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Everything posted by disorder

  1. disorder pvp nerfing and opinable changes

    Yeah I Agree with this, totally stupid changes. Something I have been trying to address http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/143925-melee-is-now-pointless/
  2. disorder

    Melee is now Pointless

    It no longer has any potential, because I don't want to do it. Why would I want to die using a feature that is supposed to increase my survival chances? Also it's not just an opinion, its simple logic friend. Think of it like this. Melee is supposed to be silent kill, the silence is there to not draw attention to myself.. I would therefore use it when I wanted to live. and you know, not die.
  3. disorder

    Melee is now Pointless

    It's worded fine, because now melee really is pointless. I found a machete today, so I try it out and got infected after 2 hits. How is that any fun to play melee? It makes me not want to do any melee but instead run away. If all I am doing is running away, why did I pick up a machete and waste backpack space on it? Why not take melee weapons out and let us run away until we get a gun. Don't give us a lollypop and then say "if you lick it, you die"
  4. disorder

    Melee is now Pointless

    Since the rate of infection is so high, melee is pointless.. yes.. you got it.
  5. disorder

    Melee is now Pointless

    Yeah then they turn around and attack you. Then another 4 turn up. It's not that melee is pointless of itself, its that melee is pointless with infection. Do you even read posts or just the title then jump to conclusions?
  6. disorder

    Why its better to stay at

    Every single release has needed a hotfix. always wait for the final before judging
  7. disorder

    Brick's 1.7.7 Review

    He's showing signs of infection, quick kill him! haha
  8. This is a logical fallacy, it doesn't stop you making educated guesses. The Argument from Ignorance is when something is unknown to you, therefore it must be unknown to everyone.
  9. disorder

    We Need That Update.

    regeneration system? so my idea then :P
  10. disorder

    Why are people so hostile???

    No I'm not, screw you :rolleyes: kidding
  11. disorder

    How much will stand alone cost?

    Just your soul.
  12. disorder

    Prevent DDOS ?

    Its probably not a DDOS, more a ping flood which happens with multiple fast connections. Turn off ping flood protection in your router if its listed. Most actual DDOS's are detrimental to the whole network and can be blocked by your ISP if you request it, give their tech support a call and see if anything shows up their end.
  13. disorder

    Dayz Microstuddering

    SLi and crossfire are prone to stuttering in some games, its a known problem. Try 1 card on its own. Just noticed you said laptop though, so not sure if you can even take 1 out. Also only a 5400 rpm drive will be a bit slower than normal, leading to loading pauses on large amounts of data.
  14. disorder

    Poll: Remove Blood Bags From Mod

    I put rare spawn. Also I think there should be different sizes. Maybe the smaller ones 3k ish spawn the same as now, full health ones about 1/10th of the current time.
  15. Everything is carried over on all public hive servers. It is all the same as long as you stay on public All private servers are individual, each one is a different character.
  16. disorder

    7970 + i5 3570k = still low fps..

    Make sure memory setting is on "default" Full screen AA is off. Post processing, off or minimal. View distance under 2500 Both the resolutions should be set to the same at native res
  17. You mean an M1 Garand or Mosin Nagant? Would be cool to see some old legacy weapons, even a luger would be really ace.
  18. Just make it a good game, no matter about time. Fed up with the rush jobs and the day 1 patches
  19. The internet was invented for complaining. Oh and cute cat pics.
  20. disorder

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Things are getting a bit too .. gay.. lets boost the female aspect and get some photoshopped pics of heads on women with great cans.
  21. disorder

    Just saw Rocket again.

  22. disorder

    How do you remove windows 7 as your os?

    That is impossible, never heard of windows not finding the dvd drive Well you could try installing from USB, get a 4gb+ USB stick, then format to fat32 and put the windows install files on there. Make sure the USB drive is set to boot first.
  23. Same as me, restriction 34 or whatever. Been kicked for a number of random bugs. But not banned and never by BE
  24. disorder

    How do you remove windows 7 as your os?

    You can't uninstall windows from within windows anyway, you can overwrite it with another copy from the install dvd though. do you only have 1 hdd or more? Also don't just remove all your partitions as PK Richie says unless you have backed up all important items first. Only remove empty and new partitions.
  25. Therapist isn't exactly 'ni**er', not sure why they would kick for that name. It's not that offensive.