocery, they're usually littered with canned goods. The airfield is pretty much the worst place to be hanging about, since it's frequented too often on any server, hit the northern towns for grocery stores and big houses for general weapons etc.
  10. kraun

    Stuck on "walk"

    press 0 on numpad, that should enable shift / run again, dunno why, but it disables it sometimes
  11. wheel button also works for the scroll menu selection = no more accidental fires / flares / whatnots