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About TomIsTaken

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    On the Coast

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  1. TomIsTaken

    What exactly is Lingor Island ?

    With the rampage of hackers + recent graphical bugs (which still remain unfixed by BI on the Arma side) make normal dayz risky and unplayable. Private Lingor servers are a great way to play in a hacker-free environment and the admins are almost always friendly. If only there were more servers. Playing a new map was like learning dayz all over again! Awesome experience.
  2. Nah that's definitely not any of the SIX Updater utilities' date=' if anything it downloads.Perhaps monitor the throughput with the Resource Monitor, available in The Task Manager, Performance tab. [hr'] 500 MB is rather excessive, 200 MB should be max at normal operation.Perhaps a memory leak, will need to investigate, but have not been able to reproduce such high usages yet. Did you find any pattern, reproduction steps to achieve these levels? Is it when performing several actions, or rather just when letting it run? Does it go down automatically, after any action, or rather only after restarting the app? Thanks Ah alright just checking, I went from only having used 10gb of data (uploading videos) to 120-150 which struck me as very strange.. I'll try to find any patterns and get back to you, I typically only check task manager when I need to control+alt+delete to get out of a stuck load on OA.
  3. Please specify' date=' What is an awful lot of memory, and what are huge spike in data usage?Retrieving all the gamespy info etc, and of course updating mods costs data. The new build suspends sync operations by default while the game is running, which should reduce data usage and lag while in game etc. [/quote'] I'm talking 120gb of UPLOAD out of all things.. it seems strange the only thing that has changed in my usage is playing DayZ and running the Sixlauncher.. Also memory, its using anywhere from 100-500MB or RAM..
  4. TomIsTaken

    New Zombie Models

    I personally think the skins would need to be like a ravaged skin of the player models. How much would that scare the f**k out of you to turn around and see a civie standing there or prone? A lot of new players would freak out.
  5. Hey I'm curious does the launcher by any chance have a high flow of data? it uses an awful lot of memory and I've seen a huge spike in data usage since I got it..