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Everything posted by disorder

  1. disorder

    Green mountain...

    I went there, 6 zombies spawned. I evaded them. There was no loot, or cars. Not bad to make a HQ out of but totally a waste of time to loot.
  2. disorder

    The REAL cause of greif

    This is the only time where I'm constantly forced to keep looking over my shoulders, it makes you more aware and focused.
  3. However I don't think blood should be given to self. I have a different idea that involves better food I will post it in another topic.
  4. You'll get a lot of that here. Especially people going "NO!" because they think their opinion is somehow the end of a discussion because they say so, even though in reality that's what most of their parents said when they were conceived.
  5. I have lost a couple by just losing visual sight around a wall then switching to crouch and they give up. Also running through a forest and weaving between trees.
  6. disorder

    Snipers ........its kinda like this.

    Lol. funny vid
  7. Could the dev please consider activating the body carrying mechanic from the medical modules in the original arma2? For those that don't play the main game, there is a system for activating medical healing, body carrying and dragging via the editor. I thought it would be cool to help get buds out of danger zones and taking your kill somewhere you can loot safely. Obviously the carry system only works on players, but it might be possible to use attachObject command to drag along an animal. Would to people think?
  8. I had similar ideas so I will post them here. 1. The ability to seal a door to prevent access by people or zombies for a fixed length of time. A barricade item can be added reinforce the door, the barricade is made of wood and so will eventually be worn down. Crowbars can be then used to force a door to open. The door breaking makes noise and takes time obviously. I'd say 5 mins to both prepare and destroy. 2. Car repair bonus. Adds to the speed one can replace car part's, especially wheels.
  9. number # 2 is the fault of the ARMA2 game itself, I wish people would stop suggesting things that are far outside of one person working on a mod. I know lets add super flying battle robots with jetengines for feet, and they can transform into giant primates! YAY! hehehe
  10. I'm still playing 94444, it works.
  11. disorder

    Switching Between Rifles and Handguns

    yeah it defaults to ; (colon/semicolon) for me, also @ key is sit down and # is salute I think. ( this is on UK keyboard)
  12. disorder

    Just, wow.

    oh that's quite a good one, might replace the other map I use.
  13. I'm on steam as disorder http://steamcommunity.com/id/xDisordeRx
  14. disorder

    Zombie Soldiers

    So I've been wondering, why are there loads of shot up military vehicles if the military were are the only ones with guns? Did the zombies take up arms (and by that I mean weapons, not arms that just fell off) or did the mil get infected and shoot each other? If they did get infected, why aren't there military zombies with guns, like the ones in STALKER? Would you think a zombie randomly taking pot shots at you among the other chaos is a good idea?
  15. disorder

    Zombie Soldiers

    Dr621 look at dibbz' suggestion, that is a way around the issue of "thinking" zombies.
  16. disorder

    Just, wow.

    Best tip for that is refer to the map dayzmap.info and then find only buildings which have a door open or windows you can see inside. Hold right mouse to zoom in to give you a better look. You can also find loot in outhouses and lean-to sheds.
  17. disorder

    Zombie Soldiers

    Yeah something like that would be quite cool, even if you have the random shooting of zombies in between him and you. Likewise it would also make a noise and follow similar Z attraction rules.
  18. disorder

    Zombie Soldiers

    Ok and this is what rocket has specifically said somewhere right? Ok, so they might not be able to hold anything perhaps? What about ones with personal sidearms? I think it would be nice to occasionally find a pistol on a soldier zombie's belt. Add to that a whole load of things they might use in the military like a chance to find a stack of 3 ammo (in belt bag) or a chance to find medical equipment/bandage.
  19. disorder

    Why does my HUD not fit?

    Must be to do with that particular resolution. Not sure what though, sorry.
  20. disorder

    Why does my HUD not fit?

    Click on Video Settings>Advanced button at the bottom, then its 2nd down on the right in the new advanced section. It says "interface size" But what you describe, I'm not sure it will work.
  21. disorder

    Why does my HUD not fit?

    In the options there us HUD scale, try setting it to normal or higher.
  22. disorder

    What did i do wrong??

    did you click on the options button in the launcher thingy, its down near the bottom left. in there set up all your folders.
  23. disorder

    Lone wolf, into Pack runner

    Did you play the arma2 game first or jump right into DayZ, because a lot of people do that and I recommend getting a dose of military action too. It certainly helps anyway.
  24. If only all this running translated into real exercise. I would be buff and not have a totally fat arse.
  25. disorder

    Day Z Urban Legends

    "Any time.." (if you got that reference well done, you're not an idiot)