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Everything posted by disorder

  1. Basically as it says in the title, any items you lose in the water you have a chance of the items respawning along the coast approx 100-200m from where you lost it
  2. disorder

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    if there is a cooldown, people will just die to respawn, since respawn kills you anyway.
  3. disorder

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    Ok, maybe not a specific location. But approxmate area. so you could get the choice of all the compass directions and then get given a random spawn roughly in that direction. NESW > Choose N get put in the upper half of the map. Choose SE, get put in the lower right corner and so on.
  4. disorder

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    I mean fixed lives. someone suggested having only 3 I was replying to that. Quote isn't working for me, and neither is quick edit.
  5. disorder

    Lost items washing onto shore

    Well I said water, so that means rivers too and replace coast with river banks. the idea can apply to any water you have to go in. Also the reason why people don't go in the ocean is because you lose your stuff, but it is a good way to lose zombies if you haven't got anything to lose.
  6. disorder

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    So we're going for even more unrealistic ideas then? :P nah, lives is the wrong way to go. If you want to do something 'regenerating' just make blood slowly heal itself. 1 point per 10 minutes or something.
  7. disorder

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    Well not everyone is stupid enough that they keep spawning in a contested area? At least if you get shot, you get to choose another potentially safer area.
  8. disorder

    Why zombies shouldnt be able to break bones

    well depends on the zombie, i think the crawling and hopping ones should be able to do it, they are at a disadvantage anyway, but to balance they should reduce the sound made by crawling ones, so they get to sneak up on you.
  9. disorder

    Infected Aggro Radius

    Its definitely bugged, had them aggro while I was lying down and motionless. One went nuts and headed towards me, stopped nearby then walked back in the other direction.. As soon as I made one movement, the same one re-aggro'd and I ended up being chased by another +4 out of the area I was in until I got them to stop. Oh yeah, and about 12 on me when I was near cherno trying to get out.
  10. disorder

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    Why don't they include a spawn menu to let people choose where they spawn? It's not that hard.
  11. disorder

    My Beans.. Back off..

    sometime's I wonder what's worse, stupid zombies or jerks.
  12. disorder

    Fuel Pumps Actually Work

    Technically then shouldn't you be able to siphon fuel out of other cars? Would be funny if some clan got a load of vehicles and you steal all their fuel in the night.
  13. you'll want FAT32, for performance and better file allocation.. just sayin ;)
  14. disorder

    Military base

    I really want to see some military soldiers in this mod, just sweeping towns or trying to recapture their own bases.
  15. disorder


    The wiki says they spawn in Chernogorsk and the Airfield far north. But me and a friend have checked out cherno and cannot find any vehicle there at all.
  16. disorder

    Fuel Pumps Actually Work

    I think some fuel pumps can be manually pumped (like water wells), it depends how oldskool the pumps are. The island decor certainly looks like its stuck in 1978.
  17. disorder

    Body Carrying (already in arma2)

    Yea I actually meant the carry body, not drag anyway. Though drag will do if carry only works on living targets (whatever condition) To enable the feature in arma2 LVG, you need to add the module in the editor. I think its called First Aid module or something. You need to sync it to all squad leaders that you want that ability. Try it with one squad of BLUFOR one squad of OPFOR in a nearby town then sync a first aid module to your BLUFOR squad. I think there is another medical module which gives more advanced features. Also from memory the 'Firemans lift' style carry lets you move at a faster pace than dragging.
  18. disorder

    Body Carrying (already in arma2)

    Correct sir
  19. disorder

    Body Carrying (already in arma2)

    I didn't know you can drag unconscious actually. I meant using it on dead bodies and people with broken bones too. Along with animals.
  20. disorder


    Lol I would much rather coem across a fixable c130 cargo plane http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_C-130_Hercules
  21. disorder

    Im a noob. Team Please :D

    yeah you can team with me... nice boots you have there ;)
  22. disorder

    Red Tint when playing.

    oh windows 8? Pass you will have to check both nvidia and microsoft forums for anyone else with the issue. Windows 8 could be just buggy, it is a whole new operating system.
  23. disorder

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    I think the game is sexist, because all the z's are males... not!
  24. disorder

    Red Tint when playing.

    which driver version are running? beta?
  25. disorder

    Zombie glitched through the floor.

    seen 2 half way in the floor, also one spawned on a filling station roof once then fell off