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About oldenworld

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. oldenworld

    No 'Other Profiles' folder?

  2. oldenworld

    No 'Other Profiles' folder?

  3. oldenworld

    No 'Other Profiles' folder?

    Taken from here: http://www.dayztv.com/standalone/dayz-performance-guide-crash-fix/ C:\Users\yourname\Documents\DayZ Other Profiles\your dayz profile name\your dayz profile name.DayZProfile and set the following options : mouseSmoothing=0 - This should help sort out mouse accelerationsceneComplexity=150000 - This number affects your object details.shadowZDistance=100 - This is the distance at which shadows are drawn.viewDistance=1600 – This number affects the distance view (trees, grass etc…).preferredObjectViewDistance=1000 - This number affects the distance in meters that the objects will be drawn.
  4. oldenworld

    No 'Other Profiles' folder?

    They're not, the optimization is specifically in the other folder.
  5. Hey guys, I'm trying to make DayZ run smoother, but I don't have a 'DayZ Other Profiles' folder in My Documents. I recently upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8, but there doesn't seem to be that folder in My Documents. There's the standard DayZ folder, but not the other one. Any help would be muchly appreciated. Thanks.
  6. oldenworld

    Best DayZ Day in Months?

    Good stories brahmin
  7. Reupload without the 'song' please, it's so shit.
  8. oldenworld

    Looking for company

    Hey there, would be great to play. I know a number of decent Private Hives, add toml.1993 on Skype :) Oh, and that's not me in the picture ^^
  9. oldenworld

    Looking for more younger players.

    I think you're a groomer.
  10. Hey what's up. I'm looking to either partner up with someone, or be part of a small team. I usually lone-wolf, but occasionally play with people I encounter in-game or from this Forum. I haven't really found someone yet who I play with regularly, though I would like to do so. A bit about me: 19 years old From the UK I have a microphone Use Skype/TeamSpeak to communicate I frequent a Finland Private-Hive server. Lots of players speak English, the ping is great, and it has a decent amount of players. Add me on Skype: toml.1993 Steam (Oh, and that's not my real photo xD): http://steamcommunity.com/id/OldWorldYall I'm online all the time, so I look forward to playing!
  11. Add me on Skype - toml.1993 I stick to Chernarus, though.
  12. oldenworld

    Looking for DayZ team

    Don't play with Reverence unless you want to play with a rude, ignorant, power-hungry American 14 year-old asshole.
  13. I'm just waitin' for a mate.