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Son of Liberty

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Everything posted by Son of Liberty

  1. Son of Liberty

    Day Z Videos

    Artifacts? Bitch please. http://youtu.be/gLaROoDM1v4
  2. Son of Liberty

    DayZ Stories

    I just shot two guys on ES1 with my M4 on the coast from a pretty safe distance (inside a tree with ghillie suit). There is no way you guys could have seen me. I really admire that you didn't disconnect since you had plenty of time to ALT+F4 (it took me 30 rounds to take you both down). You had some solid gear. I only took the toolbox and beanz. I'm really sorry!
  3. Son of Liberty

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    I just tried if it's possible to duplicate my stuff by putting them into a tent, saving the tent, picking up the stuff again, then logging out and back in. It worked.
  4. Son of Liberty

    Battleye's a joke...

    I was playing on ES1 as a retarded script kiddie teleported everyone on the server to the NW Airfield (I was just looting Krasnostav). At least BattleEye kicked us out of the server early enough before this son of a b*tch had a chance to kill me.
  5. Son of Liberty

    [VIDEO] Trololo Axe Murder Attempt

    I was tempted to troll around a bit after I died with some nice gear. A buddy decided to join me. Inspired from the seaweed monster videos I installed a voice changer. You can even play music with it! As you will see, I completely screwed up. :lol: First i axed my buddy due to a lag, then my victim picks up an AK and shoots us both.
  6. Son of Liberty

    [VIDEO] Trololo Axe Murder Attempt

    It's called MorphVOX Pro. But it's only a trial version.
  7. Son of Liberty

    Kidnapping on DayZ

    We first had a barrel of a gun permanently pointed at our heads. They stopped handling us that strictly after we did not shoot at them with the rifles they gave us. My buddy was very tempted to shoot them all in the back for the epic lewts as they kept being very negligent. It would have been the best f**king loot for us yet. (I still have the M14 with lots of ammo :D)
  8. Son of Liberty

    Kidnapping on DayZ

    Haha. Nice to hear you guys talking about us having the perfect chance to kill you. We came to the exact same topic at one point. Thanks for this priceless experience. :lol:
  9. Son of Liberty

    [VIDEO] We have been kidnapped

    Yesterday I played some DayZ with my buddies, as all of a sudden some crazy people kidnapped two of us. :D Unfortunetely I turned on Fraps too late and couldn't record the very first situations. Afaik these guys also were recording. I hope they post it here sometime.. maybe.
  10. Son of Liberty

    [VIDEO] We have been kidnapped

    I add them later maybe. But Testificate is right, it's not that important. Basically we were talking about killing them from behind and why it's better not to do this. :D
  11. I also spawned in the middle of nowhere outside the map. Name: Son of Liberty Player ID: 24578758 Thanks for your efforts. //edit: Nevermind, I just hit respawn.
  12. Son of Liberty

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    No, it's not about becoming what I hate. For example, there is no point in approaching a Terrorist as a Counterterrorist and shout "FRIENDLY!". You will die, and you probably don't want to make the same mistake over and over again. It's pointless.
  13. Son of Liberty

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    :D Seriously. The main reason people in real life don't permanently kill each other is the missing benefit of doing it. There is a high risk of being sentenced to jail or even to death. In other words: All your progress would be lost! We don't wanna screw up our entire life for one single mistake. Besides that, we would feel horrible. In an apocalypse, things are totally different. In every society there is 5% which have absolutely no conscience. The others (the good ones) will make excuses for being a cold blooded killer. When people have nothing to lose they lose it. This is why DayZ is a deathmatch game, even if it's not labeled as such.
  14. Son of Liberty

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    Is the owner of the wallet going to shoot you on sight when you're about to return the wallet to him? I guess not.
  15. Son of Liberty

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    Yeah I guess everyone is gaining different experiences. It took me several weeks to realise being friendly doesn't work at all. It's a decision based on the individual learning process. It's just how this game rewards you as a friendly player: with bullets in your head. This is why im gonna try to be like those two crazy guys throwing grenades and shooting with badass weapons at my completely unarmed character in northern Cherno. ;) Ruining other's gaming experiences must be so much fun.
  16. Son of Liberty

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    I'm playing DayZ for a few weeks now and i didn't run into ONE SINGLE friendly player (except of the unarmed ones of course). Everyone just starts shooting as soon as they see another fellow survivor. Well, one time I was being backstabbed, which is kinda awesome. But mostly it's just 'shoot on sight'. It's getting ridiculous but I'm gonna get rid of my friendly behavior and start being a dick like everyone else. Get it on, motherfuckers.
  17. Son of Liberty

    1.7.2 Ghillie Suit Issues Abundant

    I just lost everything inside my inventory after equipping with the ghillie suit.. along with the ghillie suit.
  18. Son of Liberty

    Spawning at coast after update to 1.7.2

    This is where I spawned..
  19. Son of Liberty

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Well, shit.
  20. Son of Liberty

    Shot on site >:/

    You were shot on sight! Not on site! Regards.