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About numerics

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. numerics


    lol @ "where im?" but ya, here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2536 is a great detailed map
  2. if i remember correctly, there is a decay timer on items dropped.
  3. no, because every time you log back and forth between servers, the rejoin abuse protection would take effect, where you'd lay incapacitated and vulnerable for 12 minutes each time you log on.. unless you'd be willing to wait that long.
  4. numerics

    New symbol in the GUI?

    It's actually a bong, the more your character smokes, the more red it gets. Just people mistake it for a thermometer.
  5. They are server-bound (both) and do not travel with you across servers, and no, neither disappear when you logout, they stay where you leave them, and anyone can access them, so hide your tents/cars.
  6. then yea, you need to buy it for your account or use his, but he has to have A2 vanilla and OA for it to work. But i'm sure you'd rather just play on your own account, so just buy A2.
  7. depends, is it on steam or elsewhere?
  8. numerics

    MERGED: Power station/grid

    yea... no thanks, i'd rather just hop servers than have to try and find a nuke shelter only for someone else to shoot me as i approach it. edit: btw, I do like the crafting Idea, because finding ammo is hard enough as it is especially considering it is random. but.. everything else.
  9. numerics

    MERGED: Power station/grid

    You know, you should probably just make your own mod since you seem to have this all figured out. All of these 'would have to's' and 'would need to's' really put a downer on lone wolf players, solo players, and players that prefer to be alone or don't have many friends to play with as it is. This world being persistent is one of the biggest features of this mod, to end it by nuking the whole damned map is dumb, if it got to that point, i'd log out and go to another server that doesn't have the 'nuke sequence activated' and continue playing so i'd avoid getting my gear turned into ash, or log out and wait for it to be done, and log back in.
  10. numerics

    Dance script in DayZ

    Here's Tonic doing the Slenderman dance.
  11. numerics

    MERGED: Power station/grid

    lol i'm sorry, but the majority of these ideas are really bad. especially #6 (an exit out of the game).. #3 just pisses me off with the idea of having a BMP active in-game #3(1) artillery would be derp, because you know it isn't always going to be used on bandits and zeds all lawfully.. i bet the majority of the time people will aim it at elektro, chernogorsk, and balota. did you realized your listing format is all messed up? like it goes: 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 6. 5. 6.
  12. numerics

    Happy Birthday Rocket

    Enjoy your cake.
  13. numerics

    Tool Box?

    you can right click the box, open it, and equip the wrench or screwdriver, and use it as a melee weapon.
  14. Yuh, a bit.. but whatever, live and let live.